24. Nobody is perfect

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POV: Aisha

The morning following the accident dragged by, but before the diner party or the tea party could start, I was yet again put on kitchen duty, deliberately taking care of the onions in case I had a moment, which I sincerely hoped didn't happen.

Faced with the amount of dishes and people mobilized in the kitchen I would have believed it if someone told me a hundred nobles would be here. The recipes used were of a wide range, going from exotic meals to traditional foods, however, all remained remotely 'simple' because of Temur's financial status.

I am currently in charge of chopping the onions into slices for a rich meal from Pieyram, the person next to me was chopping carrots and the person after stirring the ingredients.
There was lively chatter in the kitchen and if Chriselda hadn't been on duty with the Lady then I probably would've been talking to her.

People were bustling around and being as quick as possible with their tasks but all mouvement stopped when the doors swung open and the lady in-trusted with us came through, a look of slight nervousness on her mostly covered features. She interrupted any cutting or cooking with that look that seemed to give off a bad news.

-Everyone. To the ball room. The Master wants to talk to you all.

Emotion ran wild and every girl stationed hurried out, myself included, dangerous thoughts overwhelming me. Did they find they body? They probably did, if so did they find out something?

The stream of people grew when other groups of servants joined and I start wondering to what extent this affair went. Surely the man couldn't have been an esteemed guest, he seemed to humble for that.

The doors that were probably as imposing as the inside of the room open and the torrents of people flood in, causing me to find myself in a rather right position between two strangers in the front lines of the assembly.
The room surely didn't equate to the magnificence of the emperor's but it still has its charm despite the small importance of Temur's income.
There was a pair of stairs that led up to a sort of platform where currently stood a lean man with hair that had long gone grey, his clothes, posture and expression told me all I needed to know:
he was the Lord of Temur.

I try folding onto myself in hope to seem more discreet but if anything it made me stand out more: at least half the servants had come to the same conclusion as I and were remaining straight as sticks. However, the elderly man didn't seem to pay mind to our lack of recognition and just kept on talking to a person next to him that I hadn't noticed yet. He was the opposite of Lord Temur with his bent back and lack of manners, that's when I recognize him and feel the need to shrink even more. Why of all people did it have to be him?

Frickin'  'lord' Admir.

I clench my teeth and try seeking out Kalatril, if Admir recognizes us we are absolutely screwed. My luck with things lately was already quite shity and I refuse to let it deteriorate even more.
It's with this thought in head that Admir turns to the crowd and sets his eyes on me. Seconds ago I told myself that there was no way he could possibly recognize me. I was so wrong, the way his brows lifted slightly and he turned back to Lord Temur to whisper something in his ear, I just knew.

I felt as though time was going by as slow as it could but what happened next was so swift I had trouble controlling my facial expressions.
The man called for order and then sent off the elderly and the young, keeping only our group and Kalatril's.

-Young girl, your name is Diana, yes?

Whom he was addressing to was obvious, his eyes felt like they were the match to set me ablaze, it was as if we were the only two people in the room.

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