21. Temur

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POV: Aisha

During the whole night I kept staring at the high ceiling, unsure of what to think: should I be angry that father would have left me behind, or, happy that he wasn't dead. Maybe.
Ofsgard told me that dad had gone for Temur—the city of thieves—right after the army started the attack. It had taken me time to comprehend such words and I was confused for many reasons. One, dad was maybe still alive. Two, he had left me-a six year old- in the woods all alone. Three, Granny had lied to me, she had said that she had found nothing but the burnt corps of the remaining villagers and had returned them to the earth after a brief ceremony, did she truly not know of the absence of dad? It was impossible not to notice him, he always wore his work clothes- even when eating- and had a shiny badge given to him by the guild of smiths that he wore proudly. I had told her that before she had left for Numea.

When at the stables king Graham handed me and Kalatril some goods for our trip, I found it nearly impossible to maintain a smile. Kalatril questioned if I was alright but instead of giving him the truth I simply told him that it had been hard to sleep in an unfamiliar bed, he seemed to not believe me one bit but refrained from asking more as we were still in company with others.

-..., this is if you happen to find yourself back in Pieyram and this, he hands me over a vial similar to the one I had seen yesterday night, well, he chuckled, I think you know what it is.

I nod my head and stuff the sac of gold coins with a hammer imprinted in them, the ones with the devil horns, some food and the vial containing blue liquid into my satchel beside the Mother Tree's branch.

At my side was a tall-ish horse with a dark main, his name was Festus and Ofsgard had confided him to me when as Kalatril had an other one named Connie. Ofsgard had told us that once we had finished using them we just needed to release them and they would eventually find their way back to Pieyram.

-Have a safe journey, Graham's voice was full of trust and care as he waved us off.

I mount Festus and hear the horse grunt-not used to such weight-, if I were some lady of the court I probably would've been outraged and would ask for Festus' removable, but I wasn't a lady, so instead, I laughed and stroked Festus' main as to reassure him. Don't worry, you'll be back soon. The horse slowly steadies himself and his black irises return to a normal size.
Kalatril, on his side, had a tinsy bit more of a struggle with his horse and I ask myself how on the Continent the poor creature is doing.

-Have you ever even ridden a horse?, I ask.

-Yes, he grips harder onto his ride's hair, in the army, I nodd silently.

-How many times?

-Took them two horses missing to not ever let me ride another, he said, before almost falling over.

I cackle, he really is an animal person, the gods really did mess up the roles.

I wave goodbye to Graham and his council-Oskar was absent-, give a pat on the back to Ofsgard and then head off towards our goal. I admit that this little accident slowed us down but at least we now have rides, I originally didn't want to have some because I was afraid of getting noticed but I guess I'm going to have to do with.


The day goes on quietly at the exception of a few beckoning remarks on Kalatril's side and the clip-clop of the horses hooves. Besides that, I must admit that the border between the Magnos empire and Pieyram was quite nice and relaxing, you can almost forget that a few thousand of meters away the Shadow curse was coming closer.
I chase those thoughts away and think yet again about dad, if there was even a small chance that he may be alive, I would abandon all of this stupid quest and go find him.

But he left you, why would he want to be found again?, the child's voice that was seemingly innocent had a sharp edge and I try not to think about it too much.

Distracted, I only realize Kalatril's gaze on me after a few seconds.

-Say Kalatril, if you knew where your mother were would you go find her?, I ask suddenly.

The second I finished with my sentence the forest seemed to fall silent and all of my senses were focused on Kalatril, his breathing, his eyes and expression, how hard he gripped onto the reins.

-I'm not sure. If anyone would have asked me that a few months ago I wouldn't even pack my bags and I would be on my way, but now, he turns towards me and gives a sad smile, I have a bounty on my head, I have committed numerous ''crimes'' and I have to finish some mission that has nothing to do with me, if I go home I will be nothing but a bother, at least you're here.

A small silence establishes itself and I hum in agreement.

-You found out something about your dad didn't you?

Just as my question had shook him, I feel an uneasiness in my chest.

-I really can't hide anything from you can I?, he shakes his head but keeps his calm and reassuring expression on his face. He didn't die at Numea—he managed to escape—Ofsgard told me.

It's his turn to nodd and he seems to have something in mind.

-Do you know where he went?, he asks.

-Maybe? Ofsgard said he went for Temur but I don't know if he is still there.

He nodded yet again.

-Why don't we check it out?

I choke on my breath and wheeze.

-I'm sorry what?, I knew Kalatril was strange but this?, I didn't see it coming at all.

-Well it's on the way to Wevern and it's not like the gods asked our opinion when they sent us on this suicidal trip. What do you say?

I was so shocked that I wouldn't be surprised if my jaw hit the ground. Very quickly my vision grew blurry and my nose itched.
I flung my arms around Kalatril's neck causing us to almost topple off our horses.
At first he seemed caught off guard but he then proceeded to hug me back, making me realize just what I was doing. I jump back and give a nervous chuckle, feeling my cheeks heat up.

-I'm sorry, I just—thank you, I give him a sincere smile and he gives it back.

-It's normal, it's what friends do, they help each other out.

-Friends?, I ask, curious as to why he would see me as a friend.

-Yes. Friends, he answered, before quickly adding, If you're okay with that of course.

-No, no-I mean-yes? I just-, I take a deep breath much to Kalatril's amusement. That makes me happy. To be your friend.

He smiled even more as if to say 'thanks', and with that, we went back to silent exchanges and neared Temur, my hope seemingly growing at eyes view.

Info since you don't know:
The shadow curse=> a phenomenon that took place right after the extermination of the Minsks, some people say that it's the light gods that want to give us a lesson, others that it's the shadow gods that jumped onto the occasion as soon as the balance of the Continent got damaged. The shadow curse consists in the earth rotting little by little, having swallowed up the Minsks' previous habitat, causing the once beautiful land to turn to ashes and dust. The minions of Luidmila refuge there, basking in the corruption imposed by the curse. A divine shield got made by high mages and wizards to protect the Continent as best as they could. Mages say that in about 500 years the curse would have consumed the Continent.
Hello hello dear readers!
I am pleased to tell you that school seemed easier to get back into this week and so, I think more chapters will come out. I admit, I am slow, but I really do enjoy writing this story and hope that if you are still with me it's because you appreciate it too.

To all the students out there, good luck going back to your school, I hope you had a nice vacation and break from it and are ready to attack!

(1468 words)

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