14. The calm before the storm

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When I wake up that morning, it was to the sound of one or two roosters and the sun had just rose. I'd gone down the stairs quickly whilst making careful that Kalatril wouldn't wake up and breakfast was waiting: some burnt toast, some strange looking herbal tea, eggs and fruit. My mouth watered at the smell of food that wasn't nuts or weird small fish.

-Did you sleep well kiddo?, asked Elizabeth whilst she buttered her toast that was overly burnt.

I nod with a smile. Surprisingly, I didn't feel as uncomfortable as I would be normally at the use of such a choice of words.

Leon and Honora had already sat down next to their mother but it was obvious they hadn't gotten the sleep they needed.

-Pleease mom? Pretty please? Just this once let us off duty!, kept on repeating the little girl.

Eventually, I spoke up. I could help the kids with their chores, it was the least I could do to repay Elizabeth. The two children were so excited that the Honora almost knocked over the water pitch and before i could think about Elizabeth maybe growing suspicious in front of my reflex, I cought it  just before it hit the ground.
Seeing her slightly frowned face after she thanked me, I thought of a possible excuse that would shoo away any doubts she had on me and Kalatril just being normal kids, however, Kalatril came down the stairs at that exact moment and I hope that his reconfirming smile would be enough.

She asked the same question she asked me a little earlier and my friend aswered that he hadn't slept as well in the last few months, bringing our hostess warm smile back on her face.

-I am glad to hear that, sit down and have some toast, same for you Aisha, you should eat healthy food if you want too stay strong.

Kalatril smiled as he sat down but just as Elizabeth was about to hand over two slices of bread, her children stopped her.

-Mom, answer honestly, are you to poison out guests? You can't expect them to eat that, said Honora energetically whilst Leon nodded.

-What are you taking about you monkeys! My bread is perfectly fine!, her feelings seemed hurt and she pouted as soon as she realized how much of a lie what she said was. Honora and Leon looked at her sternly as she finally conceded, Fine, I'm not going to force them into eating it...

I see Kalatril sighing silently in relief and he picked up an apple as I wrinkled my nose in disgust, What a horrible fruit. But my attention redirected towards the lady with light brown hair. I finally pick up the two slices of toast and took a big bite of each. First surprised in front of my behavior, the people at the table sounded worried.

-You know, my feelings aren't that affected, stop being silly and spit it out, the burnt taste will linger for the rest of the morning, trust me when I say that I have experience, although her words were harsh, her eyes had a glint of preoccupation in them.

I smile before swallowing down my food.

-I'm not doing this for your feelings, I'm not soft, I just like burnt toast, the taste is stronger, I answer, sure, part of me doing this had done it to comfort a bit Elizabeth, but I truly did enjoy burnt toast, after all... also my dad wasn't that much of great cook either when it came to toast, I admitted.

My last statement seemed to convince Elizabeth and I could sense that Kalatril's grip on his apple tightened, since I was human and that I lived with elvlins until recently, he can easily deduct that my father isn't in this world anymore. Just evoking him makes me come to hate emperor Blaze even more. It was his fault, all of this was because of him. The reason that I hadn't be given the normal life I crave is that he couldn't stop himself from eradicating his entire family, taking over and going to war to "expand his territory" when actually, it was his urge to murder all creatures non-resembling humans.
I play the famous smiling mask and go on finishing my breakfast.


After that, I helped the cheerful family with their lands along with Kalatril.
In the mornings, I would go with Leon so that we could pick up the eggs in the penthouse, Honora couldn't be trusted with such fragile objects, so, she took care of the horse's and sheep's food.
Later, we'd take our breakfast and take care of all the animals, that seemed rejoiced by my visit every single time. Lunch was after six hours of work and it was pretty simple, we had the rest of the afternoon for gardening.
When we root up some plants in the back garden for the first time, Honora and I were taking when I stated:

-Why are we picking up all of those weeds? Half of them aren't even a bother.

Honora seemed perplexed at what I said but she still answered.

-What people call weeds, mommy calls a remedy!, she'd said.

-A remedy?

-Mmh, after all, she used this plant to make Kalatril's pain ease off from his wound he got with the wild boar. Remember?

That was when I realized that Elizabeth was a drug dealer, however, I wasn't concerned, quite the opposite, it felt good to know how she managed to earn such an honest living.

Diner was a bit fuller than lunch and had meat in it except for Thursday, since that day was sacred.
When night came around, I would discuss normally with Kalatril for a bit on top of the roof before going to sleep.

I lie on my back looking back at the stars in the sky.
Finally, I ask the question I had been holding back for the entire week we spent here.

-Why didn't you tell me about your phobia for blood? I would have understood ya know.

The person I consider as a friend fidgets with his fingers, he knew the question would eventually come up but it still seemed complicated to explain.

-You might be a little bit surprised at this, but..., I could read the hesitation through his eyes, you're not the easiest person to talk about weaknesses with.

I bolt up from my previous position.

-Excuse me!, I scoff loudly, you're speaking nonsense! Life in the countryside must have made you more dense than you usually are.

I cross my arms over my chest and turn my head away, signaling my upsetness but he just chuckles lightly.

-But don't you like it? The quite life we have been going through the last few days?

I don't respond for a moment but then turn my head back to him when he climbed down the wall to get to his room.

-Good night Aisha.

-Good night to you too, and a sorry I called you dense! By the way, I enjoyed the nougat you brought me before a lot..., I finally add.

He chuckles as he sees my cheeks redden a bit from my apology and thanking.

-You're welcome, and I am a bit dense sometimes anyway, so you're not completely at fault.

He then slid through the window and I looked back up at the sky.
I did love the countryside life, the normal life. Why couldn't I have it?
In the middle of the night, I then sent off a prayer to the upper beings.



Sorry for the late update,
Hope you enjoy!

Ps: I'm sooo tired😞)

(1286 words)

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