8. A true friend?

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POV Kalatril:

If there was one thing that disturbed me about Aisha, it was that I had no idea if she was talking and joking with me because she wanted to, or, because she felt like she had to. Since I was a kid, no one would want to play with me, I was the village freak and although mom made sure to fill in the hole in my heart because of my missing dad and no friends, I wished I had some. Even in the army, for a moment, I though that maybe I could make some bonds with some of them, yet again, I was damn wrong. My reputation spoke for me and not in a good way, before the first day went by, everyone in the camp knew about my weirdness. Was I actually making a friend? A true one?
I have my doubts but as soon as Aisha starts taking, I shoo those thoughts away.

-Seriously though, apples? Why are you putting apples on a skewer? And where on this small forest did you find them, oh, right, I remember, you can grow a frickin' tree in just a few minutes!, she screamed sitting next to the cave on the other side of the lake.

I smile and give a scoff. I had cooked diner, not a great one but still, and now I was preparing breakfast but Miss.Aisha apparently couldn't stand apples, especially red ones, which she had repeated tenths of times already.

-If you are so upset, why don't you give us a proper breakfast? I am sure you have some recipes you can bake without meat up your slieve.

She lets out a long, overly loud sigh.

-I wish. Even though I got blessed with the power of the king of the gods, cooking was not added to my skills. If you leave me with food in the stove, you will come back to see the kitchen in flames.

I see her visible exasperation and can't help but give a smirk.

-You would need someone to intrust you something like that first, I say.

-You are not helping!, she protested.

Her cheeks red, she mumbles something out before I can hear her talk using the words 'stupid', 'idiotic' and 'boy'.
Although she was saying all this, she actually wasn't all and all bad, she had just finished peeling 5 apples with a knife without looking at her hands whilst she was doing it. It was quite impressive. The  sharp blade of her knife peeling off the skin of the fruit without wasting any of the juicy parts. It was as if her knife were an extension of her body. I look at the knife, up to this moment, Aisha had kept it safely in its sheeth and hadn't taken it out. It was a beautiful craftsmanship, delicate and efficient. Seeing that she was polishing the point on a rock carefully as well as knowing that her father was a blacksmith clearly indicated me that it must had been his. I lift my eyes to look at Aisha and she sighs.

-Is there a problem?, I ask concerned.

-Oh, it's nothing, really, you don't have to worry, she answers briefly.

-Are you sure? You look a bit tired to me.

She lifts her finger and points it at me with a huge smile spreading on her face.

-That's it! I as tired and bored as a dead rat!, she exclaims.

I nod my head even though she hasn't asked me a question.

-A dead rat can't be tired or bored. It's dead.

-Yeah, yeah, whatever, you understood what I meant, she answers vividly.

Even though she smiles and jokes around, I have an idea of how stressed out she must be, I couldn't blame her, on the contrary, I find it admirable that she is so cold headed. I finally have an idea of what I could do for her.

-You know, about 500 meters from here, there should be a hameau, I could get something to eat from there if you want, money won't be a problem.

She tilts her head slightly and suddenly smiles warmly with her eyes softening up.

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