20. Revieling discussions

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King Graham leads me away from the previous room and conducts me to a quiet garden in which tenths of plants and trees grew in all directions, unlike most nations and empires, Pieyram enjoyed the authenticity of the vegetation's emplacements and didn't place them strategically to give a symmetric view. The old king beside me inhales deeply, his eyes gazing into the starlit sky, I envy him, back to the time before I knew about my destiny I also used to marvel at the star's beauty, now, I could only look at them and silently curse the gods residing on them.

-Don't you find it strange that lately, my nation's reputation on how we treat our prisoners has declined remarkably?, he said, completely out of the blue, Up to this day we are one of the only nations that do not exercise death sentences, however, a few months ago certain information has leaked and I am accused of not staying true to our values installed by our god, Anouk.

I'm aghast even though I am not sure how such blasphemy was spoken against Pieyram, not only was a death penalty never been given but the dwarfs nation was know for its freedom of speech—even their designated god was referred in the holy text as god of freedom— ,why would anyone say such things about this lovely nation? However, even if what king Graham was saying was true, I do not know why he would talk to me about this.

Graham then heads forward, leaving behind him the terrace and advancing in his beautiful garden.

-It surprises me that you have managed to discern my subject's intentions but know that I had the matter already covered, he spoke his words gently, as if talking to a child.

I frown and start walking beside him along the alleys of tall trees.

-Care to elaborate?, I didn't even have to add any frivolous comments to have the old dwarf understand my statement, if there was a way tonight could have proceeded without me having to ridiculise myself I would like to know it.

-Of course, Graham nodded, The first plan was that a servant were to call me for urgent business, the second, that I happen to have hurt my hand before and my cup would slip, and a necessary precaution as a bonus, he reached for the inside of his pocket and pulled out an empty vial, I have already taken the antidote, the effect won't last until tomorrow but it would have stopped me from getting killed.

I arch a brow, I had no idea that there was an antidote for menalit, but if the old dwarf beside me is telling the truth then I want to get my hands on said antidote, myrtar is an extremely painful poison, if you used it in someone then you must really hate them.

-Where could I find this said antidote?, my tone was more authoritative than questioning and I know that if it weren't for my fathers past relationship with king Graham then I would probably be punished.

-Not in any usual market, I have made sure that no one would know about it, but if you really do want one then I would be happy to oblige.

I nod, it was understandable that Graham were to keep this a secret, menalit is one of the biggest weapons in Pieyram—a drop could cause immense pain and even kill someone depending on their size—, if enemies of the dwarf nation were to know about the antidote and how to procure it then Pieyram would lose what their asset allowed them to do: give a slow and painful death, and that, was enough to make anyone tremble with fear.

-Much appreciated your Majesty, I say, giving him my sincere gratitude, However, may I know why on the Continent is the minister of defense not locked away.

In a world where you can't even seem to trust your allies you don't get the luxury of keeping your enemies close.

Graham sighed and took a pause to touch the bark on a tree before resuming to walk along the alleys of gravel.

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