22. Marriage of the lady

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POV: Aisha

When we finally reach the main road leading to the doors of Temur, both Kalatril and I cast an illusionary spell to disguise our appearance and leap off our horses. As soon as our feet hit the ground it seemed as though Festus and Connie understood that their service was over and they sped away.
I look at Kalatril and he looks at me, any hesitation that was in me then dissipates at the view of his smile and he heads towards the gates were two guards were posted. The two guards closely looked at us whilst holding two sheets of yellowish paper before letting us pass.

-Looks like we're getting pretty famous, remarked Kalatril once we were out of earshot.

I hum in agreement before adding something.

-Isn't Temur supposed to be...poorer?, I ask, looking around the animated scenery decorated with colorful flowers and flags. I've already come to Temur once, dad had some unknown business here, I remember how he told me to keep a low profile and how stressed he looked.

-It is. Much, much poorer. Something of importance must be going on, let's ask someone.

I nod again and we head over to an old man on the side that was selling some dried petals in brown boxes.

-Uh, excuse me?,  I ask in a small voice and he snaps his head around, heavy eye bags hanging under his sockets, I shiver as I remember how the seer too had a similar complexion.

-Yes?, his tone was mistrustful and I gulp before regaining my composure and clearing my throat.

-May you be so kind as to tell us what is happening? My brother and I are looking for work and couldn't help but find this place agitated.

At first reluctant, the old man ends up dimming his surveillance.

-Well of course it is, the lady is going to get married, almost every lord from the border will be here. It's the perfect occasion for Temur to regain some esteem in the eyes of nobility, he seemed to take a pause, reflecting on what to say. If you are looking for a job I recommend going to the mansion, they're hiring personnel.

I bow my head a little and grab Kalatril's hand before heading a little uphill, where I could see white rock for the walls, making that 'house' in particular stand out as the rest were in wood and some kind of red-ish bricks.

-Are you sure we should be going up there of all places?, Kalatril hushed, looking  around as to make sure no one would take notice of us.

I stop in my tracks and turn to him, suddenly realizing that acting on impulse was probably not the best option.

-Ok. You're right. We need a story, one that is believable.

-A story?, he seems a little confused but equally curious.

I nod my head.

-Yes. What about the one we used back at Numea? I am Diana and you are my elder brother, we are both aspiring to be storytellers. That would give us a reason to go to a big mansion as such, it would a little laughable but it would be believable. You can be Ben, I speak quickly and low, not allowing my comrade to add something and interrupt me before I finish. Sound good?

-...Sure, just, please don't get into trouble and avoid conflict, okay?, he uses the same tone he did when we were back at Numea.

I nod my head vigorously, glad that he accepted my idea and hadn't questioned it.

We quickly proceed to go up the small hill and near closer and closer to the mansion. With each step we took o realize just how many people are hurrying into the parlor, I doubt all will be taken in and employed at the end of the day. The people bustling around seemed quite desperate for a little food or money, I bet that some are days away from becoming slaves.
I remember that one of the main reasons that father despised Admir was that he was merciless, when one of the villagers at Numea was a few coins short he only thought of how they would now belong to him, sometimes father had enough additional money and he covered for them, sometimes he didn't and wails where heard in the night.

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