25. How to crash a party

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POV: Aisha

...One, two, three.
I dash across the corridor and head straight to the doormitarie's entrance. Destination? The bunch of important stuff under my mattress that I absolutely cannot forget here. There was the Mother tree branch that only kept on growing was a pass to the elves' territory, the remedy against the menalit poison and finally Kipo's jacket- to me that object alone held more value than my life.

Effortlessly I lift the slightly heavy mattress, sure, my strength was diminished because of the camouflage spell but I was still capable. I pick the satchel and slide on my jacket.
I should probably escape Temur right now after finding out the truth behind my father, nonetheless I tip toe to the door and creak it open to check for anyone. I instantly regret acting so suspiciously as a pair of eyes meet mine and I almost fall back from surprise-catching myself at the last second.

-Oh, Diana, what are you doing here?, she takes a peak at my different outfit and light luggage, Are you finally leaving?

I lift a brow and look at her strangely, "finally"? I thought we were close enough not to be pettish like that.

-Right. That probably came out wrong, she gives me an awkward smile that seems to hide something else. Sorry.

A silence settles fast and I give an anxious look through the window: it was getting late, I needed to get to the ballroom now.

-I know you're a Chosen one. Felt it quickly after we met.

Felt it? Either Chriselda is more of a liar than I thought her to be or she's some kind of mage. My last interaction with a mage finished...badly.

-Allow me to explain myself. My full name is actually Chriselda of Bergot,  but that doesn't matter, what does matter is that your traveling companion has saved my life just days ago at a trial. A trial for which I was condemned for witchcraft, heresy and mingling with Shadow sect divinities to obtain my knowledge in the divine arts. They were right about one thing, I do have divine arts, just didn't get them as they wanted to believe I did.

...Fuck. So she's the one whose life was saved in consequence of having  Kalatril's risked?

-I'm an ally, my family is too. If you need help evading the guards so that you and your companion can escape this nobles' hideout then I can help. Please, let me help you.

She seems sincere, honesty and dedication were present in her eyes as she pleaded me to let her help me out. It's with a sigh and a complexed look that I ask:

-Why? If my travel companion really saved you from what seems to be a witch trial then why are you risking your life?

Her head tilted a little downwards and I could feel irritation emanating from her: she obviously didn't forgive and forget.

-I used to think being blessed by the gods was a good thing, I was proved wrong, she lifts her eyes and determination glints in them, I've only been bestowed a minor ability, you and your friend have responsibilities I could never fathom to comprehend. Without him I wouldn't be where I am, my life is now his. If he asks me to jump off a cliff I might as well.

Taken aback by some meaningful thoughts, I frown slightly. She wasn't wrong about how much a pain in the ass it was to be a Chosen, I simply never really thought of it much. Up to now, I've been convinced that I had a mission to accomplish, a goal to reach and a reason to my existence, but now I'm not so sure anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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