7. The eclipse moths

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POV Aisha:

When we left Numea, we ran across the corn fields that possessed the noble that owned Maikril as well as Numea—that he gained under his control when it burned down. It might have been just ruins, but it still had fertile ground around it, which meant they were exploitable. Nobody doubted that we were in those high corn plantations, even if they looked from above, at the very best, they would have suspected two dears, not two people that went against the law and that probably had a bounty on their heads. I wondered how much the reward was, I had already kicked a couple army men ass', when Granny would bring me to conferences outside of the forest. Sometimes. Rarely. Almost never.
After we had gone threw a 500 meter long prairie of cereals, we went into another forest and had made camp by a lake where the forest's Mother tree stood proudly. I had already come here, once, with Granny who had to talk to the chief of the fairy tribe that resided there. Mother trees were occupied by elfes, in the biggest, elvlins in smaller ones and finally, fairies and other forest spirits. Normally, a forest needed a tribe to look after the magic the Mother tree held so that it would not fade.
This forest had been long invaded by Admir's older brother. However, the Mother tree held on and hadn't perished by pouring its vital energy in the lake water that would then return on her roots. The fact that it was an extremely rare phenomenon made the high priests convince Emperor Blaze to not attack the forest anymore. But the worst was done, many fairies and spirits perished, kicked out of their very own home.
My legs, trousers rolled up to my knees, were in the lake, my bruises on my legs and feet caused by astray rocks on paths and tree stubs were slowly heeling, thanks to the magic flowing in the lake. Kalatril told me before hand that the Mother tree didn't mind, I didn't understand what he ment but I just listened to him. I look at my reflection and can barely see a bit of worry in my eyes. But I wasn't wore about anything, was I? Kalatril was taking care of diner and we could sleep profoundly this night, what else could I want or need?
I hear Kalatril calling and get the lower part of my body out of the fresh water in this summer environment. I walk towards him, my tail wagging at the smell of roasted mushrooms. When we had arrived here, it was late in the afternoon and I though it was unneeded for me to stay in this form, just for a bit. It was night already and it wasn't like someone would barge out of nowhere and see my ears and tail.
I sit down in front of Kalatril in the slightly wet grass and take a mushroom skewer before taking a big bite of a white, slightly brown, porcini.

-I hope you like it, I made sure to not burn the food.

I raise my head and shake it approvingly, but instead of going back to my food, I look at my travel companion in front of me. How on earth did he manage to have perfectly well drawn muscles with his diet? He ate no meat and probably no fish but he still had a strong jaw and arms. I was supposed to be the animal lover, since Amaye was my indicated god and Gutamar his, not him.
Not that I was jealous or whatnot, I would never had gone with such a diet and held on for more than 48 hours, even though I had decided to bend to Kalatril's request. I know that there are some people that didn't eat animals or even their products because they judged it to be wrong since animals to were created by the king of the gods. I don't find them stupid, on the contrary, I was admirative of the importance they gave to their intentions.
I pout my lips slightly, he was so lucky, I had to go through proper training to get my abs. When Kalatril finally realized that I was staring at him, he stopped abruptly eating.

-Is there a problem?, he asks, lifting an inquisitive eyebrow.

-How are you so fit without eating any meat?, I ask, without any embarrassment or discomfort.

He takes another bite and then looks at me.

-When we first met, nothing happened that long ago, you though I was in the army.

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