15. The unforgivable mistake

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I run down the stairs, trying to catch Honora.

-Come back here! You'll get sick if you don't dry your hair!, I shout.

-How come I have to but you don't?!, she replied whilst ducking under the table.

I think about it for a moment, it was a fair point, considering that she didn't know that things such as wet hair barely affected me.

-No excuses missy!, I finally land my hand on her shoulder and she mutters gibberish when I start drying her hair with a soft towel.

Today was wash day, which included clothes, furniture and us. Leon had punched and scream when helpless Kalatril tried putting him in the tub, apparently he didn't do well with baths.
Honora had been more cooperating and I thought I had gotten lucky...until I found out that she simply adored splashing water everywhere!
I finish drying her hair as I suddenly notice a beautiful chess set with ivory and basalt pieces. I sigh, dad used to have one too, it was less pretty, I'll give you that, but it had been hand made. When he was busy making pans and pots, I would stare at it and think about possible games without touching it.
I look at this one and realize that the set up isn't really as if a game was going on, the pattern teased my memory, where did I see that again?

Elizabeth comes through the door holding her basket full of herbs and Honora jumps into her mother's arms.

-Mommy!, giggled Honora, I smile at her innocent face.

Elizabeth strokes her head after setting her basket on the table and I peek at the herbs and weeds. During my stay here, I had learned many plants names and was proud of myself when I identified them.

-Poppy seed for insomnia and asthma, chamomile for stress relieving, feverfew for arthritis and headaches, goldenseal for eye infections, and finally, turmeric for allergies and liver disease, I say to myself under my breath, checking if I remembered correctly.

Elizabeth turns surprised but pleased.

-Very good Aisha! I think this will help at the market today a lot. You've got no idea how many buyers I have, she said.

I nod, happy that I got the names right, she was probably right, I could be of great help at the market today. Elizabeth had admitted earlier on that it was always her and the kids and that it sometimes was a bit complicated.

-Hey, can I ask you a question?, I say.

-You are asking one now aren't you?, she replied as she smiled brightly.

My cheeks redden a bit in embarrassment but I still ask my question.

-I noticed your chess set, where did you get it?, I ask, genuine curiosity in my statement.

She seemed a bit uncomfortable and looked at where I was pointing my finger.

-Oh, that. My husband brought it back from one of his missions, a raid on a gnome village. He plans some strategies with it sometimes, she said as she scratched the back of her head.

-Oh, sorry for asking, I had no idea, I excuse myself for my question that ended up being more intrusive that I would have thought, the army might look great and perfect, but it wasn't.

-It's okay, she answered quickly whilst shaking her hands in front of my face, he promised he'd withdraw as soon as possible anyway. Want to see a portrait of him?, she asked me.

I shook my head, of course I would.

She then turned towards her cigar cabinet and pulled out a wooden frame with a beautifully stretched drawing.
The man it represented had short straight hair that was the same shade of brown as Leon's, hazelnut eyes that resembled Honora's, and tan skin. He also had a small scar under his right eye.

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