6. The city named Numea

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POV Aisha:

From Maikril to Argondis, it takes about an hour to walk, because that is where the Mother tree is, even if it is rare that a Mother tree is at the borders of the forest, this one was an exemption with a couple others. Mother trees are usually at the center to be able to extend their roots around them proportionally. To go across the forest to continue our travel, we needed about at least four days, then we would get to another village, the one on our passage. Since Kalatril was the one holding the map, I didn't feel like I needed to know the name of it, it wasn't really important, we needed to lie low, not socialize with every form of living being. Anything could happen at anytime anywhere, even if my form was hidden thanks to the magic I had used in my possession. Granny had insisted that I needed to master not only martial arts and all kinds of physical abilities, but also a solid base of the divine arts, even though I didn't excel in it.

-It's not important, I already told you. 'Lie low', you know what that means?

He mumbles something.


-I was just thinking.


He sighs and shakes his head.

-I am just wondering why the empire got that village burned to the ground.

I stop walking through the bushes around us.

-What's the village's name?

-Oh now you want to know. Well because you ask so nicely...

I grunt and send him a clear message thanks to my insistent look. Talk.
He gives me an amused look but continues.

-Numea. Emperor Blaze made sure it got destroyed about 9 years ago-

-Ten. Ten years, not nine.

He frowns but does not say anything and I am greatful for that, otherwise, I probably would have told him everything and I would have hated that. The problem with being in confidence with someone is that you trust the person more than before, and when something bad happens, it hurts even more. I am not dumb, I know we will finish becoming a bit closer, but I would like to avoid, if possible.

As we kept on walking forward, tree branches keep on crashing in my face and I spit out leaves, when as Kalatril just avoid them with grace.
I wonder how dimwitted and stupid he thinks i look like right now. I stand a bit taller so that I gain in credibility, it's probably useless but it's better than being hunched other. I can see Kalatril smile at me and I suddenly want to hit him on the head with a stick or something, I hated it when someone makes me feel a tiny bit more fizzy anything near happy-like. It made me feel weak and being weak was the worst kind of feeling I could ever have.
Suddenly, Kalatril stops.

-We are here. We have to get through and then continue through a wheat field. If anything bad or unexpected happens, promise me not to murder anyone.

He turns to me and I widen my eyes in a way that they almost pop out. Was he serious? I could master myself and my emotions perfectly. Perfectly.

-Excuse-me? You should be put behind the bars for wild accusations.

I scoff and cross my arms on my chest.

-Promise, he says, tone similar to the one a parent would use when asking their child to not break another vase.

-Yeah, yeah, let's just go, I answer without giving him what he wanted to hear.

I can feel him giving me a hard look but I won't make a promise that I probably won't hold. Not because of loosing control, but because it would be needed. If someone discovered our existence, I would have no other choice than to commit murder to shut them up.

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