10. Assassins

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POV Aisha:

The sole of my sandals kept hitting the floor as I run towards the exit, not too slow so that I could quickly reach Kalatril but not too fast so that I could try and process what was happening. Where the seer had touched my skin, an atrocious burn was spreading, to the point that my view was getting restraint, and the creature of the shadows had disappeared, leaving questions unanswered. But what was really worrying me was Kalatril. What had happened? Was he okay? If not, the person that may have caused him pain was dead, dead, dead. 

I jump over a puddle and land on the ground on my four at the exit of the tunnel.
Where is Kalatril? The first thing I saw were two silhouettes that I quickly analyze.

A tall man with a staff, most probably a mage of low level since he didn't have a piece of thraunt incrusted in it, standing beside another one with a missing hand lying on the ground in a small pool of water. No, blood. I panic as I squint harder and feel my heart skip a beat. Kalatril.
The man next to him coughed loudly realizing I was there and started speaking.

-You know, it is against my morals to lift my staff on a woman but if you refuse to come here without a fuss I will be in the obligation of using my high skills for your capture, he said with an arrogant smirk.

My ears went hot with blood and I felt my vision range grow. I crouch down before jumping from the ground to land on top of the man.
His smile disappeared in the fraction of a second and he attempts to perform a spell before I knocked out his staff from reach. I sink my nails now long into his back before retracting them and pulling back.

A flash of fear went through his eyes and part of me took pleasure looking at him so desperate. But more than that, I can not grasp the idea that this...mortal managed to hurt Kalatril. I slowly stand up and the sorcerer made a bolt towards his weapon, his back lashed with stripes of blood.

I walk towards the boy lying on the ground I had started to think of as a friend and look at his wound.
I could see the flesh was slowly regenerating like it had when he had cut himself back at the village. But the fact that his hand would be fine again in some time didn't mean I forgave the man on the ground a few meters away, he had touched him, hurt him. Now he was going to pay the consequences.

I turn back to the sorcerer that had threatened me a short while ago, now looking for an escape.

-I'm s-sorry, I w-won't tell anyone! Just p-please leave me alive. Find the kindness to spare me, I beg of you!, he sputtered with fear.

I frown in front of his desperate attempt to obtain mercy from me and I walk to him with all my time, I had it.
I stop in front of him and wipe the blood on my nails onto my trousers.

-Unluckily for you, I don't have that kindness.

I could see my own reflection in the eyes of the amateur hunter in front of me. The girl I had seen in the cove a few minutes before was under wraps, letting the cold and murderous side of me take over.

Am I doing the right thing?, I wondered. Of course I am, I am doing it for Kalatril's sake.

Part of me wonders if this is wrong, to kill someone out of vengeance but I am so mad that I don't even care.

I lift my left arm and long claws make their way out, as sharp as razors, warning their victim a future strike.
The wizard understood it was the end and he closed his eyes tight, wishing the pain wouldn't last.

It didn't. Because as much as I wished that he would go through the worst kind of pain for hurting someone I cared about, the words from the seer earlier had effect on me.

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