Chapter 5 Planing something

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Shaheda's pov (rehab's mom)~
Trisha and I was in the park talking, laughing having good time . We both know the reason why and whom we are worried about and the being the super mommy we are (wink, wink) we have decided to set up our babies , its not that we are going to force them or anything it's just like we are being matchmaker , you know like blind date or something and if they liked each other than we 'll arrange their marriage (squealing).
" omg!!! Its 7 pm , we've been here for 4 hours" I said looking at Trisha .
" I guess we should leave then , yea our family must be worried " Trisha said smiling .
" C'mon , I'm giving you ride home" she said .
" Bu- " " No but's , I'm not leaving you here alone at this time , quietly get in the car " she ordered me with a stern look and I glared her , can't help but smile at how caring she is,
after 30 mins ride we reached my home .
" Come in for dinner and meet my family " I asked Trisha .
" Thank you for inviting me but I should get going my family must be worried maybe next yea ? " She said smiling . " Aha!! yea thanks for the ride and good night " I said getting out of her car
" No problem , listen think about it yeah ? And goodnight " she reminded me backed out of my drive way , I know what she is talking about, in park we decided to have a talk about arranging Rehab and Zayn with our family first , thinking about how to bring this topic I opened the main door of my house as I was closing it Rehab's car came in view so I waited for her to come .

Rehab's pov ~~~

I parked my car in driveway too lazy to park in garage , well I'm going to need my car in morning anyway as you know today is Friday so I decided that we should have a family picnic coz we needed that after that day in office I haven't been myself and Rameez bhai (bhai means brother ) is busy in work as usual so this picnic is much needed to have that family bonding , it would be good to spend time with whole family as you know my father is also here with us instead of being in India with ... forget it .

I locked my car and went toward door to see my mom standing in doorway and smiling at me
" Assalamalaikum mummy"
I greated her with a kiss on her cheek .
" Walekumassalam " she said back moving away to let me in .

" So how was your lunch date with aunty Trisha ? right " I asked her removing my shoes and jacket placing them in their place and walking towards living room with her .

" Yeah, it was good we had fun " she replied we both entered living room to see everyone sitting there on their phones except Rameez bhai .

" Whats going on " I asked them confused everyone looked at me then at mummy and suddenly they started questioning mom that where were she? Why she didn't answer their call ?
Is she okay? And all .

" Stop!! Take a deep breath and tell us what's wrong " I said trying to calm them
" Where were you mom?" Kaynaat bhabhi ( sister-in-law) asked mom " I was with Trisha , why what happened" mummy asked confused " you said that you're going out for lunch and it's dinner time and you didn't even call that you're going to be late " my dad asked my mom frowning
" Oh !! Sorry actually after lunch we went to park and talked , so we forgot about time and all " mummy explained apologizing
" But why were you not receiving our calls " kaynaat bhabhi asked mummy , mummy searched in her purse for her phone when she found it she checked it "it was on silent mode , sorry I got you'll worried " mom said sadly " it ok mom but just next time please tell us " kaynaat Bhabhi said to mummy and nodded in response " ok so everything is fine now but where's Rameez bhai ? He should be home by this time right? " I asked them confused " yeah !! He went to search your mummy " dad said to me taking a seat on couch
" Oh shit , I should call him and tell him that mom is home and she is fine " bhabhi said walking to kitchen on her phone
" Well I'm going to get fresh and change " I said walking upstairs to my room " even I'm going to change " mummy said and went to her room .

After 30 minutes I walked downstairs to see my whole family except for Amin and Zoya in dining room talking about something quietly and as soon I entered they stop ans smiled at me as if they were doing nothing , confused I asked them what they were talking about " Nothing , mummy was telling about the lunch and all , come sit kaynaat bring food I'm hungry " Bhai said quickly changing the topic I know they are something they are hiding from me but letting it slide , I helped Bhabhi to bring food from kitchen and serving everyone I took my seat in between Amin and Zoya , everyone was eating their food quietly
" So ,I was thinking that tomorrow is Saturday and everyone is home right? " I asked them breaking silence
" Mm yea , why ?" Dad asked me " well I was thinking that we should spend time together you know family time and all , what you guys say ? " I asked them eating my food " Yes , we should we need family bonding " mummy agreed with me
" Good , so what you think of tomorrow small family picnic? " I suggested with small smile everyone agreed happily nodding " YESS , YEAH " was heard from both Amin and Zoya " I guess you both are excited , hmm" I asked them smiling " of course di , we're excited" Amin said happily , Amin and Zoya started making plans what they're gonna do tomorrow smiling at them I got up and went in kitchen washed my plate and went back in dining room again .

"So everyone be ready at 10 am sharp, okay " I said them
" Why so early? " Bhai asked turning towards me " because I now this place its 2 hours away from here , so yeah be ready " I said him he nodded in response " okay then , Allah hafiz , goodnight everyone I'm going to sleep see you in the morning bye " I said them walking towards my room I got their echoes of "Allah hafiz " and "goodnight " from kitchen and dining room . I entered my room closing the door behind me and to bathroom to change and do my business and went to sleep .
I hope tomorrow weather would be nice for picnic and family time .

Ugh!!!! It's boring I know , sorry 😜
Btw tysm for 350+ reading , for votes, comments and ty ppl who started following me 😃 ..... I hope I get more reads , vote , comments and followers 😉😁

Vote and comment plzz and thanks for reading 😊.

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