Chapter 11 "A meet to be meaningful or not? "

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Rehab's pov~

Thinking was the only thing I did all night . I tried to sleep rolling all over trying different positions on my bed but my mind wouldn't shut off.

All I thought bout him 'Zayn' I've never done that before thinking about a guy , something was different in him which made me think about him .

His beautiful hazel brown eyes which pulled me towards him they were like crystal clear yet mysterious it ignited in me something that made me want to solve that mystery .

His long eyelashes , his cheekbones , sharp jaw line , his jet black hair which were looking so soft and shiny , were styled messily I wanted to run my hands through them.

I was just thinking about him and his beautiful features and the way he was in front of me . he wasn't anything like the other 2 guys I've met before .

When they got to spend sometime with me instead of knowing each other they were being touchy and zayn wasn't a bit like them . He knows how to behave around a girl to give her some personal space .

We surely didn't talk much but I can't tell he is a nice person . I just want a loving , caring and sweet boy who would be standing by my side holding my hand throughout anything and everything , and I do have a little feeling that zayn would be that guy.

But I'm scared what if I'm wrong and he is not that guy ? What if I made a mistake by saying yes ? What if he says no ? Does he even likes me ? I'm going to embarrass myself in front of everyone , I shouldn't have rushed to say yes.

The main reason I'm awake and can't sleep is because I'm worried about his answer what is he going to say .I'm going to know what his answer is tomorrow anyways so I shouldn't worry so much but I can't help it .

I was busy thinking about the consequences when suddenly my alarm rang scarring me , switching it off I saw time it was 5:30 am I got up from the bed and went to bathroom , did my daily routine , by the time I was completely ready the time was 6:15 am . I went downstairs as usual to see mummy in kitchen making breakfast I greeted her and sat on dining table waiting for my breakfast .

~~(last night flashback)~~

Last night I was going kitchen to get some water , I eavesdropped on my mom , dad , brother and bhabhi's conversation about zayn. They were sitting in living room and I was standing by the kitchen door which leads to living room ( remember the place from where I was trying to see Malik's today ?, The same exact place I was standing now ) I was able to hear then clearly they weren't able to see me.

" He is nice , behavior and nature wise " bhabhi said
" How do you know? " Bhai asked her confused .

(nice question bhai (sibling bond 'wink' ) , I was wondering the same. how come she knows? .... Answer him bhabhi )

" Uh , um I actually was spying on them when they went out for a walk that time ." bhabhi said scratching her neck nervously .

(My mouth was hanging low , I was shocked , really spying on me how dare she ? )

" What ? " Bhai exclaimed looking at her.
" I was just wanted to see if ray was ok or not , you know I wanted to see if he is good or not unlike the other 2 who misbehaved with her." she explained herself quickly .

" So what did you see?" Mummy asked her .
" Nothing they were just walking , talking and smiling lil bit " she said .

( looking after me is just a reason , They're actually curious to know what happened and if I'm not wrong the next question is going to be "what they were talking?" You just wait and see )

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