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A month later……

The whole Mthembu family is gathered at Mthembu Senior’s house for a family lunch. They always do them once every month end, just to socialize and get together as a family.
Zimthele hasn’t told anyone about the pregnancy, except for Sondela, who was excited. She is trying by all means to hide it from Langelihle, she doesn’t want to seem like she’s rubbing it into her face.
They are all at the kitchen peeling vegetables and preparing lunch. Langa notices the bump on Zimthele and want to ask her, but she doesn’t know how. She waits until everyone leaves. Zimthele keeps on lowering her jersey.
Langelihle:Are you pregnant?
Zimthele coughs, she was not expecting that.
Zimthele:*Laughs nervously* Uhh no.
Langelihle:You don’t have to lie to make me feel better. My pregnancy issues should not make you feel uncomfortable. Enjoy your pregnancy mnaks.
She says carefree and smiling. Zimthele smiles and sighs relieved. She took off the jersey she was wearing and her bump showed fully. Langelihle looked at her in envy and jealousy, lucky her who will meet her child.
Langelihle:How many months?
Zimthele:This is the 7th month.
Langelihle:A boy or a girl?
Zimthele:*Smiling* It’s a boy.
Langelihle:*Smiling* Another boy to add to the troublesome Mthembu boys.
They both laugh. Langelihle couldn’t move her eyes from Zimthele’s bump. She ended up cutting herself with a knife. Zimthele rushed to her and put a dishwashing cloth over her finger.
Langelihle:Stupid me almost cutting off my finger.
Zimthele:It’s not bad. We will put a plaster over it.
Langelihle went outside with her phone.

Zimthele cleaned up the blood and continued peeling.
Sondela came to the kitchen and hugged her.
Sondela:You shouldn’t overwork yourself.
Zimthele:I’m not overworking myself, I was with Langelihle. She went outside.
Sondela:Even so, the two of you aren’t the only Mthembu wives. Why aren’t the others helping?
Zimthele:Babe it’s okay, really.
Sondela:No it’s not. Leave this.
Langelihle enters the kitchen.
Langelihle:What’s going on?
Zimthele:Sondela is asking why we are working alone.
Langelihle:Everyone left.
Sondela walked out.
Zimthele shrugged her shoulders.
Langa laughs.
Langelihle: He’s being dramatic. I honestly don’t mind.
Sondela comes back with his brothers’ wives. He leaves after that.
“We are sorry for letting you work alone. Sondela is now shouting at everyone that we are overworking you!”
“He almost bit our heads off.”
“True and o mnaks didn’t mind. Mina I don’t even know how to cook.”
“Me too, I will just peel.”
“Isn’t there a Savannah here to quench our thirst?”
They talk back and forth. Zimthele and Langelihle look at each other and laugh.
Sondela goes to find his father on his study room. He finds him with his brothers.
Mthembu Snr:Son. Please sit down.

Sondela has two brothers(Simunye and Mlamuli) and two sisters.
Sondela:Dad isn’t Gende back yet?
Mthembu:No, she said she will be back sooner though. I will tell you when she’s back.
Sondela:*Sighs* Okay… I really wish we knew what was happening already, the suspense is killing me.
Simunye:I don’t support this. You guys should go to church and have a pastor pray for the two of you.
Sondela:Awume kancane Simunye(Just wait a bit!) Not today please!
Simunye:I was just saying.
Mlamuli:Wena nje you need to have a drink and chill. Your wife will kill you. She’s the one turning you into a pastor, meanwhile she’s the opposite of it.
Simunye:She just cares about me.
Mlamuli:I’m sure she does.
Mthembu Snr:Will you two just stop it!? We gathered today as a family to enjoy not fight.
Mlamuli:Sorry dad.
Mthembu Snr:Now Sondela listen, you should help your wife find her real family. This could all be related to that; we can’t wait for Gende forever.
Sondela:I don’t think she wants to find her family, but I will ask her.
Mthembu Snr:When she agrees, you are free to come to me for help.
Sondela:You did a background check on her, didn’t you?
Mthembu Snr:*Laughs* No I didn’t, I would have if you allowed me.
Sondela:I just don’t want to invade her privacy. Let me go talk to her. I will be back.

He walks out and goes back to the kitchen. He calls Langelihle outside.
Langelihle:What’s wrong?
Sondela:I need to ask you something.
Sondela:Don’t you ever wonder about your family? Where they are?
Langelihle:Honestly I used to babe, everyday. But I don’t know if I still feel that way. It has been 35 years Mvelase, shouldn’t they have come for me at least?
Sondela:I don’t know babe, but would it hurt to at least know the truth? To know where you come from? Remember you don’t know anything Langa, what if that woman your dad found with you was running away with you? Don’t you want to find out the truth?

She looks at him and nods. She does want to know what really happened that led to her to be crying on the road with a dying woman. But is she ready to face her parents? That’s if they are still alive.

Langelihle:Okay if  you put it like that then maybe it won’t hurt . Where will we start?
Sondela:Leave it to me. I love you okay?
Langelihle:I love you too.

He is at his usual spot, reading the newspaper. He goes inside to refill his juice. A knock comes through the door and he goes to answer it. He is met by a young man he doesn’t know.
Bheki:Can I help you?
“Yes you may. I’m looking for her and you will tell me where she is.”
Bheki:Who are you talking about?
“You know exactly who”
Bheki looks around wondering if this is the “he” that dying lady said mustn’t find Langelihle, but that was over 30 years ago and this man looks young.
Bheki:I’m sorry I think you have the wrong house. I would appreciate it if you would leave.

The man smiles and put his foot inside but immediately steps back.
“Mmm, a prayer warrior.”
Bheki:Sir I’m going to call the police. You are harassing me in my household.
“Don’t worry, I am leaving. But I will find her.”

He walks away. Bheki breathes heavily and calls Sondela.
Bheki:Sondela I don’t know, but someone was just here and I think he was looking for Langelihle, he didn’t look like someone who would give up until he finds her. Sondela please protect my d…
A knife out of nowhere flew right into his chest.

We drag our suitcases into the little shack. There is one small bed and the carpet on the floor is worn out. I look at my children and they are confused by what’s happening. From living on one of the top mansions in South Africa to this tiny little shack.
My husband, was one of the ministers but was retrenched when he was found guilty of money embezzlement. They took everything away from him. He was the one taking care of us, our lifestyle was maintained by him. I had no cent in my account because I was not working, I didn’t see the point because my husband was monied. Even though he was stealing from innocent people, I didn’t mind because it put food on the table.

And now we are back to poverty, something I hate deeply. I know my parents would rejoice if they were to see me like this, I kind of turned my back on them when I saw Phil’s money.
Phil:We will be staying here for now. It’s not what we are used to, but I promise you guys I will get my job back and we will be back at our house okay?
He’s just convincing the kids. There’s no getting his job back, he was fired. They would never take him back.
Virgin:Phil you have to find another job soon, I can’t live like this! Like a pig!
Phil:I am trying Virgin. You should also try something.
Virgin:What do you mean?
Phil:I mean the both of us have to find ways to feed our children now. Any job we can find, a friend of mine is looking for a housekeeper, maybe you can go there and w…
Virgin:No no no no Phil… no…
Phil:V we don’t have a choice.
Virgin:No Phil. When you married me, you promised me that I would never have to work a day in my life.
Phil:Yes but we have no money now Virgin. What are we supposed to do?
Virgin:Find another plan because there is no way in hell I am working as a maid!!

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