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I have always had that feeling that Bayanda may not be my son, I brushed it off because I thought no way could Zimthele do that to me. I do not have that fatherly connection with Bayanda, he is stubborn and always angry for a six-year-old. Not to mention that the boy looks nothing like me. My father suggested we do a ceremony for him, but things got worse.

Yesterday, when I asked Zimthele if she wouldn’t so that to me, her body Language stated otherwise. I hate to think that my wife could have deceived me into thinking that Bayanda is  my son whereas he is not. I need to do a DNA test secretly without Zimthele knowing.
Zimthele:It’s so nice to have you here tonight. It’s been long.
I smile and brush her thigh.
We are in the middle of kissing when my phone rings.
Zimthele:Leave it.
We ignore it and keep on kissing but it rings again.
Sondela:Let me answer it.
I reach for it and it was an unsaved number, I always answer unsaved numbers, you can never know, maybe someone is in trouble.
The moment I say hello I hear sniffs and I can never miss my wife’s sniffs.
Sondela:Langa is that you?
Langelihle:Sondela please come and get me. I don’t know where I am, it’s dark and I’m scared. Nono kidnapped me but I ran away.
I quickly jump out of the bed, with my heart racing.
Sondela:Whoa babe calm down. Whose phone are you using?
Langelihle:Some man I came across with.
Sondela:Please give him the phone.
Sondela:Hi, can I ask where you are.
“We are by Frederick’s. Just by the road.”
Sondela:Okay, can you keep her there. I will be there just now.
“I will do sir. She is shaking.”
Sondela:Okay,thank you.
I hung up and wore my clothes quickly while calling my father.
Mthembu:Son why are you calling this late?
Sondela:Baba I need you to find Nono for me, she kidnapped Langa.
Mthembu:Whoa!? What the!? I’m on it.
Sondela:Thanks dad.
I hung up and hurried out of the room.
Sondela:Langa is in trouble, I will be back.
Zimthele:*Rolling her eyes* Of course.
I don’t have time for this. Zimthele is changing into something I don’t know. I thought she understood the dynamics of Polygamy, but these days she seems to be forgetting that Langa is also my wife. When the other wife starts behaving like this, it never ends good, it always ends in tears and coffins. It’s how people start bewitching each other, and I hate witchcraft with every inch of me. It just rubs me off the wrong way.
I am flying on the road to Langa, within an hour I was there and I saw her standing on the road next to a car. I jumped out of the car and went to her. The moment she saw me she jumped to my arms.
Langa:Thank God you’re here.
Sondela:I’ll always be here. Are you okay? She didn’t hurt you?
Langa:No she didn’t..
Sondela:Thank you for taking care of her.
I say to the man.
“It’s my pleasure. I couldn’t leave a woman alone on the road at night.”.
We thank him and we left. I drove to my father’s house.
Langa:Why are we going to your father’s house?
Sondela:We are going to sleep there for tonight.
I was conflicted, I can’t leave Langa, she is traumatized by what happened. I know that this is Zimthele’s time, but I can only hope that she will understand.

“I will make you some tea. Come”, that’s my mother taking Langa away.
Sondela:Did you find her?
Mthembu:Yes, she is at her apartment. I also looked at her call history, and there’s this number that keeps on calling her.
Sondela:Langa said Nono kidnapped her, that he said she should keep Langa until he comes..
Mthembu:You think it’s the mystery man?. Sondela:With no doubt.  I need to talk to Nono.
Mthembu:Son don’t do anything you will regret..
Sondela:I won’t do anything to her. I just want answers. She shouldn’t have kidnapped my wife, she looks traumatized.
Mthembu:Sondela calm down. Makoti is okay.
Sondela:Let me go talk to her.
I go find my wife and she was lying on the bed. I took off my shoes and laid next to her. I pulled her to me and she just cried.
Sondela:I’m sorry.
Langa:She could have sold me to him. I trusted her. She betrayed me.
Sondela:I will talk to her and find out who this mystery man is. For now I am here for you.
She held on to me more closely.
I kissed her forehead and brushed her back gently.
I must have dozed off because I was woken up by Mlamuli. When did he get here? Langa was already sleeping. I quietly get out of bed and cover her with the blanket.
I walk out with him.
Sondela:When did you get here? And what time is it?
Mlamuli:I just got here. It’s close to midnight. Dad said I should come with you to Nono.
Sondela:To babysit me?
Mlamuli:*Laughs* No, to keep you on the leash.
Sondela:Mxm. Let me wash my face.
The place looks quiet, I don’t think there’s anyone here.
Mlamuli kicks the door open and we search all the rooms.
We went to the bedroom and everything was cleared out. The closet was empty.
Sondela:She ran away.
It is the following day, and I am much better than yesterday. I still can’t believe that Nono did me like that. What is it that the mystery man promised her?
She showed me that you really can’t trust everyone. Gende was right when she said not everyone will come with a pure heart. Now I am more than determined to find my home.
Let me call Gende for guidance. She should be back by now.
Langelihle:Yebo Gogo. So we are nowhere with finding my home. Can’t you direct us?
Gende:I’m afraid not. You’re the only one who can find your way home. The people are waiting for you. Amathambo kanina awaphumule neze(Your mother is not at peace at all)
Langelihle:*Swallowing* So my mother is dead?
Gende:Langelihle lento ocabanga ukuyenza, iyeke. Angeke kuphele kahle. Iseyinde indlela (Leave the thing you’re thinking of doing. It won’t end well. You still have a long journey ahead of you.)
Langelihle:I don’t know what you are talking about.
Gende:Everything has its time. Our ancestors never forsake us.
She hung up. Do all people have to talk in riddles!? I didn’t understand a word she said. How will I find a home that I don’t know what it even looks like?
We moved to my mom’s house today again. Phil wasn’t happy that we are moving here, but we have no choice.
Phil:I don’t like this.
Virgin:Me too, but we have no choice.
I went to the main house to find my mother. I sat next to her.
Virgin:I have missed you.
I really have.
Gladys:Because you are broke. Do you remember how you insulted us!?
Virgin:I know, and I am sorry.
Gladys:If you say so.
Virgin:I haven’t spoken with Zimthele in a long time.
Gladys:Ahhh you know your sister, she is deep in that marriage.
Ay a polygamy, I would never! Zimthele is brave. I don’t think I can bare sharing my husband. How do they even do it?
Virgin:If Phil were to want to take a second wife, I would burn the both of them.
Sondela didn’t come back last night. I wonder what is it with Langelihle, what is so special about her? Every Mthembu member would rather drop everything just for her. They treat her like a Queen of some sort.
Sondela didn’t even send a lousy message to let me know that he won’t be coming back.

Anyway, I heard that Virgin is back so I’m here to see her. She hasn’t been home in a long time, she’s married to a minister so she kind of turned her back on us. But life, life is very humbling.

I am met by her in the kitchen stuffing herself with fries. I clear my throat and look at her. She smiles and stands up to hug me.
Zimthele:It is so good to see you V.
We sit down and I take one fried.
Virgin:I see you are pregnant again.
Zimthele:Yeah hey, my husband is a shooter.
Virgin:Sinjani isithembu? (How is polygamy?)
Zimthele:Oh well, all the things that you read about on social media are true. It is hard to keep up sometimes, I always feel like Sondela loves Langa more and I am just his baby popping machine.
Virgin:What do you mean?
Zimthele:I just don’t understand what’s so special about my sister wife. He drops everything for her, yesterday he left in the middle of the night when she called and didn’t come back. But when I call him when he’s with her, he shouts and reprimands me. This is not fair.
Virgin:Kodwa nawe mtaka ma, wazixakekisa nje wathi shi kubantu abashadile. (You also brought it upon yourself my sister, you intruded on married people). What did you think would happen? Of course he loves her more, he’s been with her longer than he’s been with you.
Zimthele:I know that V, but a little bit of fair wouldn’t hurt. Sondela is drifting away from me, I can feel it. He no longer touches me like he used to before. Yesterday he even asked me if Bayanda was his son.
Zimthele:Just imagine.
Virgin:But this is not healthy shame, if I were you I would divorce him and leave him. I think you also knew that he married you because he wanted children from you. Who knows, maybe he doesn’t even love you?
Zimthele:Did you have to be this blunt?
Virgin:I’m just trynna make you realize your worth.
Zimthele:Shut up.

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