Since yesterday, Langa has been crying and ignoring me. The question she asked, whether I still love her or not. I hesitated. I love my wife very much, I won’t lie. I never thought that I was treating them unequally, but I love Langa so much. I just didn’t know how to deal with the pain of losing our children, that I always went to Zimthele for comfort. I didn’t realize how much that would hurt Langa.
I bring the food to our bedroom in a tray. She was still sleeping. I put the tray on the mini table and shook her up a bit.
Sondela:Babe I brought you food. Wake up.
She slowly woke up, her eyes red and swollen. She sat up straight and rubbed her eyes.
Sondela:I made you breakfast.
She nodded and took the food. She ate and I was looking at her. We need to fix things. When she was done I put the plates away and held her hands.
Sondela:I’m sorry about yesterday, I hesitated when you asked me if I still love you. It’s not that I don’t love you Langa, God knows how much I love you. I’m sorry for the way I have been behaving, I didn’t realize that the way I dealt with the pain hurt you too. Please forgive me.
Langelihle:I hear you, but yesterday you hurt me Sondela. You made me think that you don’t want me anymore. If you don’t want me just say so, and I will gladly move out of your way.
Sondela:That will not be necessary Langa, I love you.
She sighed and looked away.
I knelt in front of her and kissed her.
Sondela:I love you Langelihle, it is expected as a married couple that we will argue a bit but we fix things right?
Sondela:I will never leave you again. I promise. I called my dad last night, he agreed with you that we should consult.
Langelihle:He did?
Sondela:Yeah, he gave me the details of a traditional healer that he goes to. We should go there today, maybe we will get to know what is really happening. But whatever it is, we will deal with it the both of us.
She smiled and I smiled too.
Langelihle:Thank you. Your support is all I need.
Sondela:I will give you the best of me from now on I promise.
Langelihle:Thank you.My phone rang and she passed it to me. It was Zimthele. I looked at her and declined the call. This is our time, I will see Zimthele at her own time.
Langelihle:You could have answered her.
Sondela:This is not her time. Now let’s go take a not so innocent shower so we can go to that place.
Sondela just declined my call. Okay? Did I call at a bad time? I hope I didn’t offend Langelihle.
I am visiting my mother today, I have missed her. My mother is in her late 50s but she still looks good as ever, I guess that’s where I got my good genes from.
Gladys:How is your marriage?
Zimthele:It’s good, it’s just I don’t think I could ever get used to the fact that he’s not my husband alone.
Gladys:You didn’t find him single my dear, you knew he was married and you knew you would be a second wife.
My mom has no filter. She was so against the idea of me being a second wife, but I loved Sondela and I couldn’t leave him. Langelihle threw a tantrum the first time she saw me, she wanted to gauge my eyes out. She was angry, hurt and felt betrayed! Sondela said they were struggling with having children hence he opted for a second wife. No he didn’t badmouth her or anything, he just told me that they are struggling with having a child only.
Zimthele:I know I am a second wife mom.
Gladys:How is your sister wife?
Zimthele:We are not really close, we just talk over the phone or when we are gathered as a family.
Gladys:But my daughter you are aware of the hurt you brought upon her right?
Zimthele:You always tell me this mama.
Gladys:It’s just that I hate Isithembu, that woman might be smiling with you but you don’t know her thoughts. You can never be happy with a woman’s tears!
I looked at her in confusion. As far as I know, Langelihle is okay with me. She wouldn’t do anything, and besides she’s a nice person. She just has that calm aura that relaxes you and she is loveable.
I was happy to hear Sondela apologize for the way he has been behaving lately, it’s always a pleasure when someone recognizes their mistakes and find a way to change. Sondela and I have been together for a long time, a little argument won’t make me divorce him. I believe him when he says he loves me, his eyes speak for him. As much as losing our babies hurt, but it also hurts him. We both hurt and we should find a way to make each other better and not drift apart from each other.We just had lunch and we are now driving to the traditional healer’s place.
Langelihle:I hope there aren’t many people there.
He chuckles.
Sondela:Will you ever stop being scared of being around people?
Langelihle:Nop I won’t. I just get uncomfortable when it’s too many people, I feel like disappearing.
Sondela:Well if it’s full we will wait in the car until they are gone.
He smiled and put his hand on my thigh.
We arrived at the place and there weren’t any people outside.
We walked out and went towards the gate, it was open a bit so we got in.
Sondela:Where are we supposed to go?
Langelihle:Let’s ask that boy there.
We walked towards the boy and he was wearing traditional healer clothes, with an orange clay plastered on his face and arms.
We greeted him.
Sondela:We are looking for Gende.
“U Gogo uye eyntabeni, uzobuya mhla kuphela inyanga (Gogo went to the mountains, she will be back by month end).”
Langelihle:Isn’t there anyone who can help us? Kuyaphuthuma(It is urgent).
“Ngiyithwasa, angihloleli abantu. Buyani Mese kubuye u Gogo(I am only an initiate, I don’t consult for people. Come back when Gogo returns.)”
Sondela:Okay siyabonga. Usale kahle.We walked back inside the car.
Langelihle:Well that was a waste of time.
Sondela:Let me call my dad.
He called his dad.
Sondela:They said she’s not here. She’ll be back after a month.
Sondela:Isn’t there anyone else we can talk to?
Sondela:Okay, thanks.
He hung up.
Sondela:Dad says he will try to call her, but we shouldn’t see anyone else.
Sondela:He says he doesn’t trust the other Sangomas.
Langelihle:Tjoh okay.
Sondela:Let’s go back home.
BHEKI(Langa’s dad)Staying alone gets boring sometimes, all my children are grown and living their lives. Zanobuhle, my older daughter is married and resides in Cape Town with her husband. The middle child, Sandiso also lives on his own place. Not married yet.
Then my sun, Langelihle, my blessing, she is also married.
I was just coming from my wife’s grave when I noticed her crying on the road. The road was awfully quiet that night. I didn’t waste any time, I stepped out of the car and hurried to her.
I noticed a bleeding woman next to her, she was young, probably in her 20s. She was still faintly breathing. 8 knelt next to her with Langelihle in my arms. She grabbed my arm.
“Langelihle…. Run… with.. Her… he mustn’t find her.”, those were the words she said to me before completely fading out to the land of the ancestors. I panicked and called the police together with the ambulance, when they arrived, they were too late. The girl was already dead. Langa looked so young and tiny, like she was just born that day. She stayed with child services for two months until I made the decision to adopt her as my own. That girl’s words stuck to me, she said I must run with Langa and he mustn’t find her. I don’t know who he was talking about, or who Langa’s parents are. I tried investigating but I didn’t end up anywhere, I forgot about it and focused on raising Langa. When she was old enough, I told her how I found her. Surprisingly, she took it well and thanked me for taking care of her. Langa is my daughter, biological or not. She will always be my daughter. Her not being able to give birth full term is worrying me too, maybe it has to do with her roots or background. She doesn’t know who her parents are, maybe that’s what causing all of this. But I don’t know, I’m only assuming.
I brush her stomach, she was sleeping.
“I wish you can just live boy, do it for mommy and daddy. We both need you.”
I really wish a miracle can happen and the doctors can tell us that he’s alive. I kiss Langa’s lips and stand up.
My phone rings, I answer without looking at who the caller is.
“Baba”, that’s Zimthele.
Zimthele:Is everything okay?
Sondela:Zimthele are the children okay?
Zimthele:Yes, they are okay.
Sondela:Then why are you calling me?
Zimthele:You have been declining my calls all day.
Sondela:Tell me something Zimthele, does Langelihle ever calls me when I’m with you?
Sondela:Then why are you calling me when you know that I am with her? Should we go back to reminding each other what the boundaries are? Langelihle is your older sister wife, you are the second wife. What happened to respect? I think I’m the one who made you feel like you can do as you please. Not anymore, respect Zimthele!
Zimthele:Oh I’m sorry, I will see you when it’s my turn.
Sondela:Thank you.
Zimthele:Okay bye.
I hung and sighed. Having two wives is no child’s play. I have been unfair on Langelihle all this time, it stops now. I will treat the both of them equally. First I should buy her a new house.
I look over at Langa and she was still sound asleep. I kissed her lips and her arms were burning hot. I’m used to this, there are days where she just gets extremely hot without any reason. I wonder what’s the deal.
I schooch next to her and pull her closer.