Zimthele opens her eyes wide.
Zimthele:Haybo ma what kind of question is that?
Gladys:Ngiyabuza ukuthi uphi uyise walengane? (I am asking where is the father of this baby?)
Zimthele:I said that I called him.
Gladys:I’m not talking about Sondela. This is not Sondela’s child. You’re the only one who knows the truth. Take this child to his right family so they can introduce him to his correct ancestors. Are you aware that you introduced Bayanda to the Mthembu ancestors when you know very well he isn’t a Mthembu!? You generation of today are stubborn! You like messing with forces you don’t understand!!
Zimthele clears her throat while Virgin is looking at her.
She claps her hands and walks out to find Zenande.
Zimthele:Is he going to die?
She asks in a shaky voice.
Gladys:Ungangibuzi I nonsense nje mina. Thatha lengane uyiyise kubo(Don’t ask me nonsense. Take this child to his home).
Zimthele:Sondela will never forgive me.
Gladys:Angingene ke lapho ntombi yami(I’m not concerned my dear).. You were well aware when you opened your legs for another man when you knew that you are married.
Zimthele:Mama you have to help me. Okay Bayanda isn’t Sondela’s child. It was a mistake mama, I didn’t mean to get pregnant. You have to help me.
Gladys:Help you in what way?
Zimthele:To secretly take Bayanda to his father. Sondela can’t find out that he’s not his. He will divorce me mom. The children are the only thing that I have against him.
Gladys:Zimthele don’t turn me into a witch as old as I am. I will not scheme with you. Tell your husband the truth before he finds out from somebody else.
Zimthele:He will leave me.
Gladys:Who even is the father!?
Zimthele:An old friend.
Gladys looks at her daughter disappointed that she would lie for this long. Who knows what other secrets she has!?After a while, Sondela comes rushing into the room with his mother.
Sondela:What happened?
Zimthele looks at her mother.
Zimthele:He fell, but they say he’s going to be okay. He just hit his head hard.
NONOI do feel bad that I betrayed Langelihle like this, but that man promised me something. He said I could fall pregnant and have my own child and I stupidly agreed without even asking how he was going to do that. He told me that I should take Langa and keep her until he arrives. But then the unexpected happened. I don’t even know how to explain what happened, because I still don’t understand. Langa looked completely different, like she was some sort of Sun goddess if there’s such.
Now I ran away, I knew her husband and her in laws would come for me. So I had to run. No one will find me here, even that mystery man.
I peep outside the window to check what was that noise I heard..
I close back the curtain when I don’t see anything.I jump up and almost pee on myself when I see him standing in front of me. How did he..!?
He looks angry. I take a good look at him and I don’t recognize him from anywhere.
Nono:She got away, I’m sorry.
“You have failed me.”, he shouts at me.
Nono:She burnt me.
I show him my neck, I still had red marks from where Langa had me by the throat.
“She did that to you?”, he asks rather proud.
I nod.
“So she still has the power.”, he adds smiling.
He turns back and pace up and down. He takes his phone and calls someone.
“She still has the power, and I bet she doesn’t even know what she is. The most powerful being in the planet and she has no idea what she can do.”
“I can’t get to her by myself, her mother is blocking me I know. I will plant someone to get her for me. And I already know who”
He looks at me smirking. He hangs up.
Nono:Who are you and what do you want from Langa? Is she your daughter? Did you kill her mother? Or did you kill her father?
“Let’s just say. I’m an old friend.”
Nono:That doesn’t answer my question.
“And who do you think you are to question me like this!?”
He asks in a threatening voice, I look down.
“We have to do what is necessary to maintain balance, and your friend is shifting that balance .”
I am pleased to learn that Bayanda’s situation is not serious, that means he will be back home as soon as possible. My mother is still here with me, it’s the three of us.
She looks at Bayanda sleeping and frowns.
Sondela:What’s wrong?
“Hay khona ndodana, I didn’t want to say anything or accuse makoti of adultery. But are you sure about him?”
Sondela:What do you mean?
“He looks nothing like you. You remember how worse he got when we did that ceremony for him!?”
She is right, like I said before. Bayanda’s anger and tantrums got worse after we did that ceremony and introduced him to the ancestors. If he’s really not my son then, it means we shouldn’t have introduced him to the Mthembu ancestors. He needs his real family’s ancestors.
Sondela:I remember. I haven’t said anything to Zimthele but I am suspicious that something is amiss.
“Is what are you going to do?”
Sondela:I will do a DNA test secretly and find out the truth. And if Zimthele lied to me, then we will have a real problem.
Outside the room, Zimthele holds her mouth shocked and hurt. She didn’t think that the whole Mthembu clan is suspecting the paternity of her son. And now Sondela wants to do a DNA test.
She turns back and walks away quickly.
Sondela texted to let me know that Bayanda is okay. I’m glad. He’s a nice kid, it’s just he looks like he has a lot of issues, for a six year old.
It’s just after 12pm and I am going to Ein house, the mental asylum. I need to speak with that woman, the one who caused a scene the other day and told me to run. Maybe she has answers, or she will point me to the right direction. I already have her name, Sondela’s father was able to find it for me.
I can’t shake off the feeling that someone is watching or following me. I have gotten paranoid these days. I stop on my tracks and move my head back in a speed of light. I see her, she hides with the walls and runs. I run after her, calling her out to stop.
I finally reach her after minutes of running.
I grab her tightly to not let her go. It’s the woman in the picture.
Langelihle:Who are you and why are you following me!?
“I….I’m sorry..”
She stutters looking everywhere but my eyes. She looks a bit younger than me, or my age. What happened to her?
I sigh.
Langelihle:What is your name?
She looks at me and blinks her eyes.
She breaks free from my grip and runs away. I chase her but she was no where in sight anymore. Damn it!
I send Sondela a text that I saw that woman.
I head back to the asylum.