The moment I saw that man on top of my wife I saw red. I wanted to kill him right there, but I had to think of Langa. What did that fucker do to her!? She wasn’t moving. Doctors are with her and they assured me that she’s alive and they are busy with her. I will be back to see her later. I have to go back and deal with him. I swear I will kill him.
I drive in and my father’s car was already here.
I enter and my floor was red with all the blood. I marched to him and gave him another blow. I was held back by my father.
Mthembu:Calm down Sondela!
Sondela:He fuckin r*ped my wife!!! Why did you do it huh!?
I directed the question to him. He was a mess and his face all swollen up. He deserves it.
Mthembu:What do you want to do with him?
Mlamuli:He deserves death, nothing else.
Sondela:As he should.
I lifted his head up and he was in a pretty bad shape.
Zachary:I’m… soryy…
He said out of breath.
Sondela:I’m sorry too…
Mthembu:Sondela you’re not a killer.
Sondela:He traumatized my wife.
Mthembu:But you’re not a killer. Beating him up is good, but killing is something I’ve never taught you and you won’t start now. Taking a life is no child’s play.
Mthembu:Think about what I’m saying son. I am angry too at what he did, but we don’t have the right nor the authority to take a life. Send him to jail and he will pay for his crimes in there. We have enough to lock him up for years.
Sondela:He’ll just be out in a few months, you know how things roll around here.
Mthembu:I’ll make sure he suffers. There are ways to make someone pay son other than killing them. We are not killers, never have been and never will.
I sat down feeling defeated. The anger in me wasn’t comprehending what Baba was saying. I have never killed anyone before, but this guy deserves it. How can you just help yourself with someone who’s clearly unresponsive!?imagine if I had just turned back and concluded that Langelihle was cheating on me, meanwhile this idiot was forcing himself on her. I hate r*pists. They should be hanged.
Mlamuli:But dad..
Mthembu:Thula! (Shut up)
Mthembu:Now go back to the hospital and be with makoti, I will call the police for this one.
Sondela:Okay, I will go.
He gave me a manly hug.
Mthembu:He will pay.
I nodded and walked out to my car, driving back to the hospital.
Zimthele is also at a hospital, Langelihle is at a hospital. What the hell is happening!?
I arrive and I wasn’t allowed in yet, they were still busy.
I sighed and sat on the bench thinking. That picture I found Zachary in kept flashing in my mind. How will Langelihle take it that the person she trusted, took advantage of her? Zachary has been her doctor for years. I didn’t think he would do something like this. He must have always been thirsting for her. That mf!
Back at Langelihle & Sondela’s house.
Mthembu has called the police and informed them what happened. They took Zachary away, awful as he looked. They were now cleaning up the place, it was messy.
Mlamuli looks at his father and has so many questions, the way he was forbidding Sondela to not kill had a lot of emotional background.
Mlamuli:Hey dad can I ask?
Mlamuli:When you were convincing Sondela to not kill Zachary, you looked sad and your face had a lot of regrets. What was that about?
Mthembu turns to him and blinks his eyes.
Mthembu:Sit down son.
They both sit down.
Mthembu:I raised you boys so well, I did my best to show you that there are other ways to Deal with someone than being physical with them, because a mistake will happen and you will do something that you will regret your whole life. Like you, I was also young and I went through the challenges of life. Unfortunately mine, led me to do something I never thought I would do. I had a friend, his name was Patrick. We were the best of friends, and we did almost everything together. But, there came a day where we had an argument and it turned pretty bad.
I pushed him and he fell, not moving. I laughed thinking he’s taking defeat. I went to him and I noticed he was bleeding. I started to panic and tried to touch him. That’s when I noticed that I had pushed him over a pointy sword, we were at my father’s garage and my dad liked collecting swords and other things that were used for battles in the olden days.
The sword cut through him, killing him on the spot.
I tried lifting him up but it was too late, he was already gone. A silly argument made me kill my best friend by accident. I called my dad and he helped me dispose of his body. He was never found, his family never found out what happened to him. They spent years looking for him until they gave up. I was never the same after that, I almost became depressed. I spent everyday thinking about how much I shouldn’t have pushed him. How I lost him over something that could have been fixed easily. So yes Mlamuli I do have regrets over that day. And I don’t want any of you to go through what I went through. The trauma and nightmares that come with taking a life are not a walk in the park. I even felt like Patrick was haunting me at some point.
Zachary will go to jail and he will pay for what he did to Langelihle, he will get everything that is coming. I will make sure of it.
Mlamuli:I’m sorry, I didn’t know that you went through so much. But I understand why you don’t want Sondela to kill Zachary. It makes sense. Does mom know about Patrick?
Mthembu:She knows. Please don’t tell anyone about this.
Mlamuli:I won’t.
Mom and Virgin came to see me at the hospital. Honestly, I don’t know why they are still keeping me here because I am fine. But they want to keep me overnight for “observation”.
Gladys:Is the baby okay though?
Zimthele:My doctor said so yesterday, but what worries me is that he’s still breeched.
Virgin:Kanti what’s taking them long to turn him vele?
Zimthele:I don’t know honestly. Sondela said he talked to the doctor yesterday to squeeze me in some time next week..
Gladys:They should hurry before you give birth. I want to see my grandson.
She said smiling.
Zimthele:Well, I can ask them to do a scan so you can see him.
Virgin:I’ll get the doctor.
Zimthele:I think he has knocked off.
Virgin:I’m sure there’s another doctor here.
She left.
Zimthele:How is she doing at her new job?
I asked laughing. Virgin as a maid? I would never have thought.
Mom laughs and hits me softly.
Gladys:Uvovekile! She always comes back home crying saying she’s tired. The Millers are draining her.
Zimthele:I’m surprised she hasn’t quit..
Gladys:She says she wants to look for another job.
Zimthele:Sue will be fine. When you are desperate you take any job.
Gladys:This will be a lesson learnt to her to not depend on a man. You can’t predict the future.
Gladys:Kanti nawe ksasa kusangasa ngawe(This can happen to you too).
Zimthele:Hawu ma!
My mother!
Gladys:Ngiyaktshela, nawe awusebenzi ntombi ungazikhohlwa. U Sondela mengase akushiye ksasa uyofana no Virgin (I’m telling you, you’re also not working. If Sondela leaves you, you will be like Virgin).
Zimthele:Sondela would never leave me.
She laughs and close her eyes.
Gladys:That’s what your sister said too, you remember? But look where she is now . Ngihlezi nginikhuza weyngane Ngithi haybo musani ukuncika emadodeni kanje. Vuka uzithathe njengomfazi, sebenza wenze imali yakho! Kodwa kungena ngapha kuphume ngapha! (I’m always warning the two of you, that you shouldn’t depend on a man. Dust yourself up as a woman, work and make your own money! But you don’t listen!).
I sighed and looked the other way. Told you this woman has no filter. She says it like is it.
Luckily Virgin enters with a doctor. They helped me out of bed and we went to the ultrasound department. I sat on the bed and she applied the gel on my stomach. This thing is cold.
My mother was looking in awe. She always say we are lucky that we can do these scans. Back then, they waited for nine months to meet their children.
A loud heartbeat erupts the room and I become emotional. That’s my baby.
We move our eyes to the screen and I frown a little. What I’m seeing isn’t what is on the previous scans with Zachary (my doctor).
Gladys:Is that him?
“Yes it’s him. Here is the little penis. He looks healthy and ready for delivery.”, the doctor replies smiling.
I was confused.
Zimthele:I’m sorry but is he breech?
“Breech? No, he is in a normal position. The head is facing down, see?”, she shows us.
Zimthele:I don’t understand, my doctor said he is breech and I have to do a procedure to turn him.
She looked back at me confused too.
“Uhh I don’t know about that, but there’s no breech position here. Your baby is fine and healthy.”I was really confused, why would Zac lie to me about my baby being breech? Or he made a mistake?
They call me in and she was sleeping.
Sondela:How is she?
“We found traces of poison in her system.”
I closed my eyes. I knew it! He must have drugged her.
“And there are signs of forced penetration which caused a tear in her vagina.”
It gets worse.
“I’m sorry. We managed to drain the poison out, it didn’t cause that much damage. It just weakened her mobility and knocked her out. So she will be okay.”
I sighed relieved that she will be okay. But it still doesn’t erase the fact that she was r*ped. How will I even tell her!?
“It is our job to call the police if a patient is showing abuse symptoms”
Sondela:Don’t worry, the pig who did this is arrested as we speak.
“Hopefully she gets justice. Can’t believe we still have people who take advantage of vulnerable women in this country! It is disgusting and sickening”
Sondela:Tell me about it. So how is the baby? I hope he wasn’t harmed in all of this.
“The baby? What baby?”
She asked me confused. Does she not see that she’s pregnant?
Sondela:The baby she’s pregnant with. Can’t you see she’s pregnant?
“Uhh Mr Mthembu, there is no sign of life to the baby your wife is carrying.”
“It seems like the baby has been dead for a long time. Didn’t you know? I was surprised to see he wasn’t removed.”
I blinked my eyes and looked at her.
Sondela:Her doctor said he was alive again, and that she would give birth.
“I don’t know what you are talking about. But the baby is not alive. I’m sorry”.
To be continued….60+ comments.