Days later…
I was still here “visiting”. Everything is going well. I can’t figure out the relationship between Langelihle and the man in the wheelchair, Sondela. They sleep in the same room and are always so cosy. I’ve never asked because I don’t want to seem nosy. But he doesn’t stand a chance, I’ve managed to swoop Langelihle under my charm. One of these days I’m going to admit my feelings to her and she’ll be too deep in love with me.
I fold my clothes and pack them to the wardrobe, I’m used to doing things on my own so I don’t depend on anyone for everything.
I heard a knock and I told whoever it was to come in.
Nongcebo entered.
Nongcebo:Your Highness.
She bowed.
Thembalihle:Yes how may I help you?
Nongcebo:I’ve come to let you know that lunch is ready.
Thembalihle:Thank you, I am coming now.
She left. This one has been snooping around me. She is suspicious of me, she must think I have ulterior motives for coming here.
I finished folding my clothes and left for the lunch. They were already seated.
Virgin really did help me with the CV but I haven’t found my matric certificate and my ID. I don’t even remember where I put my documents, this is just a mess. An ID I can redo, but the Matric certificate, I don’t know how I will get it back. Kodwa how can I lose such important documents!?
Anyway, I came to see my mother. I need to apologize for the way I spoke to her that day. It was no excuse, mom did everything to ensure that we have good lives.
I sit shyly on the couch and look at her. She is so unbothered and is watching the TV freely.
She ignored me and continued watching TV.
Zimthele:Mama I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to talk to you like that. I was stressed and I shouldn’t have taken out my frustrations on you.
Gladys:I have nothing to say to you Zimthele, next thing you will be telling me that you don’t beg for my forgiveness. So do as you please my daughter. It’s your life, I did my best to raise and you threw that to my face. So good luck.
Is my mother giving up on me? What have I done?
My soul wasn’t at ease, I feel like something bad is about to happen I don’t know what. I have bad dreams at night that I can’t interpret. I don’t feel even so good. I don’t know what’s causing this. Gobi can’t find anything wrong, same as Ataru.
The only good thing happening is that Sondela is doing well. He is starting physio in a few days. The person who will help him will come here and do the work.
Sondela:I can’t wait to walk again.
Langelihle:Me too.
I force a smile and continue with what I was doing. I have tried putting my hands on him but nothing happens. I guess I’m not meant to heal him.
Sondela:Hey are you okay?
Langelihle:I’m okay.
Sondela:I feel like something is bothering you.
Langelihle:Nah don’t worry yourself about it.
Sondela:Okay so… what is happening between you and the “prince”?
Langelihle:Nothing is happening, he’s just a friend. Why do you ask?
Sondela:I don’t know but there’s just something about him, I don’t know what it is.
Langelihle:Thembalihle is a Prince, you wouldn’t get it.
Sondela:Oh, I’m sorry.
I realized that might have been mean.
Langelihle:I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.
Sondela:How did you mean it?
Langelihle:I mean he’s royalty and he understands me better in a way that you won’t.
Sondela:Wow. Let me leave.
He wheeled himself away and I rubbed my eyes in frustration. That came out so wrong.
I ran after him.
Zimthele says she lost her documents, her ID and Matric Certificate. Honestly how can you lose such important things? They are literally your life. That girl is losing it, she didn’t even know where to start creating a CV. I had to take her through the process step by step. I don’t know how she will get her certificate because she doesn’t even has a copy, and she matriculated years ago I don’t know if she can still get it. She should ransack her house and look for it, maybe she misplaced it somewhere.
My head felt like it was exploding today, I kept having little flashbacks that I couldn’t make out what they mean.
“I promise to love and honour you, treat you with respect and to never hurt you.”
“I can’t believe you want a second wife. After everything we have been through.”
“Do you even still love me?”
I held my hand in pain and frustration, I kept reliving whatever those memories were.
My mind is still stuck on what Langelihle said, that Thembalihle is a prince and he gets her more than I could. This guy just came out of nowhere to snatch her away from me. I can’t let that happen.
I can’t wait to get my life back on track. My parents? I’m sad that they haven’t called to check on how I’m doing. I don’t understand the reason behind that.
Virgin said I should ransack the house and bring the house upside down, so I’m doing exactly that. After hours of searching, I finally find them. I sit on the bed relieved and open them. They were still intact. I sent Virgin a text that I’ve found them, now I need to make copies and apply as quickly as possible..
Bayanda is still visiting Sana.
I haven’t told anyone about Bayanda’s origin. I don’t think they deserve to know, Sondela is the only one who deserves to know. Not them, they’ve shown quite clearly that they don’t care so I won’t bother.
Langelihle goes out to find Sondela so that she can apologize for the way she spoke to him.
She meets Thembalihle by the door and they share a brief look.
She feels her legs wobbling and balances with the walls.
Thembalihle holds her.
Thembalihle:Whoa are you okay?
Langelihle:Yeah I’m just tired… have you seen Sondela?
Thembalihle:He’s by the garden.
Langelihle:Okay thank you.
She quickly goes away from him and finds Sondela.
Langelihle:So about what I said earlier, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to put it like that…
Sondela:It’s fine, I get what you were saying.
He touches his sweating forehead.
Langelihle:What’s wrong?
Sondela:I keep having flashbacks, I think it’s one of my memories I don’t know. But my head is pounding.
Langelihle looks at him in shock and surprise.
Langelihle:You’re getting your memories back?
Sondela:I don’t know, but I don’t want to bring my hopes up for nothing because it could be nothing.
To be continued….