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Sondela goes inside after hearing some screams, to check what’s going on. He finds the nurses putting Langa to bed and injecting her.
Sondela:What happened?
His eyes move to the pale, tiny body and his heart shatters.
He closes his eyes and a tear drops from his eyes.
He sighs and move to his son. He touches his body, and gulps his sadness down. This wasn’t easy for him either, he keeps on being strong for Langelihle. But he is also falling apart, he doesn’t know what to do.
The nurses and doctors were looking in pity. They also found themselves shedding tears, this was too emotionally heavy and sad. The way Langelihle just fell apart broke them too.
They covered the baby’s body and he was wheeled away, going to the morgue.
Sondela goes outside and stands by the corner, he let all his tears out. Not caring who’s watching him. He let it all out. Patients and staff walking by looking at him, some taking videos and pictures.
They were chased away by Mlamuli who shouted at them.
“YOU BETTER NOT POST THOSE PICTURES! BECAUSE I WILL FIND YOU AND YOU WILL REGRET IT!!”, he says to the nurse who was taking pictures.
He helps his brother stand up and goes with him on the other side of the hospital.
Sondela face was red.
Mlamuli:What happened?
He couldn’t speak, the lump in his throat was getting bigger.
“He.. Is..”, he stuttered and choked on his tears.
Mlamuli brought him in for a hug and embraced him.
Sondela held on to him and poured his heart out.
Mlamuli:I’m sorry..
Those were the only words he could say at that moment.
Back at Langelihle…
She wakes up, the sedation had died down. She rubs her eyes and she can feel how swollen they are.
She looks around and the memories of what just happened comes crushing down like a waterfall in her mind.
She notices a jacket on the chair and she picks it up.
She folds it and make a baby doll with it.
She brings the jacket closer to her and smiles with tears in between.
Langelihle:I knew you were alive. I knew you wouldn’t leave mommy like this. You must be hungry. Let me feed you.
She takes out her one boob and pinch it a little, milk comes out.
She brings the jacket closer to her chest and directs her boob to her “baby”.
I am back at my house, I had to request a ride to bring me here. Sondela said he would be back to pick me up but nothing. He’s probably with Langelihle, not surprised though.
Zenande and Bayanda crush me into a hug as soon as they see I’m back.
Zenande:We missed you.
Zimthele:Hawu I’ve only been gone one day. How was school?
Bayanda:We had a test, and I passed. I got five stars.
I smiled and gave him a high five.
Zimthele:Good boy.
Zenande:We didn’t have a test but school was fun. We had v.. Visitors from another schools.
They told me about their day and I listened to them.
Zenande:Is daddy coming tonight?
Zimthele:I don’t know, I will ask him. Go and change.
They run off to their rooms.
I have to cook, I bet they are hungry. The nanny doesn’t cook, I prefer doing it on my own. Unless it is an emergency, like yesterday when I wasn’t here.
In the middle of my cooking, I am interrupted by a knock. Who could that be?
I place the knife next to the vegetables and wipe my hands.
I head to the door and open for whoever is knocking.
I open my eyes in shock when I realize it’s Sana, and he was with his parents. Oh God oh God!!
I get out and close the door behind me. My eyes haven’t left Sana.
Zimthele:What are you doing here!?
I ask with my teeth grinded.
Sana:Good day to you too. We need to speak with your husband.
Zimthele:My husband? About what?
“Ntombazane don’t pretend like you don’t know what we are doing here. We want our grandchild, he deserves to be with us his real family.”, his mother shoots back.
“Indeed he needs to be with his father. Sana told us that you won’t allow him to see his son or spend time with him. So we decided to come here for ourselves and see what’s the matter. Bayanda is a pure Dlamini.”, the father adds.
Zimthele:I’m sorry but the three of you need to leave my property beg I call the police. This is trespassing!
I shout a little.
“She’s even rude”, Sana’s mother says.
If Sondela could come here now, he will find out the truth. I can’t let that happen.
I push these three all the way to the gate and lock it.
“Hawu Hawu yaze yadelela Ingane. Usiphusha kanje! (You’re so rude, you push us like this!?)
Sana:Zimthele stop being selfish. Bayanda is my son, and you are parading him to your husband as his.
Zimthele:You will not dare breath a word to Sondela about this Sana, because I swear I’m taking you down with me. I know a lot about you, more than you think. So don’t test me.
Well today was alright I guess, I dropped off my CVS but I don’t know whether I will be called back. Most of the places they said they were not hiring.
I am damn tired. I find Phil on the phone.
Phil:Yes I understand.. I have the old model..
Phil:I can even sell it to you for R10000.
The begging and sadness in his voice can’t be missed.
Phil:Okay, R5000 is fine. I will send you the address for collection.
Phil:Okay, thank you so much Sir.
He hung up and I looked at him.
Virgin:What are you selling?
Phil:MY old car.
Virgin:The one that your late father gave you?
Virgin:And you are selling it for R5000?
Phil:I don’t have a choice V. What do you want me to do?
Virgin:Phil why are you acting like we are living on the streets? You can find many people who can buy the car at a reasonable price. That car is the classic of its kind to be just sold for a mere R5000. Just stop worrying so much. We will figure everything out in our pace.
I sat on top of him and wrapped my arms around him.
Phil:I just feel so useless. Everyday I’m sitting here.
Virgin:It’s not the end of the world. Feeling sorry for ourselves will not help. We lost everything yes , we just have to accept that and come up with other ways to generate income. You can do gardening for people or any type of handy work, you were building houses back in the day, don’t you remember?
Phil:I remember.
Virgin:It will be okay.
I kissed him and he kissed me back, deepening the kiss.
My phone vibrated and I ignored it.
I continued kissing him, it’s been long without sex. He’s always down and depressed.
It rings this time.
Phil:Just answer it.
He whispers.
I answer it and it was Zimthele.
Virgin:Zimthele what do you want? I’m busy.
Zimthele:V can you believe that Sana was here and demanding to know more about Bayanda!?
Virgin:Seriously that’s what you called me for!? Zimthele don’t involve me in your marriage problems, I have far bigger problems than yours.
I hung up and click my tongue. I wasn’t even in the mood anymore.
I stand up from Phil and head towards the door.
Phil:Hau and then?
Virgin:I’m not in the mood anymore.
Curse you Zimthele for costing me tlof tlof.
At the hospital.
After Sondela had cried enough and got everything out of his chest, him and Mlamuli went back to Langelihle ward rooms.
They found a very disturbing scene.
Langelihle was playing with the jacket  she made into a baby.
The doctor sees them and drags them out.
Sondela:What is happening now?
“I found her like that. She thinks the jacket is her baby, because she kept on saying she knew he was alive. Your wife is not okay sir. She needs help immediately.”
Sondela sighed and looked at Langelihle, and she looked completely drawn to the jacket.
Sondela:When it rains it pours.
To be continued…

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