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I am woken up by Sondela grunting painfully next to me. I sit up straight and hold him.
Langelihle:Sondela what's wrong?
Sondela:My hands.. They froze again.
I help him sit.
Langelihle:Let me see.
He gave me his hands. I held them.
Langelihle:How are they now?
Sondela:Much better.
Langelihle:Do you want water?
Sondela:No but I... do need to pee..
I got out from bed and brought his wheelchair near to the bed, I locked the brakes and moved the pedals away.
I helped him sit in a way that his feet would touch the floor. I brought the wheelchair closer to the bed at a 45° angle and bent my knees. I stood with my feet in between his to prevent him from slipping. I placed my hands on his upper body (hugging him) and leaned forward, I turned him all the way to the wheelchair and he sat successfully. The bathroom is far away so I wouldn't have been able to carry him. I put back the pedals and placed his foot on top of them. I unlocked the brakes and wheeled him to the bathroom. I helped him pee and we got back to the bed. Transferring someone from and to a wheelchair is not as hard as I thought, the doctor explained everything about what I need to do.
Sondela:Thank you, for everything.
I smiled and covered us with the duvet.
We slept again, it's a long day tomorrow.
I was angry to hear what Zimthele said to mom yesterday. What the hell is wrong with her!? That she can speak to our mother like this!
Gladys:Maybe it's what she always wanted to say, and she finally got the chance.
Virgin:She should apologize and get her life in order. She should have learnt a lesson from me to not depend on a man, Sondela is no longer giving her money because of his situation. Instead of looking for a job she's throwing tantrums at everyone.
Gladys:Maybe you should go and check up on her. This must be a lot for her to take in.
Virgin:I will go, mainly because I need to tell her a pizza my mind.
Gladys:What is that?
Virgin:Never mind.
I left her and went to our backroom. Phil was sleeping, he's tired. He has been working so hard lately, I ordered him to rest today. He even has a few workers who help him.
I take my bag and some money to call a cab.
I go outside and call it. It drives me to Zimthele house. Within an hour I was outside, I paid and went inside the yard. It was too quiet. I knocked through the kitchen door and the door was open, so I let myself in.
I stopped on my tracks seeing the place. A girl was cleaning, and it looked like a pigsty. The dishes all piled up on the sink. There were even flies buzzing all over. The floor was a mess. These tiles used to be white but they were brown.
I greeted the girl and asked what is going on here.
"I am the nanny. I was on leave for two months, and I came back today. This is what I found. I can't stay in a dirty place so I'm cleaning around."
Virgin:Where is Zimthele?
"In her room."
I thanked her and shook my head disgusted. How do you stay in a house like this!? This person has a new born, how is the baby staying in a house like this!?
I went ahead to her bedroom and knocked. She didn't reply, so I went inside and the room was worse. Bayanda was crying on his cot. I placed my bag on the bed and took him. He was even hiccupping, his eyes were red which means he was crying for a long time.
Virgin:Zimthele why are you just watching him crying?
She ignored me. I went around the room with Banele trying to calm him down but he didn't stop crying. Maybe he's hungry. I went back to the kitchen and asked the girl where his bottle is. She took it, she was cooling it down.
I put it on Banele and he sucked on it for dear life, he quickly finished it and cried for more. When was the last time this child was fed? Zimthele is starting to be careless.
She gave me another one and I fed it to him. He quickly finished it too. I opened my eyes in shock.
The girl was shocked too.
Virgin:Zimthele wants to kill a child of hunger
I burped him and went to his nursery. At least it was clean.
I took off his nappy, and bathed him.
He was closing his eyes the entire time. I laughed a little, taking care of a baby is one of the most beautiful thing ever. I don't understand how Zimthele can just ignore him like this. By the time I was done he was already sleeping. I put him on his cot and opened the window a little to let fresh air in.
I heard some shouting, and I exited the room.
It was Zimthele shouting at the girl, I didn't even ask for her name.
Zimthele:And who said I need you to clean? What if I liked my mess?
She shouted at her. I went near her and backed up a little, the smell threw me off.
Everyone is going up and down preparing for the big day. Langa's outfits are ready for the day. The ceremony is going to be divided into two, the Zulu part and the Japanese part.
It's going to take place for two consecutive days, and an extra day if there is to be something left to be done.
She is at the throne room looking at the scepter. If she can't pick it up, she will be banished forever because it would mean she is not of pure heart and want to destroy the kingdom. Mlando stands next to her.
Mlando:I know what you are worried about.
Langelihle:What if I can't pick it up Mlando? My nerves are skyrocketing.
Mlando:They wouldn't have waited for you for this long only for it to deny you. You have done so much for this kingdom with only three months that you have been here. Children can now attend school nearby, no one goes to bed hungry, people's hope have been restored and they are always looking forward to the next day. I know you will be a great leader. So don't worry yourself about it.
Langelihle:I hear you, it's going to be a big day and all kingdoms will be here to witness the ceremony. I'm also worried about my father, what if he strikes tomorrow? There are going to be a lot of people.
Mlando:Security will be tight, no way he's getting in.
Langelihle:People who loathe you always wait until the big day to hurt you, where they know a lot of people will see as they execute their revenge.
Mlando:That won't happen Sis Langa, stop worrying.
Langelihle:Anyway, is your outfit ready?
Mlando:Yep. So I have to tell you something... I don't know how you are going to take it...
Langelihle:Mhh what is it?
Mlando:Gobi told me something months back and my heart doesn't have peace.
Langelihle:I know.
Mlando:*Shocked* You know?
Langelihle:Yes, she also told me. But don't worry, we are not going to do it.
Langelihle:Yes, I spoke with them and made them understand that we can't do it.
Mlando sighed relieved. At least, now he can tell Nongcebo how he feels.
Mlando:So you're going to marry Sondela?
Langelihle looked away avoiding the question.
Langelihle:I need to check if everything is going well outside.
She quickly left.
Virgin forced me to take a bath, I'll admit it, it was refreshing. I had to scrub myself.
She had cleaned my room when I got back.
Virgin:Sit down..
I sat down..
Virgin:What the fuck is wrong with you?
Zimthele:You won't understand V.
Virgin:Try me..
Zimthele:I just feel so left out. Sondela is now disabled, and he hasn't been sending money because he's not even here. Langelihle took him to her kingdom. The Mthembus never check on me or ask how the children are doing, it's only Mlamuli who calls and sends little money. And Bab'Mthembu sends some change. But they don't care V, I always knew that family doesn't like me but are tolerating me for Sondela's sake. And now that he's gone, they are showing their true colors. I'm ashamed that I even agreed with them when they wanted to kill Sondela because they thought he wouldn't be the same again. And now I'm all alone with three children. Mom told me countless times to find something to do, that I can't depend on Sondela forever. But I didn't listen. Look where I am now..
Virgin:So you are acting all depressed like this because of money?
Virgin:No Zimthele we have been babying you for too long. I also lost everything, but you didn't see me going around without bathing and ignoring my children. I'll agree at first I acted like a brat to Phil but later on I looked at our situation and realized that no magic was going to happen to get us out of the mess we were in. I looked for a job, I'm working as a packer. If you knew the insults I get everyday you would be traumatized, but I don't let that get to me because I know I'm working for my family and my children. So you mean to tell me that you didn't save a cent from all the money Sondela was giving you every month?
I shook my head in shame.
Virgin:It's really not the end of the world Zim, go out there and look for something to do. No one is going to come and save you, you are a mother, your first priority should be to make sure that your children are fed and they aren't lacking anything. You say your in-laws don't love you, then let them be. Not everyone will like you in this world. Get up on your ass and work man!
Langelihle told me that tomorrow is her coronation day, I'm happy for her even though I don't understand what's going to be done but I'm happy for her. She has been running around all day, and the house is crowded today. Everyone is going up and down. I was at the garden for some fresh air. I feel like a stranger here. What's going to happen now? She's going to be a Queen, and they've probably found a husband for her who is royalty. They will get married, have children and rule their kingdom together. And I'll be the miserable boiled, bendy carrot. I have no family now, I was used to being around her. But she can't baby me forever.
She deserves to be happy. I don't know where to after this.
To be continued...

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