#Still at Ein House.
Langelihle frowns hearing Margaret say she’s her mother.
Langelihle:You’re my mother? I thought you said she died.
Margaret stood up from her seat and stood near the gate, holding on to it.
Langelihle took a good look at her and her eyes had changed.
Langelihle:*Stuttering* M.. Mm.. Om……
She touches her cheek and close her eyes as tears found their way out.
Langelihle:I don’t understand, I thought you died.
Langa:I did… I’m using Margaret’s body, I wanted to be the one to tell you the story. I’m really sorry for everything my sun. You are so grown. I never had the chance to even hold you.
Langelihle:Mom please tell me what to do. I know I don’t know you, but I miss you. My heart has the void of a mother.
Langa:Do not carry a heavy heart Langelihle. I am always here. You just can’t see me.
Langelihle:So what is his name?
Langelihle shivered, even the name is scary. The whole story was making her anxious, finding out that your father killed your family and is now looking for you to kill you, because he wants to be the only powerful person in the world. It was making her very scared, and she was even thinking of running off to another country.
Langelihle:Someone I went to said I should find my home, and all my questions will be answered.
Langa:*Smiling*You have. I am your home. Though, if she was speaking about the Sun Kingdom, then there’s nothing there.
She said with a low voice, filled with regrets and sadness.
Langelihle:It is not your fault.
Langa:I’m afraid it is.
Langelihle:*Sighs*Can you tell me where is the Sun Kingdom?
Langa:Of course.
She tells her where to go.
“Time is up Mem”, the lady guard shouted.
Langelihle:I have to go. Will I talk to you again? I am happy to see you, I know it’s not you physically. But I have always wanted to at least see your pictures.
Langa:I looked like you, exactly like you.
“It’s time to go”, they grab her by the hand.
She goes out.
Langa leaves Margaret’s body and Margaret rubs her eyes and smiles.
Margaret:I am glad you have talked to her.Outside.
Langelihle gets inside her car. She is having mixed emotions,, but she is happy that she got to have a chat with her mother. Most people would be freaked out by what just happened, but she isn’t. She knows she’s no ordinary person, so that didn’t scare her. She feels like a weight has been lifted off of her shoulders. Though she is worried about Mdabula.
She laughs at the name, some parents have no mercy when it comes to giving names to their children.
She takes her phone and calls Gende.
Langelihle:Yebo gogo, angazi yini le esanda kwenzeka(I don’t know what happened).
Gende:Sewukhulumile naye? (Have you talked to her?)
Langelihle:How did you know? Nop don’t answer that.
Gende:Sewuseduze(You are close).
Langelihle:Yeah at least now I know the story. But Mdabula is still coming for me, turns out he’s my father and the mystery man. Mom says he’s consumed by greed and power, he can’t tell between right and wrong.
Gende:Your journey was written in the stars. It won’t be roses, I won’t lie to you. But there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Langelihle:Ngiyezwa gogo.
Gende:Langelihle ngikukhuza ekqaleni ngalento ofuna ukuyenza ukuthi iyeke(I warned you last time to stop what you are thinking of doing).
She clears her throat and looks outside the window.
Langelihle:I can’t help but see the best in everyone. I know she doesn’t have good intentions, but a part of me is hoping that she will change.
Langelihle:Uhh I will update you about the progress gogo. Goodbye.
She quickly hangs up and drives back home.
Three weeks later.
SONDELA“Mhh so what is wrong with you Mr Mthembu?”
I look down embarrassed.
Sondela:Uh… I have sores on my area, and a burning irritation. It’s painful to even pee.
“Sounds like you have an infection, a drop”
I feel my soul leaving my body but it quickly goes back.
Sondela:An infection?
“Yes, have you been having unprotected sex?”
Sondela:Uh… only with my wives.
Sondela:Yes, but we are always safe.
“Mhh okay. Please pee in this cup. There’s a bathroom that side. “
I take the cup and go to the bathroom. Peeing is damn painful, but I manage to release it.
I go back to the doctor and give it to him.
“I will be back. Please wait.”
He leaves and comes back some time later.
“Sorry to keep you waiting. You definitely have an infection Mr Mthembu. But it is not the end of the world. It can be treated. Take these antibiotics, I will write the instructions for you. I advise you to do an HIV Test to be safe and advise both of your wives to visit the doctor’s office, to check if they don’t have infections.”
I nodded and he gave me the medication. It’s my first time having a sexually transmitted disease. It has never happened before, does this mean that someone between my wives went outside and slept with someone else!? Zimthele and Langelihle, can they do that?
And come back with an infection, what if the three of us have HIV now. I need to call a meeting for the three of us. They will tell me the truth today.
I thank the doctor and buy three HIV kits on the way.
I call the both of them and wait. I am anxious. What if I have HIV!?
I hear their cars driving in and a while later, both of them enter the room. They are so pregnant; I don’t know how I will split myself into spending equal time with the babies.
The DNA results of Bayanda? Let’s just say I was wrong. They came back showing that I’m the father. So I was stressed over nothing.
“An HIV kit!?”, Zimthele asks.
They are already seated.
Sondela:I bought one for the three of us. Someone has been misbehaving.
Langelihle:What do you mean?
Sondela:I was at the doctor today, I have been experiencing pains in my d* for a while now and they told me that I have an infection. So someone between the two of you, infected us or me. I know it wasn’t me, because I have never cheated.
Langelihle:Ayy I also don’t know anything about that, so I am also infected?
Sondela:I don’t know, you need to see the doctor. Both of you.
Zimthele:Me too babe I haven’t cheated.
Sondela:So ivela emoyeni le infection!? (So this infection comes from nowhere!?)
They both look down.
Langelihle:Let me take it and show you.
She takes one kit and disappears.
Zimthele remains seated. This one is always jumpy, what is wrong with her?
Langelihle comes back minutes later and places the kit on the table.
Langelihle:See? Negative. I don’t know where this infection comes from, because I too have been experiencing vaginal pains but I thought it was the pregnancy.
Zimthele:Me too.
Sondela:So the three of us are infected? And no one know where it comes from!? Someone cheated and they are being very selfish right now. Uthule uze uyofa futhi! Whoever you are, you brought a disease to all of us. Let me take you both to the doctor before it gets too late.We lead each other to the car and I drive them to the doctor’s office.
To be continued…