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I am nerve-racking right now, I don’t know what to expect from her. She’s my aunt? And she has known of my existence all this time but didn’t say anything? Or try to make contact? Sondela squeezes my hand trying to calm me down. We were with brother-in-law, Mlamuli. We arrived at the place and it didn’t seem like an appropriate place for someone to live in. There were worn out, flying curtains. It looked really bad, but I was so keen on hearing what she has to say. Maybe finally we will be pointed to the right direction.

We enter and Sondela shouts for him, but I smell something funny and weird.
Mlamuli:I smell blood.
Exactly, I smell blood. We all rush to the origin of the smell and we were never ready for what we saw.
She was laying there, bleeding on her stomach.
Sondela crouches next to her and feels her pulse.
He looks back at us and Shakes his head.
Sondela:She’s gone.
Langelihle:*Panicking’ Maybe we should take her to the hospital, they’ll patch her up.
Sondela:She’s gone Langa.
Langelihle:She can’t be dead.
I kneel next to her too and she was really gone.
One step forward, and three steps back.
I open Sondela’s phone, he left it by mistake. I’m using that to my advantage.
I go through his messages and I find a confirmation text that the DNA samples have been sent to the lab, he should expect results within a week or two.
I exit and put his phone back.
I go to my phone and Google the name of the Lab, it’s not far.
I grab my keys and head to my car.
We came back this morning and I had to remove Isiphandla from Bayanda. I don’t even know if that’s acceptable, but Sondela would ha e asked too many questions. I told Bayanda not to say anything about our weekend.
I arrive at the Lab and head inside. I notice a young lad in a white coat.
I snap my fingers at him and he lifts his head up to me.
I go to him.
Zimthele:Hi, I am looking for DNA testing whereabouts.
He smiles.
“Oh I work in that department. Follow me”
I follow him, he tells me his name; Michael.
We walk to his office and he instructs me to sit down.
Michael:So, who are you testing the DNA for?
I clear my throat.
Zimthele:Actually… my husband wants to do a paternity test on our son.
Zimthele:And I need you to fake the results, so that they can show he is the father.
He frowns and looks at me, this is a long shot but I am desperate. I stand up and sit on the table. I remove my jacket, revealing my cleavage. I touch his chin. He backs away.
Michael:Uhh what are you doing?
Zimthele:I just need you to fake the results. It’s not that big of a deal, I will treat you well, I promise.
Michael:I will lose my job.
I get more closer to him and smash my lips into his, he freezes for a moment and then he kisses me back. I move from the table and sit on top of him. I grind myself on him, he is getting hard and is groaning lowly.
“Please…”, I mutter slowly.
Michael:What’s the name of your husband?
I smile.
Zimthele:Sondela Mthembu, testing for Bayanda Mthembu.
He picks me up and bends me over the table. I feel his pants dropping down.
He lifts up my dress and lowers my panty.
Zimthele:Will you do it?
He penetrates me and I gasp, okay I wasn’t expecting that.
Michael:I’ll do it…
I nod and smile. He pounds into me deep.
Today we laid my aunt to rest, it wasn’t a big funeral. Just a small thing, it’s after a week after we found her dead.
I’m still sad, but confused mostly. What does this man want from me? He just killed the only person who could have given me answers. I would have known my identity.
Maybe I should go to the road of incident. But it’s been 35 years, I don’t think the trail will be there. But it’s worth a try, right?

I feel someone touching my shoulder. I look up and it was Nono. I get angry instantly.
Langelihle:What are you doing here!?
Nono:I came to support my best friend.
Langelihle:Was I also your best friend when you kidnapped me?
Nono:You won’t understand Langa, he blackmailed me and left me with no choice..
Langelihle:What do you mean?
Nono:He threatened to kill my family, and promised that I would fall pregnant if I did that for him. And you know how much I want a child Langa, I was desperate and I agreed without asking how he would do that. You have to believe me.

She seemed genuine.

Nono:I’m really sorry, please forgive me.
I hug her and cry in her arms.
Langelihle:It’s okay, he is out to get me. So he will use everyone close to me. Do you know how he looks like?
Nono:No, he was always in a disguise.
Langelihle:Okay. It’s okay. When he contacts you again, please let us know.
She nods.
Nono:She was your aunt?
Langelihle:Yes. He got to her before we could get there. I’m back to square one.
Nono:What is Gende saying?
Langelihle:She always say I’m the only one who can find my way home, she says I should trust my instincts. This is stressing me out and I can’t even enjoy my pregnancy in peace.
Nono:No ways, the baby is alive?
Langelihle:*Smiling and touching my stomach* Yes, they found a heartbeat.
Nono:Oh I’m so happy for you.
We laid Ntombele to rest yesterday. It was really stupid of us to leave her alone and go to fetch Langa, we didn’t think. And now she’s gone.
Mlamuli:We will find another clue Bro, don’t worry.
Sondela:*Sighs* I don’t know what to do anymore. I try to be strong for Langa but I’m also clueless and I don’t know where to look.
He looked at me in pity and focused his eyes back on the computer. My family was very supportive, everyone wanted to help.
Mlamuli:I saw Nono today with Langa.
Sondela:I saw her too, and they were smiling and laughing. I will talk to her about that.
I saw Langa passing by, pushing her stomach. She’s so pregnant, and I love it.
I go to her.
Sondela :Where are you headed?
Langelihle:To get water.
Sondela:What is Nono doing here?
Langelihle:Oh, she came go offer her condolences.
Sondela:And how did she know?
Langelihle:News travel fast Sondela.
Sondela:This is the same person who kidnapped you.
Langelihle:I know, but we have talked and fixed things. The mystery man blackmailed her.
Sondela:And you trust her?
Langelihle:She’s my friend.
I moved away. She called after me but I ignored her. Sometimes I wonder, if people like acting stupid on purpose, or they are really stupid. Of course, I won’t say that to her face. But how does a person plot behind your back and kidnap you? Then you forgive her and all is well? Does that make sense to you?
I left my phone at Zimthele by accident. She wasn’t at the funeral, I don’t know why and quite frankly it’s fine, I don’t have the time for drama that would have erupted.

I’m met by Bayanda in the living room. I contemplate on whether I should make conversation or not.
He looks up to me and smiles.
Bayanda:Hi dad.
Okay, that’s a first. He smiled and acknowledged me.
Sondela:You good?
He nods.
Sondela:Where’s mom?
Sondela:Okay, be good.
I quickly move away and head to our bedroom. I heard the water running, she must be taking a shower. My phone was on the side drawer. I sat down and opened it. There was a message, from the Lab, informing me that the results will be back in a week or two, they will call me.
I want to know already.
Zimthele walks into me and finds me smiling.
Zimthele:Hi, why are we smiling?
Sondela:Oh, just received a good message.
Zimthele:Do I need to know?
She turns around and I notice something on her, she was naked.
Zimthele:How was the funeral?
I stand up.
Sondela:What is this?
I touch where there was a red mark.
Zimthele:I don’t know, I woke up like that. Did you bite me? Or it’s just a reaction?
Sondela:I don’t remember.
I am running on the beautiful grass laughing, the sun is warm and hitting my skin warmly.
My mother catches up to me and rolls me all over.
“Told you you can’t outrun me”
I laugh as she tickles me. We both sit down and look at the sun.
“It is beautiful, just like you”, she compliments.
“I love it. It looks beautiful indeed.”, I reply back.
“You have to be careful Langa, people will find out that we exist and want to steal our power. Be careful Langalami.”
“I’ll never disappoint you mom, I promise.”
“Whenever you feel lost, I will always be here for you. The old war that wiped out our ancestors is brewing; we all can feel it. His disciple is coming back for a second war. His aim is to destroy us all.”
“We will not let him mom, we have the best warriors here and I can fight.”
She smiles and hums a song.
I look behind me and a man is walking to us carrying a knife. He aims at my mother and stabs her.
Mom disappears right in front of my eyes. I scream and the man was no longer in sight.
I look around my surroundings and the place wasn’t beautiful anymore.
The grass wasn’t green, and the houses were destroyed. Everything was destroyed, people were dead.
I walk around crying and screaming for my mother.

Sondela wakes me up and sit up panting.
What the hell was that?
Sondela:It’s just a dream baby, it’s just a dream.
I recollect my breath.
Langelihle:I don’t think that was a dream, someone is speaking to me. I recognize the place, those flowers, I’ve seen them before.
Sondela:What are you talking about?
I ignore him and get out of bed, wearing my clothes. I can’t shake this feeling that someone was speaking to me through this dream.

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