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Weeks later.

I woke up very early today, I was called in to one of the stores I did an interview at. They didn’t say they are hiring me, they just said I need to be there by 8am. I called Virgin and she thinks they want to give me a job, but I don’t want to bring my hopes up for nothing. The nanny has arrived and the kids are at school, so she will look after Banele for me. My car is still working, Sondela still services it so I can travel from point A to  point B.
I get inside and throw my bag on the back seat. I started the car and drove, I was sweating. I don’t know what to expect where I’m going. T-minus 30 minutes I was parking on the parking spot.
I got out and grabbed my bag, I locked the car and headed inside.
Spar was recently opened to the city. I walked to the offices side and stated who I am.
“Oh hi Zimthele, we Called you here to start your first day of work”, I felt like I was dreaming. Is she saying what I think she’s saying?
Zimthele:Are you serious?
I asked, my voice mixed with happiness and nervousness.
“Yes, you did well on your interview and even though you have no experience, we decided to give you a shot. I’m the supervisor so I will show you what you need to do. Follow me”
I followed her and she showed me how they work, I will be counting stock and checking if there’s enough products on the shelves.
“If you see there is sugar missing for instance, you go to the storage room and get it. It will be easy, just count everything. Before you knock off, also check if there’s nothing missing.”
I nodded as I understood my job description. I’m so happy. Finally I have a job! I have been waiting for this day to come to pass for weeks now.
She gives me a uniform after asking my size, I wear it quickly and place my things on the given locker.
“Happy first day at work. Good luck”
I smile and head to the storage room.
Thembalihle parents were disappointed when I didn’t allow them to stay but I couldn’t do that. I don’t know them and I definitely don’t trust them, who knows what they could have done? Because I’m still lost as to what Thembalihle was really doing here. These past few days I have been training and learning how to use my abilities, I think I’ve got the hang of it now. Sondela also taught me a few moves, he was once a black belt karate student, but he stopped training when he got older. I know my father is coming here, soon. I can feel it. Which is why I have made arrangements to evacuate children and women to Enyangeni kingdom, they will stay there for the time being.
“Langelihle”, I jump out of bed and stand on my feet hearing.
“Ataru is that you?”, I ask almost not believing. I haven’t heard from her for almost two months.
Ataru:It’s me.
Langelihle:Where have you been? I have been calling upon you for days.
Ataru:I don’t know what happened, I couldn’t get to you.
Langelihle:What do you mean?
Ataru:There was something blocking me from getting to you.
Langelihle:It’s him, I don’t know what his plan is. I’ve been trying to get answers but nothing. Gobi left on a quest and hasn’t returned.
Ataru:That means he’s coming Langelihle, soon.
Langelihle:I have to  gather everyone, the day we have been preparing for is here. We have to be prepared for anything.
Ataru:You look different. What is..
Langelihle:What are you talking about?
I felt my stomach moving, like there is something inside.
Langelihle:Ataru what are you doing?
Ataru:You’re pregnant?
Ataru:You’re pregnant.
Langelihle:No, it can’t be.
I don’t feel pregnant.
Ataru:You should be happy.
Langelihle:How can I be happy Ataru? What if this child doesn’t also live?
Ataru:He/she will. The curse was removed. You need to defeat your father now more than ever.
Okay, I wore my slides and went out to the guards I asked them to gather everyone, because I have an announcement.
Langelihle:I will put a barrier over the kingdom, so that even the weapons they have; they won’t penetrate through and hurt people.
Ataru:Do you know how to do that?
Langelihle:A friend of mine, who’s good when it comes to technology will help.
Ataru:Good luck.
I saw Sondela coming to me and I smiled a little. He was now walking on his own, he was limping a bit because of the hip thing but at least he’s not using any wheelchair nor crutches.
Sondela:Hey whats going on?
Langelihle:Ataru spoke to me today. I’m just going to tell everyone that my father is going to attack soon and sort out the temporary evacuations.
He held my hand.
I walked out and people were already waiting.
They bowed when they saw me.
Langelihle:I’m going to get straight to the point. The day we have been training and preparing for, is close. He is coming. And we are ready for him. There will be trucks and transportation coming by evening to evacuate children and women, taking them to Enyangeni Kingdom, just until the war is over. We cannot let him win again, now are you going to stay here and fight with me?
Langelihle:I can’t hear you. I said are you going to fight with me?

“Yesss”, they shouted more louder this time.
I nodded and went back inside.
Mlando:Sis Langa, what should I do?
Langelihle:Make sure that everyone is evacuated safely, I’m calling the King of Enyangeni and confirming that the people are coming.
I went back to my room to change the dress I was wearing. I wore tight, black leather pants, and an ancient traditional vest that I found lying around here.
Everyone was going up and down outside, the transport was here and loading people in.
The “army” was gathering weapons and sharpening their knifes and swords. You would think people would use guns since it’s modern times, but they said they prefer old weapons. I was overwhelmed a bit by the amount of people who stayed to fight, it shows that they care for this Kingdom and they don’t want to see it destroyed.
“MY Queen, there is a man who says he is Ndosi outside looking for the Queen”, one of the villagers tell me.
I nod and head to the gate, I tell them to let him in. He was with two people and carrying bags.
I hugged him.
Ndosi:Look how grown you are.
Langelihle:Please, you are the grown one. How old even are you now?
Ndosi:Only getting to 30. So what are we dealing with here?
Langelihle:I know you are an expert when it comes to technology, I need you to put a barrier or a shield over the kingdom.
Ndosi:Ubala lolo(That is easy work).
Langelihle:How long will it take?
Ndosi:Four hours maximum.
Langelihle:Okay, please hurry.
Ndosi:Gentlemen, let’s start over there.
He talked with his men and they followed him.
Gobi arrives at the palace and see everyone moving up and down, others running. She picks up her feet to find Langelihle, she hopes nothing bad has happened. She finds him talking with some guards with every type of weapon laid out all over. Langelihle turns to look at her and hugs her for dear life. It warms her heart to receive such a welcome back.
Langelihle:I’m so glad you are back.
Gobi:My journey was successful. What’s happening?
Langelihle:Ataru spoke today, and said she can sense Mdabuli.
Gobi smiles, she was able to remove the blindness cast by Mkoti on the ancestors. Now everything is on the open.
Gobi:I’m glad.
Langelihle:Did you find anything else?
Gobi hesitates and shakes her head no.
Gobi:No, it’s that only.
Langelihle:Okay, children and women have been evacuated and everyone is safe.
Mkoti:It has happened. It is time.
Mdabuli:Finally, now you can stop spying on them. It’s creepy.
Mkoti:Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it..
Mdabuli:Whatever. Let me gather my men. By midnight, we will have arrived Elangeni.
Mkoti:Safe travels.
Mdabuli:Thank you. I will come back with her heart and put it on my trophy case.
Back at Elangeni.
The invisible shield has been successful installed.
Langelihle decides to test it and pokes a spear on it, and it sends the spear flying.
Langelihle:*Shocked* Wow. Thanks Ndosi.
Ndosi:It’s a pleasure. Let us be on our way. Good luck.
She nods and sends them off.
She goes back inside to look for Sondela.
Sondela:Hey. How is everything going?
Langelihle:Everything is set up. We are just waiting for him.
Sondela grabs her by her waist and pulled her to him, giving her a kiss.
Sondela:After all this is over, I want to make you pregnant. I love you so much.
Langelihle grins like an idiot, thinking of telling him about what Ataru said but decides against it.
Langelihle:I love you too Mvelase.
He always like it when she calls him Mvelase.
Sondela:Eish you are waking things up now mama, we are in a crisis and we can’t steal a moment or two.
Langelihle:Control yourself..
Sondela:I can’t. Seyize yavuka(I’m already hard).
He shows her his boner, Langelihle laughs.
Langelihle:Service yourself muntu wami.
She says and walk away from him.
Sondela sighs and disappears to one of the rooms to get rid of his boner.

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