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I am tired, seriously tired. I’m exhausted, physically, emotionally and whatever ally. With having to look after Sondela and handling everything that’s going on. And there’s the coronation that’s just in a week’s time. I just need to collect my breath and rest.
Sondela was doing well, he doesn’t feel pain anymore. But he’s still using a wheelchair. I bath him, help him dress, feed him sometimes, because his hands tend to freeze.
I just put him to sleep. He was awake almost the whole night, grunting, vomiting and having seizures.
His family hasn’t made contact yet to find out how he’s doing. It’s only Mlamuli who calls to check on him, he even came here twice to see him. It made Sondela happy that at least one member of his family hasn’t given up on him. I’m disappointed in his parents, this new behavior is worrying me. I’d never have thought they would turn their backs on their son quickly like this. He is paralyzed but he’s alive, and being disabled doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. There are people with serious disabilities out there but their parents give them the best love ever and doesn’t cast them out. So what they did does not make sense to me. If I didn’t come in time that day, they would have went ahead and killed him.
Zimthele combs her hair roughly and apply a bit of hair food. When she was done she threw the comb on the bed.
She was going to a meeting with her lawyer to ask for legal advice. She hasn’t been coping lately, she feels so down and left out. With Sondela not remembering anything and Langelihle took him, she is left with no one. Money has been scarce, Sondela used to give her a monthly allowance of more than R50K and now she’s not receiving anything. Mthembu sends money for the children only. To her it’s peanuts, he only sends R20 000. Sondela used to send her way more than that.
Her phone rings as she gets inside her car. She answers it.
Sana:Hey Zim.
Zimthele:Oh hi.. How can I help you?
Sana:I know you said you don’t want me near him but can I see him again?
Zimthele:You can. Send money. What do you think your child eats Sana? What do you think he wears?
Sana:You’re not going to do that with me Zimthele. You refused to let me have any kind of attachment to him. I offered to at least send money so my heart can be at peace but you said no. You boasted that your husband is rich, he can take care of you. So don’t do me like that.
Zimthele:You will see your son when you send money for him.
Sana:You’re a headache! I will send whatever you want, I just want my son.
Zimthele:I will send you my banking details.
She hung up and sent him her banking details. A while later, he sent the money. She rolled her eyes looking at this change he sent.
She sent him a message, ‘It’s not enough, but it will do for now. You can come this afternoon.’
She puts her phone away and drive to where she’s meeting her lawyer. It was one of those seafood restaurants by the beach. She found her already sitting on the table.
Zimthele:Sorry for being late.
Nolubele:I’ve only just arrived.
Zimthele sits with her whole weight and Nolubele frowns smelling a very odor. She sniffed her armpits thinking it’s coming from her.
Nolubele:So what brings you here?
Zimthele:You know what is happening in my family currently.
Nolubele:Yes and I wish for your husband to get well.
Zimthele:Yeah well, he is paralyzed now and they said he might never walk again. He was the one taking care of us, me and my children financially. Now since he’s sick, we haven’t been getting anything. So I want to know what legal rights I have to claim his money? Or his disability grant? I know he’s loaded, but he can’t access his money right now because of his situation. So I went to know how I can legally get access to the money. I am his wife so I deserve to get something.
Nolubele looked at her in shock.. Her husband is not even dead but she’s already fighting for money?
Nolubele:Are the two of you married in community of property? Where you share everything you own equally?
Zimthele:Uhh no.
Nolubele:It’s going to be tricky because he’s alive so there isn’t much of a fight you can put.
Zimthele:So there’s no way I can get the money?
Nolubele:Not trynna dictate you or anything but court ward over money are messy and you may not always win. Please try at least to talk to him and let him know that he has to send child support.
Zimthele felt herself getting angry and she snapped at hee.
Zimthele:I did not ask you to play therapist on me! If you can’t do your job just say so!
She clicked her tongue and stood up and walked away. Nolubele shouted after her.
Nolubele:Awuqale uyogeza before ufune ukuncela iymali zabantu! (Go and bath first before you want to suck someone dry of their money!)
Zimthele turned back and showed her the middle finger.
Ever since I came here I have been feeling better. There’s just something about this place, it calms your soul so beautifully. My body was feeling much better. The woman, Gobi was giving me herbs that help a lot. My memory is still not back, Langelihle said I shouldn’t push myself. That it will happen on its own time.
It’s just my hands that just freezes sometimes that I can’t even feed myself. I don’t like being a pain to Langelihle, I can see she’s tired. I am ashamed that she even has to wipe me after taking a shit. I feel less of a man.
Why won’t these legs work!? I hate this.
Zimthele throws herself on the couch and sighs. Well that went terribly bad. Her phone rang and she reached for it. It was her mother.
Gladys:Zimthele anisafoni(You don’t call anymore) °
Zimthele:Sorry ma, I have been held up.
Gladys:How are you doing? With everything that’s going on?
Zimthele:Numb, I’m worried about my children’s future now. They will feel left out, and already we are not receiving money.
Gladys:Kodwa Zimthele I told you, a million time. To get off your butt and look for a job. I told you that this would happen, if you were working and had your own money you wouldn’t be worrying like this. What do you want Sondela to do huh?
Zimthele:Ma please I’m not in the mood.
Gladys:Go and look for a job and take care of your children. I’ve never seen a woman who just sits around lazing all day when she knows she has mouths to feed!
Zimthele:As if that helped you, dad left you independent as you were and married a girl sexy and younger than you.
She called out for her hurt.
Zimthele:I have to go.
She hung up…
To be continued.

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