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A month later.
At Court.
It was packed, with everyone waiting for the trial to start.
Langelihle was with Mlando who was here to offer moral support. Sondela kept looking at her, a part obf him wanted to hug her for dear life. But she hasn’t even looked at his direction.
The trial started and the prosecution presented the case, giving her opening statements about what happened and the evidence they have to prove that indeed Zachary raped Langelihle. Witnesses were called to testify, including Sondela who found Zachary on the act and the doctor who treated Langelihle.
Zachary’s lawyer stood up and walked in front when it was his turn.
Bhoro:Mrs Mthembu has been my client’s patient for years, they have gotten quite close and call each other when she needs health related advise. On the day of incident, my client called Mrs Mthembu to confirm something but noticed that she wasn’t okay. He then asked her what was wrong and offered to check up on her, as a doctor’s visit. She asked my client to bring her food, when he arrived, Mrs Mthembu was only wearing a towel. Not a skirt or a dress, a towel your Worship only a towel. How do you bring another man to your home with only a towel on your body? My client thinking that Mrs Mthembu feels the same way he feels because of how close they’ve gotten the past few weeks, thought it was what he wanted. That she was seducing him.
Judge:Sustained, are you going somewhere Bhoro with your statement?
Bhoro:Yes your Honour. Mrs Mthembu and my client were calling each other almost every day the last few months. She was working with him into stealing a baby, and not just any baby, her sister wife’s baby. Because she knew the one she was carrying was dead. So she orchestrated a plan to switch the babies.
The whole court gasped, and Sondela frowned hearing this. Langelihle wanted to hide from the embarrassment and shame.
Bhoro:So tell me, who’s to say Mrs Mthembu didn’t offer sex as an exchange for her diabolical plan?
“Objection your Honour. He is making things up”
Bhoro smirks.
Bhoro:I have evidence. You know how most phones record phone calls? We have her on record. Allow me to play it.
He connected the phone and played the recording.
Langelihle (over record) :Hey Zac, Zimthele will give birth soon so try to make up a lie about her pregnancy so it will be easy for us to exchange her baby with mine. Yes Sondela is noticing that the baby doesn’t kick, which is why we need to do this quickly.
He closed the recording.
Bhoro:As the court heard. Mrs Mthembu planned to steal her sister wife’s baby, and gave my client wrong signals that she is interested in him. She invited him in to her house, only wearing a towel.

He went on and on painting Langelihle as the bad person, and convincing the court that it wasn’t rape. Zimthele was called to testify and she also spoke against Langelihle, she was more shocked to find out that she was planning to steal her baby.
The court got adjourned and Langelihle ran out of the court room dying with shame. Sondela followed after her and held her hand. They locked eyes and she looked down, she just got exposed in front of the whole court. Now everyone will know what she did. But it can’t take away the disappointment and hurt in Sondela’s face.
Langelihle:I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.
He was shun for words.
Langelihle:Sondela please talk to me. I’m sorry.
Sondela:Let’s go home!
He commanded her. They got into his car and drove off. Zimthele drove after them, following them.
They arrived and Sondela was the first one to get inside fuming. Langelihle followed him swallowing the shame, with the sun hitting her bald head.
She found him pacing up and down.
Sondela:Why Langelihle why?
Langelihle:I’m sorry Sondela. I was stupid and selfish. I didn’t think.
Sondela:You lied to me! You made me think our son was alive meanwhile you knew he wasn’t! You were going to steal Zimthele’s baby! For why huh!?
Zimthele entered the room furious as ever. She charged to Langelihle with the hopes of beating the crap out of her. But Sondela held her back. She broke free and slapped Langelihle. Langa gasped feeling Zimthele’s fingers sting to her face.
Sondela held Zimthele again but she bit him and slapped Langelihle bald head.
Sondela:*Shouting*Enough Zimthele! Stop this nonsense!!
He pulls her away from Langelihle.
Sondela:Sit down! The both of you!
They both sit. He was about to speak when his phone disturbed him with continuous vibrating.
He reached for it and it was text messages from an unknown number. He opened the messages with the attempts of responding quickly.
‘Your dear beloved wife lied to you. Bayanda is not your son.’
He frowned reading that, he read the next one.
‘She came to my office and convinced me to change the results, so they will show that you are the father. But you my guy, are not the father.💀’
He squinted his eyes as he read the other messages.
‘She offered me sex, and well I’m a man. I couldn’t say no to pussy. I have attached evidence for you below. A month ago she tried to take me out, to hide her secret but I’m a die hard.’
Attached were copies of the original results, showing very clearly that Sondela is not Bayanda’s father.
There was also a video of Zimthele having sex with Michael. He almost dropped his phone and looked at Zimthele angrily. He threw the phone at her.
Sondela:What is this!? Masimba mani lawa enziwa inina nobabili ! Doti muni lo!? (What kind of fuckery are you two doing?)
Zimthele opened her eyes wide, she thought she had taken care of Michael. She hired someone to take care of him but clearly that person didn’t do the job.
She licks her lips nervously; her worst nightmare just came to life.
Zimthele:I.. I can explain baby… it’s not what you think.
Sondela:Uthule nje Zimthele! (It’s better you shut up!)
He sat down defeated, feeling betrayed mostly. If it’s not Langelihle, it’s Zimthele.
Mom was still feeling down because of that dream. I’m also starting to be worried. What if Zimthele is in danger? But from what? I read somewhere that there was a girl who kept dreaming that she fell into a black hole, months later she died.
But dreams have indefinite meaning, this could be something else or nothing. We told Zimthele but she didn’t give an ounce about what we were saying. Speaking of her, she has been too happy after hearing that her sister wife left. She thinks she’s the main now and Sondela will have all the time for her. Honestly it is draining advising Zimthele, ukhuluma naye kungathi uyezwa kodwa ksasa enze okunye( you would think she is hearing what you are saying then she will do the total opposite tomorrow) . She will lose her sanity in that marriage, it isn’t healthy. Mina nje I hate polygamy I won’t even lie, I just don’t get how you can love two people at the same time. Ayy is not make sure! Oh well, but what do I know?
Good news, I actually found the job. I was permanently employed; it’s been a month working and it feels so good. It’s a great start, I’m a packer. It doesn’t earn much, but at least I have a salary. Phil is also doing well; he did a great job with Mamdovi’s house and other people are interested in hiring him to build for them. Very soon we will be able to build ourselves a small house.
Gladys:Virgin this tea is cold.
Gladys and forever complaining! I took the tea from her and it wasn’t that cold.
Virgin:But this tea is not cold mama.
Gladys:Make me another tea Virgin, I’m the one who buys the sugar in this house.
Oh God! I go to the kitchen and make her another tea!
The scene of the time jump (current)
Sondela, Langelihle and Zimthele are all cooped in one room.

Sondela is breathing fire with anger.

Langelihle:Sondela please let’s talk about this.

She tried to soften him up but he pushes her and she falls on the couch.

He paces up and down the room trying to calm himself down.

Zimthele bites her nails and looks at Langelihle. Langelihle shrugs her shoulders.

A knock erupts from the door, followed by Mthembu’s voice.

Mthembu:Sondela open this door!!

They ignored him.

Mthembu:Sondela open this door, what do you think you are doing!?


Mthembu:I’m not leaving. Don’t hurt them my son, you’re not a woman beater.

Sondela:Who said I will hit them!? Now fuck off!!!

Mthembu:I’m still your father boy!! Don’t talk to me like that.

He sighs and opens the door a little.

Sondela:I’ve never hit a woman in my life, I won’t start now. Now can you leave us?

Mthembu:Fine, but I will be in the living room..

He closes back the door and looks at his wife.

Sondela:So both of my wives lied to me. You repeatedly lied to me!! You made me feel so stupid!! How can the two of you do this to me!?

Zimthele:We are sorry…

Sondela:Shut up Zimthele just shut up!!!!


Sondela:You are worse Langelihle, no the two of you are worse!!

Wena Zimthele I asked you so many times if Bayanda was mine and you lied to my face and said he is. You watched me doing DNA tests secretly and tampered with the results. You went through so much length to cover up your lies. You lied to my face for months!!!

Zimthele:I’m sorry Sondela, I didn’t want to lose you. Please forgive me.

Sondela:And wena Langa, I give up with you.

He raised his hands up in surrender. He was defeated and hurt, that the two people who are supposed to look out for him, are the ones who hurt him and deceived him for so long.

Langelihle:I was desperate Sondela, you have to understand. I was desperate!

Sondela:You could have talked to me, I wasn’t going to leave you. I never said I would leave anyone. What the two of you did is unjustified and disgusting to even think about!

He clicked his tongue and walked out!

He found his father in the living room and passed him. Mthembu followed after him.


Sondela:I’m okay dad. I’m fine..

Mthembu:You’re not fine.

Sondela:I’m really fine. I need to go.

He got into his car and drove off.

Mthembu sighed and went back inside.

He found Langelihle and Zimthele shouting at each other, almost fighting.

He got in between them.

Mthembu:This is not the time to fight! You both lied to your husband! So go to him and fix things. Fighting will not help you right now!!

Langelihle:Where will we even start?
Mthembu:I don’t know, all I know is that I’m disappointed in the two of you.
After leaving the house, he drove around, he was angry and he couldn’t control his anger. He felt betrayed. He didn’t know whose situation was better. Both of them lied. He stopped in the middle of the road, without noticing that there were cars behind him and in front of him.
A car hooted behind him, and he touched the wheel trying to get out of the road because he wasn’t feeling okay to be driving. He tried to get out of the road but bumped with another car causing the one behind him to hit him, he accelerated forward and lost control. Another ones from the sides squeezed him in between, making it hard for him to get out.
“Oh God!”, he cried out. The whole lane was a mess, as cars were losing control. Another one came towards him, spiralling out of control and hit him with so much force that he rolled over..
To be continued….

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