I push my self to the living room. Kungumusa was playing with his father. I cleared my throat and they looked at me..
Langelihle:I need help with my shoes.
I said holding them. My husband came and helped me wear them.
Langelihle:Thank you.
Sondela:It’s a pleasure.
The past seven years have been amazing. Me and Sondela remarried and he really took my Surname, people were gossiping about it at first as it is an unusual thing, but they got used to it. He is now my consort. I gave birth to a beautiful boy, and we named him Kungumusa. I just felt very grateful when I held him in my hands. I couldn’t believe it. He is seven years old now. Now I’m pregnant again, it’s a girl this time. I’m due anytime. Elangeni has been peaceful ever since, I do not regret giving up my abilities. No one ever came to bother us again. Elangeni’s population has multiplied a lot, people are moving here everyday. And there’s enough space, so everyone is welcome. We now have a hospital, it took almost three years to get it running but we did it. Sondela being next to me every day is the greatest thing ever. We never heard from Zimthele again, she only calls when it’s about the children. She is also doing well for herself, I’ll let her tell you.
Mlando has finally made peace with the fact that Nongcebo is gone and found himself a girlfriend.
I look over at my mini family and my heart is at peace. Even if I die now, I’ll know I got the joy to hold my child in my hands.
7 years later and we are still holding it down at Kimberly. We now have a big house. I graduated three years ago and I’m working on opening my own business. Phil’s construction business was well known the entire South Africa, he has won several awards. So we are back to the lavish life baby! But this time, we are humble. I never thought we would be here. After we lost everything years ago, I thought we were doomed, that it was over for us. But God had other plans, he lifted us up and changed our lives.
Unfortunately, my mother passed away last year and we laid her to rest. It is still hurting that we lost her like that, she didn’t get sick or anything. She just left. Zimthele and I tried to be there for each other but we failed, she blamed me that my mother was stressed because I was on another province, and that’s why she died. I let her be, because grief makes people say anything. She doesn’t answer my calls nor reply to my messages. I hope someday she talks to me.
I bury my head in between my legs and sigh. I was still hurt over my mother’s death, I just don’t understand how she could have left us like that. She was always stressed about Virgin, maybe that’s why she died. And I’ve been really horrible to Virgin, I blamed her for our mother’s death. I always ignore her calls when she calls because I’m not ready to face her.
On the other news, I had a new job now which paid very well. My children are growing, Zenande is a teenager now and I’m close to 50 years, 44 years old! My God! A person is aging! I never remarried, I’ve been involved with some people but it just wasn’t working, so I decided to be single.
Langelihle and Sondela’s wedding was all over the news and social media, it trended for a whole two weeks. He took her surname, that is still very weird but they know what they are doing.
The seven years haven’t been amazing to me as others, my love life is stressing me out very much. I’m so single. It’s been a whole year without sex. But I have hope that I will find someone someday, maybe.
I am a happy man. With a wife like Langelihle, a son like Kungumusa and my coming baby girl. I have everything I ever wanted. I haven’t forgotten about my other children, I’m very present in their lives. They come over here to visit sometimes. It’s just Zenande who’s starting to be troublesome, she’s a teenager now and puberty is about to hit her hard. Zimthele always complains about her. Soon we will hear that she has a boyfriend, ilapho engiyobe sengigaxa uswazi ke.
Nonetheless, I am happy. Very happy. I fall in love with my wife everyday, I love her so much. Our marriage becomes stronger everyday.
Me and my family made peace, I wasn’t mad at them. We get along now and everything is back to normal.
Langelihle can give birth any day and I’m ready for it. Our very own children, when she gave birth to Kungumusa I still had a bit of doubt. I couldn’t believe that we finally had a child. It was amazing. I wonder what will we name her..
I bring her a glass of juice, she was sitting by the porch reading a magazine.
Langelihle:Thank you.
I sit next to her.
Sondela:How is our princess?
Langelihle:I think she wants to come out.
Sondela:We are waiting for her.
Langelihle:I still can’t believe I have children.
Sondela:We have children.
Langelihle:*Laughing* Whatever but you know what I mean. We have been together for 18 years now Mvelase.
Sondela:Wow? Has it really been that long?
Langelihle:Yep, you still look good even in your old age.
Sondela:I’m not old.
Langelihle:You’re developing grey hair.
I touched my head. She laughs.
Langelihle:I’m joking, you don’t have any grey hair. You still look good.
Sondela:You make it sound like I’m 60! Meanwhile I’m just 48.
Langelihle:Soon you will be 50.
Sondela:As long as you are here with me, I don’t mind.
Langelihle:I’m not going anywhere.
Sondela:Why are you picking on me Langa lami? Because you are also 42. In 8 years you will be 50.
Langelihle:8 years is a really long time.
Sondela:Out of line, but you are right.
Langelihle:Kungumusa looks like you, I hope my baby girl looks like me.
Sondela:She will look like me.
Langelihle:That’s not fair. She’s also my baby. Children are such betrayers, if she comes out looking like you I’m not falling pregnant again.
Sondela:And here I thought I will impregnate you again next year.
Langelihle:Oh no two kids are enough Mvelase.
Sondela:We will only stop when God says we can stop Langalami.
I stand on my feet and pull her up from the chair she was sitting on. It’s hard to hug her because of the stomach, but we will try.
I say looking directly at her.
Langelihle:Ngiyakuthanda nami Mvelase.
Sondela:Is it safe to have sex?
Langelihle:*Laughing* Mvelase.
Sondela:Hau kancane nje mama, seyivukile nje.
Langelihle:You remember when we had sex in the garden those years ago?
I laugh remembering.
Sondela:I remember.
Langelihle:Let’s do it again. It was fun.
I smirk at her.
Sondela:Naughty, I like it.
I pull her to the garden and I immediately attack her with a deep kiss, touching her all over her body.
She stops and looks at me.
Sondela:What’s wrong?
Langelihle:I think my water just broke.
I look down with her eyes and indeed her water broke.
Sondela:Wow the princess isn’t here and already she’s denying me nice things!.
I sulk.
Langelihle:Stop whining and take me to the hospital.
I lift her up just for the fun of it. My heart was dancing with joy. We are yet to welcome another child. Life couldn’t get any much better.
Hours later…
She is on my chest, and I am brushing her tiny back.
Langelihle:What do we name her?
I ask Sondela.
Sondela:Mhhh how about Ntandokazi.
I smile.
Langelihle:I like it. Ntandokazi yaseMalangeni.
Sondela:Thank you again sthandwa sami for her. She’s perfect, just like you.
Langelihle:I thank you too. I wouldn’t have walked this journey without you. I love you Mvelase.
Sondela:I love you too Langalami.
When he says Langalami, Kuvele kuthi angithwale iphenti ekhanda.
Seconds later, the room gets filled with family and friends, as they are bringing gifts and came to see their granddaughter.
Now this is what I’m living for. Happiness.
Sondela squeezes my hand and I give him his daughter. He takes her and gets lost to her eyes. I have a feeling Ntandokazi will be spoiled rotten, already Kungumusa has a laptop and he’s only 7. Next he will be buying him a phone. But I’ll let him be. He’s excited, to finally father my children. The moment we have been waiting for ever since we got married.
He gives her to his mother and he kisses my forehead.
Sondela:I love you.
Langelihle:I love you too.