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LANGELIHLE #37.       Unedited.
Days later….

Sondela was still not remembering anything. I was visiting him everyday, trying to help him remember. But it doesn’t look like that will be happening anytime soon.
They say he won’t be able to walk again. He will be bound to a wheelchair.
Sondela:So I have two wives?
Sondela:Wow that’s messed up even for me.
Langelihle:What do you mean?
Sondela:I’m just saying, from what you’ve told me it seems like I wasn’t a very good husband to you.
Langelihle:You were Sondela.
Sondela:No I don’t think so. I went to take another wife because I wanted children, even when I knew you were not carrying to full term. It’s like I was rubbing it on your face that I am very fertile. That’s just evil.
Langelihle:It was not like that. We were really struggling to have children, you were also hurting.
Sondela:Still doesn’t make it right. I should have stood by you and we could have went for other options, that was selfish of me to  take another wife. No wonder I was squashed by cars. It was my karma for the pain I caused you. I may not remember anything, but I know no one can be happy with sharing their partner, no matter what. Were you happy?
I looked down.
Sondela:Please be honest.
I sighed and decided to be honest.
Langelihle:I wasn’t, not even a bit but I learnt to live with it. I wanted to divorce you and leave you alone the moment you told me that you were taking a second wife. But my heart was beating for you, I loved you. I stayed in a marriage where I wasn’t fully happy. You left for days going to your other wife and I endured all that, all the time giving myself hope that maybe I’ll give you a child someday and you will come back to me. I felt unloved at times, I thought you didn’t love me anymore. It got to a point where I even started to hallucinate that my baby was alive, and I plotted to steal Zimthele’s baby, but that didn’t work out.
Sondela:I am sorry for everything. I’m not going to make an excuse that I don’t remember, because I can see how hurt you are. I’m really sorry for everything I did to you. I shouldn’t have taken a second wife.
I smiled, wiping off my tears.
Langelihle:You may not believe it, but I have forgiven you and made peace with everything.
Sondela:I don’t deserve to even to be graced by your visits. I feel ashamed.
Langelihle:You don’t have to, I have really made peace with it. Now you are going to get better and pick up with your life.
Sondela:But you’re not going to be here with me.
He said sadly.
Langelihle:Things are very complicated.
Sondela:Yeah I know. You’re royalty. But you seem like a nice and kind person.. Yesterday you took away my pain.
I looked at him confused.
Langelihle:What do you mean?
Sondela:When you held my hand, the pain died down. Even when I woke up, I kept hearing your voice. Maybe you are a wizard.
I laughed weirdly.
“It must be one of your hidden abilities.”, I know that’s Ataru. She has been popping up every now and then, I have gotten used to it.
“The power of healing.”, she said again.
Langelihle:Haha maybe.
I laughed.
Langelihle left over about two hours ago. She seems like a nice person. I can’t believe I did her like that. I wish she didn’t leave. It was nice talking to her, but she has important things to do than to sit around here with me.
I heard a soft knock on the door and a woman entered. I remember her, she was here the other day. I wonder who she is.
“Hi.”, she greeted and sat on the chair.
I greeted her back.
“I’m Zimthele.”
Mmm the other wife?
Sondela:The other wife?
We sat in uncomfortable silence. I didn’t know what to say. With Langelihle, the conversation was flowing and I was free to talk. But with her I don’t know. How did we even get married?
I heard Langelihle say we have children with her, so let me ask her about that.
Sondela:How are the children?
She looked shocked.
Sondela:Langelihle told me.
Zimthele:Oh I thought you got back yo.. Never mind. The children are fine they miss you.
Sondela:The little one?
Zimthele:He’s also fine and growing. Reaching three months now.
Sondela:I would love to see them.
Zimthele:I will find out if I can bring them here.
I nodded and we got back to the silence again.
This was really uncomfortable and weird. The combos are not communicating.
Phil was still mad at me for cutting his clothes.
I overreacted, turns out that was a number of a customer. Even when he told me I didn’t believe him. So we called the number and the woman talked first, asking him when he’s coming to finish off her house. I was so embarrassed and wanted to disappear. Phil would never hurt me like that, I don’t know why I even doubted him.
So as an apology, I bought him new clothes..
Virgin:Hey baby..
I woke him up. He ignored me and turned the other way.
This man! I woke him up again and he woke up annoyed.
Phil:What is it now Virgin?
Virgin:I want to talk baby.
Phil:I’m tired. I want to sleep.
I took the plastic that had clothes and gave it to him.
Virgin:I gave you new clothes to make up for the ones I cut. I’m sorry for that day, I overreacted and thought the worst of you..
Phil:You cut my clothes Virgin. You can see how our situation is, but you went ahead and cut my clothes. Not even giving me a chance to explain myself. You just assumed and came up with your own conclusions.
Virgin:I’m sorry Phillip. I’ll never do it again.
He softened his face and brought me to lay on top of him.
Phil:It’s okay, but don’t do that again. That was giving psycho vibes, next time you will stab me when you think I’m cheating.
I laughed.
Virgin:So you forgive me?
Phil:I can’t stay mad at you forever.
Virgin:Thank you.
I kissed him happily.
At Mthembu Senior’s.
Mthembu is having a talk with his wife.
MaMthembu:I don’t understand what you are saying.
Mthembu:I’m saying, we should have let him rest. Did you see him?
MaMthembu:He is our son Mthembu.
Mthembu:Yeah who will never live a normal life again. He will always walk around with a wheelchair. Did you see how crossed his legs were? He’s not the son we know anymore.
MaMthembu:Well what do you want us to  do then? We should be happy he came back to us. We will nurse him back to health and he will be back to his normal, walking self again.
Mthembu:He won’t ever walk again, you heard what the doctor again. Our son is in pain mama. We should let him go.
MaMthembu:What are you saying baba?
Mthembu:We should let him go. He will never be normal again.
Mamthembu put her hands over her mouth crying.
Mamthembu:Not my son baba, not my son.
Mthembu:We shouldn’t be selfish. We are doing this for him, to free him from the pain. He’s not okay. He is hurting. We should relieve him of his pain.
I just got back from seeing Sondela. That was the worst visit ever, he doesn’t remember me or my children or anyone. It was really weird and uncomfortable, because we kept on starring at each other without saying anything. The conversation we had won’t even count up to 200 words. He’s not the same person he was before. At least he mentioned that he would love to see his children, so I will have to  find out if that’s allowed and I will bring them to him. I want to tell him about Bayanda before anyone can beat me to it.

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