I take the baby and fall in love instantly.
Zimthele:What will we name him?
Sondela:Yeah is it wrong?
Zimthele:No, I just don’t get the meaning behind it. Banele as in the children are enough?
Sondela:If that’s what you want.
Zimthele:I never said that.
Sondela:Then what is the point of this argument?
She kept quiet.
Sondela:Banele it is then. When are you coming back home?
Zimthele:Probably tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow.
Sondela:Okay I will fetch you.
Zimthele:Are you okay?
No I’m not okay.
Sondela:I’m okay. I’m sorry for not coming sooner, things were completely crazy.
Zimthele:What happened?
Sondela:Langelihle left.
Zimthele:Left to where?
Sondela:She went home.
Zimthele:So does that mean that the two of you are no longer together?
Sondela:That’s what she said.
Phil:Okay, I’ve found another person. He says he can buy it for R30 000. That’s the best he could offer.
Virgin:That’s much better. Now you can use that money as a start up for your business, and buy a second hand truck. I still have the few hundreds I got from the Millers.
He nodded, his mood was much more better.
Phil:I don’t know if I can still lay a brick.
Virgin:*Laughing* Please.
Phil:I will go to Town to print out some logos. The lady down the streets, I heard her saying she wants someone to finish off her house since the person who was building it just left. So I will try my luck there first.
Virgin:*Smiling*Now you are getting the memo. This is our second chance in life Phillip, we have to use it wisely.
Phil:I know, I won’t mess it up again. We will get through this.
Nongcebo took me to a tour around the place.
Langelihle:So where is the school? Hospital? Clinics? Shops? Everything?
Nongcebo:Everything was destroyed. We go to the neighbouring village for all of that. Many of us have struggled to find jobs, we only work twice or once a month. Hunger is something we are used to.
My heart bled for them. I don’t have much, but I promise to change this place. How much do I have in my bank account?
I should go back and get my things.
Langelihle:So far you said we have 100 people in this village.
Nongcebo:Yes. We always count ourselves every six months.
Langelihle:How old are you?
Langelihle:Still young, so you never finished school?
Nongcebo:Grade 12 was by far the best all of us could go.
Langelihle:I don’t know much about leading people, heck I’m even scared to stand in front of people, but being here since yesterday made me feel like I belong. I feel at home. I will try my best to help everyone. Elangeni will be what it was before, we all have to work together. I know we can do this.
Nongcebo:*Smiling*Ndlovukazi! (MY Queen).
Hearing people call me “My Queen” was still weird and lovely at the same time.
We went back go to the palace. I had my phone with me, the one Gende gave me. So I don’t have access to all things.
Maggie, was cooking spinach. What I love about them, is that they harvest food. They didn’t just sit and enjoy poverty.
Nongcebo:We need to show you one more place.
Langelihle:Okay what is it?
Nongcebo:The prophecy room.
Langelihle:The prophecy room?
Nongcebo:Yes, only royalty can read what is written in the walls. Ataru wrote everything there, hiding it from the likes of Ngozi and Mdabuli.
I nodded and followed her. She took me to some room.
It was not locked, she opened it and we got inside.
It was too dark and dull. I tried switching on the light but it wasn’t working.
Nongcebo:Electric light doesn’t work here. Only your light will.
Langelihle:My light?
Nongcebo:Yeah, close your eyes and touch the wall.
I did as she said. I closed my eyes and touched the wall.
I peeped with my one eye but it was still dark.
Nongcebo:Close your eyes.
I closed my eyes for a moment. I felt some presence, like I wasn’t myself. I felt powerful, I opened my eyes and the room lit up. How the..?
I looked at the walls and indeed there were drawings.
One was the first war, where Ngozi killed Akira.
The second one was where he killed Ataru .
All the generational wars were written here.
I went around and there was one which looked new.
It was a girl, who was holding some sort of sceptre which had light shining on it. She was with an army behind her, and on the opposite side was a man, with dark energy around him, army of darkness surrounding him. There were words written, “ Daughter of Langa defeats Descendant of Ngozi”.
So does that mean I will defeat him?
Nongcebo:What does it say?
Langelihle:Don’t you see? Oh snap sorry I’ve forgotten. There is a prophecy here which hasn’t been fulfilled, it’s written “Daughter of Langa defeats Descendant of Ngozi”.
Langelihle:Yep. And a written prophecy is no guarantee that it will be fulfilled or it will come to pass.
Nongcebo:Stop talking negative.
Langelihle:I’m not being negative, I’m just saying that what’s written on the prophecy might not happen the exact same way.
We got out of the prophecy room and went back to Maggie.
Nongcebo:Our traditional healer will be back soon. She’s the one who will guide you more, and show you the ropes of being the Queen..
I nodded and excused them to find Mlando.
I found him outside.
Mlando:Hi, you are back?
Langelihle:Yeah we just got back.
He smiled, I smiled back. It was really nice meeting at least one member from my family.
I should call my dad, and let him know.
Langelihle:So… how has life been for you around here?
Mlando:Miserable, lonely and sad. But now that you are here, everything will be okay.
Langelihle:*Smiling* I hope so. So do you also have these powers?
Mlando:No, only the females have the power.
Langelihle:Mhh wow. What is the Surname here?
I nodded
Langelihle:Do you know how to speak Japanese?
He laughed and I joined him. It was still weird that our great great Ancestor is Japanese. I mean guys, come on!
Mlando:I only know the family slogan or logo. Taiyō wa watashi no ishi ni magaru. Don’na aku mo watashi no me kara nogareru koto wanai.
Langelihle:I remember uttering words like that, what does it mean?
Mlando:”The sun bends to my will. No ev*l shall escape my sight”.
I laughed.
Langelihle:That make more sense. But isn’t that Green Lantern’s oath? “In brightest day, in darkest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might, beware my power, Green Lantern’s light.”
Mlando:Does it matter? When you say it you feel powerful, like you can take on any army.
I nodded and leaned on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me.
Hearing that Langelihle left made me so happy. I was so depressed that she always get all the attention, but now that she’s gone, I can finally breathe. Whuu! At last!
Sondela will be mine, all to myself. I giggle happily, I can’t hold my excitement.
What my mother and Virgin said the other day flew outside the window the moment I found out Langelihle is gone.
“Abahambe abahambayo, sosala siyncenga”, I sing happily in the ward room. Eyy kwathi angihlabe u 2 madoda!
My phone disturbs me from my celebration.
I tend to it and it was a text message. I read it and my smile slowly disappeared.
‘ Guess who I’m seeing right now? Mr Mthembu. It’s taking a lot in me to not spill the beans, you know?’
The message was from Michael. Kodwa wangfunani lomlungu nkosi yami?
He can’t tell Sondela, I’m prepared to take this secret to the grave.
I quickly call him.
Michael:Oh wow that was fast.
Zimthele:Please don’t do it..
Michael:I told you that I need your services again.
Zimthele:I can’t. I just gave birth, and I can’t be sexually active.
Michael:Oh sweetheart I don’t care. I just need your services. I’ve been looking for a pussy as good as yours but I can’t find it. Which is why I need you. I need to stuff all my dick inside you, and watch you as you struggle to take it all in.
Zimthele:If I knew you would blackmail me like this, I wouldn’t have asked for your help. But it is the last time you had are calling me Michael, this is your last phone call.
Michael:Are you threatening me?
Zimthele:I’m not. Just making a promise.
To be continued…,