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I want to write an NSFW alphabet for L. So probably 26 chapters of smut and some loose plot. So we're all on the same page, I will place the entire list at the start so there is something to look forward to.

Aftercare- As his cases and you are his priorities, L will bring his laptop into the room before or after sex so he can cuddle you and get back to his case after sex.

Body part- Your neck and collar bones are his favorite part of you. He likes to leave hickeys over them, claiming you as his, and feeling your heart beat in your neck. Your favorite part of him would be his fingers; long, slim, and skilled. 

Cum- L loves the intimacy that comes with cumming inside you. If you're in a rush, your hand or stomach is okay, but lack of clean up, and intimacy make the former option better.  

Dirty secret- He loves to cock warm you. It is the perfect mix of intimacy, time together, and sex for L.

Experience- In this story, you both grew up in the Wammy house and are each others first, and only real partners, you taught each other everything. 

Favorite Position- He loves having you in his lap. Boobs in his face, you controlling the pace. It is also a convenient position because you have lots of sex in the security room and while L does research.

Goofy- L keeps sex serious. You might have sex quite often but it is still special to him and prefers to keep it intimate.

Hair- L has some hair and does not mind if you have any or if you are shaven.

Intimacy- L is intimate. He is not great with his words so he prefers to use his actions to get his message across, even if those actions are a bit awkward because that is how L is.

Jerk off- Before you were together, L would jack off every now and again but it was never a priority. Now, L usually goes to you if he's horny, but if you turn him away he is okay with doing it himself

Kink- L has a few. He loves to involve food, licking it off your body, fuck you while you bake etc. He also has handcuffs you've used a few times, and watches you masturbate in your room on occasion.

Location- The security room, kitchen, or bedroom would be his favorite places to have sex. The bedroom is always a safe bet, but the risk that comes with sex in the security room or kitchen makes L excited. There is also food in the kitchen that L can use to make things more interesting.

Motivation- Sometimes just the thought of you can get him going, other times it's the outfits you wear or the brief moments you add your opinion on a case.

No- L does not like the idea of hurting you, so weapons, degradation, or things involving blood are off the table. L also does not like to compete in the bedroom so no threesomes.

Oral- L loves to give, but receives more often. He loves the way you taste and have you writhing under his touch but receives far more often because it is his equivalent to jerking off.

Pace- L likes to take his time, please both of you, pay special attention to your favorite spots for possible hours if you can both last. 

Quickie- L gets lots of quickies when he is working a case but will spend more time having proper sex with you between cases.

Risk- L likes to try out different positions and enjoys the risk of semi-public sex in the security room or kitchen.

Stamina- L can't go more than three rounds but the rounds he can go can last for hours.

Toys- L buys toys for you and occasionally uses them on you but he mostly buys them so he can watch you use them in your room alone.

Unfair- He likes to tease you and enjoys it when you tease him, but is less tolerant of teasing during a quickie.

Volume- L likes to be loud but will try his best to keep his noises to a minimum even though there is no reason to.

Wild card- L loves to share clothes with you. He loves it when you wear his shirts and will occasionally steal a shirt of yours to hold.

X-ray- His dick can grow to six and a half inches

Yearning- Before you got together, L's sex drive was limited, but ever since you became an active part of his life, he seems to want a lot more sex.

ZZZZ- Being the insomniac he is, L does not fall asleep very often after sex, but after a long round or two, he can fall asleep next to you.

I hope to properly explain some of this as the story goes on (you barely know the relationship I'm trying to build) but for now this is the list and I am open to suggestions if you have something you might want to see.

If L is out of character I'm sorry, I'm writing him how I want to.

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