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L looked blankly at his screen. His hands lay still on his crouched knees. No reaction came from L when you placed an afternoon tea and cake in front of him. You glanced into his eyes momentarily to see if they were busy reading the report on his screen, but they stared directly forward. A worried feeling grew in your chest as you reluctantly left the room toying with the hem on your apron.

While L's stance was hardly normal for regular people, for you it was typical. The crouch, frantic slaps of the keyboard, and thumb to his lips were normal for you, but confused, and often worried the few who met him. It was the disconsolate air around L when he was completely still, trapped in thought, too consumed to even type or eat for hours and hours, that worried you.

So when you returned to the security room a few hours later, you held your tongue when noticing the uneaten cake, cold half full tea cup, and the blank computer monitors, powered down because of a lack of use. You clean up the plates with a shaky hand, placing them on the cart as quietly as possible.

"Is there something in particular you'd like for dinner?" The room fell silent. Only the whir of computer fans and fluorescent lights filling the air as you waited to roll the cart out of the room. An empty moment past before you decided to roll the cart out. 

You wait in the kitchen with unease. Your heart beats irregularly. Chest contracting hard as you breath. Your mind filling with reasons L would be unhappy and how to help. The wait for L to ask for something to eat was tense, but eventually the hunger got to L's mind.

Bring me a yogurt parfait

You quickly read the message and get up to make the parfait, receiving another message as you place the fresh fruit on top.

Send up that cake slice I didn't eat either. Thank you angel 

Smiling, you place the parfait on the cart and boil some more hot water for tea before you head back to the security room to see L. 

He was still in his past position, but a few more monitor screens were illuminated with police reports. You place the parfait and cake in front of L, letting him pick out some tea before pouring him a cup. With L more responsive, you relax a bit as you turn to leave.

"Stay." L grabs your wrist and you turn to see his eyes glued to the floor behind you. 

You suddenly fill with a desire to comfort him as you place a kiss on L's head before grabbing a chair to sit in. L begins to eat, pushing the plate of cake toward you, seemingly offering you some. 

"Are you sure?" L nods with his spoon in his mouth. You pick up the fork and begin eating, watching L from the corner of your eye.

His gaze is disheartened as he stares at the floor. He chews slowly on his soft meal before swallowing hard. You put your hand in his, offering L some comfort as he continues to be consumed by the thoughts in his busy mind.

When L finished his parfait, he looked over at the remaining half of the cake you hadn't eaten. He pulls the plate towards him without a word, a smile tugging on your lips as you let him take the plate. Taking one slow bite, L suddenly speaks.

"The DNA didn't match any of the suspects." L's voice was low and dejected.

Pushing passed the excitement and shock at L speaking, you begin to process the defeated tone of his voice.

"Its okay. I know this case is a bit of a waiting game, and there isn't much complexity to it anymore, but patience is key. I know soon enough you'll get the hit you were waiting for and it will all fall in place."

L chewed on another bite of cake while he thought through your words.

"I just haven't had a win in a while." L whispers.

Sweet Times ~ Expanded LxReader NSFW AlphabetWhere stories live. Discover now