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Tucking L's sheets under the mattress, you see him walk by the doorway. He stops briefly before continuing to walk down the hall. Ignoring the moment, you smooth out the sheets on the bed before fluffing the pillows. Continuing to clean the rest of L's room, L continues to walk by the room, glancing in, pausing to watch before walking away with his thumb to his lips.

As you vacuum, you catch him staring and he dashes away when he realizes he's been spotted. Dusting off books, you watch L from the corner of your eye, noticing how he paces around the doorway. As you light berry scented candles, L continues to looks like a lost child waiting for some one to come over and help. 

Eventually you start to pack up the cleaning supplies and leave the room, failing to see L as you leave. Pausing outside the cleaning closet, feeling a buzz in your pocket.

Could you make me an ice cream sundae?  

You smile lightly. wondering if that was why L had been sticking near you the past few hours. Going to the kitchen, you wash your hands and realize you never got what L wanted as his ice cream for the sundae, or the toppings, or if he wanted whipped cream. You dry your hands and begin writing a text to L. Before you press send, a mumble comes from the kitchen doorway.

"I want vanilla ice cream with berries and whipped cream... please angel."

A bit startled, you turn to see L slouched by the door looking at you with wanting eyes. You smile kindly.

"Sure, L." You turn your back to L, opening the fridge grabbing some containers of fruit before opening the freezer to grab ice cream as well. L draws closer watching you grab an ice cream scoop from the drawer.

"Testing DNA takes forever sometimes." He grabs a bowl from the shelf above, placing it in front of you. Taking it from him, your fingers brush momentarily.

"What about the interviews?"

"All the interviews were conducted, and I reviewed them. I'm just waiting on the DNA samples. I'm really bored actually."

You open the ice cream tub and begin scooping some into the bowl L handed you.

"So that's why you were pacing outside your room while I cleaned it?"

"Yes. I'm sorry If I disturbed you."

"No, it's fine. I'm just a little disappointed. I thought my cleaning skills were so impressive you just had to watch me clean." You say sarcastically, dumping a scoop into the bowl.

L smirks and hugs you from behind, watching you work.

"You were very thorough. My next nap will be very pleasant in my berry scented room, in my clean bed sheets. Perhaps you could join me..." You face heats up as he continues to praise your work while you add berries to the sundae.
"I must say though," your heart jumps briefly,"I think you may have over worked yourself." 

L lets go of you and your eyes widen, mind racing wondering what L's words mean. You turn hesitantly to watch him open the fridge and grab a canister of whipped cream.

"You seemed to have forgotten the most important ingredient cupcake..." Your heart stutters again, your worry being replaced with excitement.

"I'm sorry L. It slipped my mind." You reach out to grab the whipped cream.

L grabs your wrist and turns your palm face up. He brings the can up, and dumps a pile into your hand. You gasp in shock and try to pull your hand back but L grips you tight.

"Don't waste food L." You grumble.

"Who said I was going to waste it?" You stop fighting back for a second, the shock of what L said consuming you momentarily. 

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