Dirty Secret

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It was late morning and you were putting cakes in the oven before you made your way upstairs to help Mello, Near, and Matt set up in their own security room. Plugging in computers, confirming internet connections, and ensuring there was plenty of pen and paper to take notes.

Once all set up, the cooking timer went off and you had to run back downstairs. You set the cakes out to cool and begin preparing decoration when you hear someone enter the room.

"It smells wonderful in here." L's soft voice fills the room as he goes to hug you from behind.

"I just pulled the chocolate cakes out of the oven so it should smell extra nice."

L let out an amused hum as he placed his head on your shoulder, hugging you from behind.

"Are you still up for this evening? You can always say no at anytime." L lowered his voice to a whisper and you sighed at his breath on your neck. You put down the wooden spoon you were holding and turn around and place your arms on his shoulders.

"I still want to do it. It's been a while since you've... y'know... so it sounds fun." L smirks at your response and places a kiss to your lips.

"What haven't I done in a while angel?" L asks slyly. "Do you miss me being inside you?"

You blush really hard and hide you face in his chest, nodding against him. L rubs your back comfortingly.

"I don't blame you. I've missed you too. I assure you I will make tonight very special for you." You lift your head up and smile, L placing a soft peck to your lips when he sees you.
"I'll let you finish your cakes now. I'll see you later angel."

L left and your body filled with a lingering excitement. You get back to making frosting and cutting fruit with a flutter in your heart.


You rolled a big cart of sweets into the successors security room with L following close behind you. Rolling the cart over to the boys, L began to speak.

"I will be watching you from the main security room, grading you based on your communication and quick thinking. If I see absolutely necessary, I will step in to help, but this assignment is mainly on you." You place down some tea cups and pour some hot water into the cups.

"I ask you to not come into the main security room during or after the takedown. I need focus during the assignment and will need time after to appropriately grade you all. Any questions" The boys shake their heads and L nods back.
"We have about an hour before the real take down begins so get comfortable." L walked back to the door, waiting for you to finish up.

You both walked out towards the elevators. He grabbed your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours before letting you press the buttons.

"I want you to change into something comfortable. I'll go grab the snack cart and wait for you. Take your time, I'm in no rush tonight."

You nod, watching the elevator doors open to your floor. Walking out, you reluctantly let go of his hand and wave to L. He waves back as the doors shut and you quickly change in your room.

You enter the security room in an oversized hoodie, sports bra, and skirt. You had debated on wearing a white thong under your skirt but decided skipping underwear would be more comfortable. 

L sat in his crouched position in his chair, typing furiously into his computer.

"I got out some blankets and put them on the couch, you can pick the one you like the most."

Making a quick detour around the couches, you looked at the selection, picking a soft, fuzzy grey blanket. You unfold it and wrap it around your shoulders walking over to L.

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