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As June turned to July, summer came. The AC was turned on, generating a constant hum alongside the fluorescent lights in the building. L had kept inviting you to his room most nights for the better part of two months and tonight felt no different. You received his late night dessert request, placed everything on the cart, and patiently waited for the elevator to take you up to L's floor.

But as you open the door to L's room, you find L on the couches. The television that you've always seen shining surveillance camera footage was now off; the cool beams that it illuminated replaced with the warm glow of the lamps around the couches. 

While the softer lighting of the room made the room feel more welcoming, the sudden diversion from normal put you on edge. Every sound felt heightened as you rolled the cart through the doorway. The strident turning of the wheels echoing around the room. A soft click followed by a deep boom as the door shut behind you. The soft shuffling of your clothes against your skin.

As you begin to set out tea and desserts for L, the dishes clack against each other. Every movement you made felt examined and scrutinized under the tense air of the room. Any small slip up made you tense with anxiety.

Finally sitting down across from L, you stare down at your clasped hands, unable to make eye contact. You hear L reach over to the table to grab his treats and you begin to relax your shoulders at the familiar sound of his snacking.

"This cake is delicious Y/N." L says. 

You smile to yourself, feeling your cheeks heat up. 

"Thank you, L," you say lifting your head to look at L. 

He stabs his fork back into the cake for another bite. You lower your gaze down with a new sense of relief. 

You scan the table, looking at the bright treats, and the steam coming off the cups of tea, before noticing a familiar box on the table. Your eyes go wide while a ripple of desire shoots up your chest.

"I'm sure you've noticed tonight won't be a normal meeting." L says, seeing your reaction to the box. You nod at his words and move you focus to him.
"I must discontinue our meetings once more for the sake of the Kira case." L says bluntly.

Your heart sinks looking into L's heartbroken eyes. As soon as it begun to feel routine, it changed again. You go to open your mouth but L cuts in.

"It is not something I want to do, I still haven't come to a complete conclusion on how the recent changes in Kira's victim profile align with the detainment of Misa Amane and Light Yagami and I wish I could keep them under surveillance for longer. However, my other colleagues find the detainment rather 'unethical' and continue to pester me to discontinue their detainment." You nod along with L's words, trying to hold back tears.
"I have found a way to continue my surveillance of the suspected Kira's that isn't as polarizing as detainment, but to enact it I can no longer continue these visits."

Your tears begin to fall and you drop your head to your chest. You begin to feel the ache of rejection eat at your core.

"What are you going to do?" You ask, pushing your words out of your tight throat.

"I'm going to have the Kiras stay with me in the new task force headquarters." L drops his gaze as he speaks.
"Seeing as Light Yagami still holds the greatest threat as Kira in my eyes, I plan to handcuff us together while Miss Amane will be under 24 hour surveillance in another room."

The room falls deafly silent. Feelings of rejection begin to be overshadowed by desires to keep L safe. Your inner turmoil shows in furrowed eyebrows, a small pout and eyes welling with tears. 

L stands from his seat, placing his plate of half eaten cake on the table. Sitting next to you, L puts his arm around you and you swiftly lean into him.

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