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Your faced scrunched in focus as you piped intricate frosting details into the cake you were preparing for L's return. L hadn't come back from the home yet, but you knew he would be back soon. All morning you baked cakes, let them cool, and cut strawberries until your hands were sticky with juice. 

Only the decoration was left; icing and fruit placement preoccupying your mind. Putting down the icing bag, you let out the breath you were holding to keep your hands steady. Moments later you inhale sharply. 

A soft pair of hands wrap around your waist, surprising you. 

"I'm back angel." L's presses his body into yours, calming the rush of adrenaline that had begun when he came in.

"L! I didn't even hear you come in." You try to turn around but L squeezed you tight, keeping you in place.

"I'm sorry if I startled you."

"No, its okay. I missed you." You lean your head back onto his shoulder, straining your neck to kiss him on the cheek.

"What are you making?" L asks, running his hand up and down your stomach.

"I was making a strawberry shortcake for when you came back, but it's not quite done." 

His hand snakes down a bit lower and you notice something pressing into your lower back. 

"That's okay. I'm grateful you even though of me cupcake."

"If you want to go work for a bit, I can finish decorating the cake and bring it in." L thinks over your offer before pulling you in tighter.

"I think the cases can wait a bit longer, I would like to hear what you did while I was gone. You can work with me here right?" You nod and respond with a yes.
"Then just continue with what you were doing."

You nod again and reach for the bowl of fine cut strawberry slices you made earlier. Grabbing a strawberry, L tucks his face into you neck. You begin to map out a design in your mind, ghosting the fruit over the cake as you think.

"What did you do while I was gone cupcake?" L's breath tickles your skin as he speaks. His hips grind circles into your lower back.

"Not much. I read some books, watched some movies, caught up on sleep." You finally press the strawberry into the cake and L presses forward into you, pushing you into the counter. You press back into him, his hard on aching against the pressure.

"Mmmh... that is very nice. I hope you had a nice time."

"I did." You slowly go to grab another strawberry, waiting to put it on the cake.

One of L's hands grips your hip, pulling you close while the other sneaks just below the hem of your skirt. He places a soft kiss to your neck.

"Is this distracting?" L asks, watching your hands stop adding strawberries to the cake.

"Not really. If you keep going though, you might have to wait longer for your cake."

"I can wait this time. Do you want me to stop?" L taps his fingers against your thigh, waiting for permission to continue. You nod your head and feel L's hand continue to climb up between your thighs.
"What books did you read?" 

Ghosting his fingers over your underwear, you smile and begin to go off on the books you read. His finger tips tickled the skin next to your underwear, the touch breaking your thoughts mid sentence. You continue, passing over your slip up as if it had never happened. 

L began to mess with the cloth of your underwear, toying with the edges before sliding slender fingers under to touch your folds. The soft, cool sensations riled you up, tearing your minds focus away from cake decoration even more than before. Feeling shapes being gently pressed into your clit, you begin to stutter and stumble over your words constantly, pinching a strawberry between your fingers as you hold back a moan.

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