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It was now the first of June, the flowers outside were in full bloom, but from your floor on the skyscraper, you couldn't see much more than the grey rain clouds that frequently hung over the city. It was coming up on 5 months away from L. Being apart so long, while you soaked in the warmth from the oven, a melancholic comfort filled you as you stared at the falling rain outside the window. 

The start of your relationship seemed so close, the delicate blooming of your love only overcast by the duties of the Kira case. You continued to wait patiently for the winter to pass, the rain to subside, the thoughts of L holding you again pushing you forward.

Watching the raindrops slowly fall down the window, you drift to a fantasy of you and L picnicking, just laying out on a blanket, holding hands after eating cake. The sudden ringing of your kitchen alarm brings you back to reality and you pull yourself away from the window.

Fanning the cakes with a cooking sheet after pulling them out of the oven, you receive a call on your phone. You put the sheet down and pull out your phone. 

Unknown Caller, the phone reads. 

Answering the call, the familiar distorted voice used by L to hide his identity comes from the phone.

"New updates in the Kira case require your attention at 23 hundred hours. Meet in location oxytocin."

The call swiftly ends, the quick and sudden dump of information only sinking in as you fold your phone closed. A bright glow shines from your chest as you drop your phone into your apron. Realizing L was asking to meet you, your heart began to race, a surge of energy rushing through your body.

After 5 months, you were finally going talk to L in person again. The thought alone made you want to cry tears of joy, your brain soon succumbing to the urge to jump around the room in delight. A wide smile stuck to your face, your hands come up to hold your warm cheeks .

Your phone rang once more. Flipping it open without a second thought, L's distorted voice filling your mind again.

"Bring cake."

A small laugh left your lips as the call ended so quickly. Your mind buzzing with excitement, you return to swaying in the frenzy of butterflies around your body, staring at the cooling cake on the counter as you do so.


Throughout the day, you eagerly watched the clock. Checking the time while you decorated the cake, and after every mundane task, each passing minute felt like an hour, your day going by excruciatingly slow. 

You had been in the kitchen all day, your heart bouncing off the walls of your chest with excitement. Several times you had caused a cloud of white to appear in the kitchen as you accidentally turned on the mixer, your mind lost in sensational fantasies.

Eventually, it was 22:30; still half an hour early, but you couldn't resist going to the room. You prepped the cart of treats and tea, carefully setting plates and cutlery on a lower level of the cart. Once sufficiently covered in cake and platers of cookies, you pushed the cart to the elevator, heading up a floor.

Down the hall, you entered your room, or room oxytocin as L had code named it. You set the cart by your desk before seeing your self in the mirror.

Flour and powdered sugar coat your apron in white puffs. Dried icing smears stuck to your pockets, while egg residue had hardened on your apron strings.

You furrow your eyebrows in disgust before untying the apron and tossing it in the laundry hamper. Seeing other spots of dirt on your top and skirt, you decide to quickly change into a nicer pleated skirt and plain white long sleeve shirt. Nothing fancy for the occasion, but miles better than the dirty work outfit.

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