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Over the coming days, you adjust to the time zone difference, returning to your usual duties of looking after L with Wammy nearby. The two of you try to work at the same times, but soon Wammy began taking care of L in the mornings, with you getting up a bit later and taking over all tasks in the early evening or late afternoon. You bake and cook for everyone, occasionally helping to clean the rooms and check on L, who has also fallen into a routine.

L's world revolves around Kira and their habits, so L makes a point to follow his patterns, creating his routine as a subconscious result of investigating Kira rather than an intentional choice. L eats his breakfast and theorizes in the morning, talking with the NPA and ICPO occasionally in the afternoons, and watches his computer intently in the evenings when Kira is killing their victims. You've found he sleeps every few nights from about midnight to 3 or 4 in the morning, a nice change from his truly random sleep schedule. Every other night, L will invite you to spend a few hours together after he's done initially observing and inferring on Kira's nightly rampage. 

Often he just wants to cuddle, holding you in his arms or spooning you while he updates you on the case. He always holds you tenderly, his soothing voice letting you melt into him. The patterns drawn into you by his nimble fingers always soft and seemingly in the shape of a heart.

You tuck your face into his chest when he holds you. His chest calmly rises and falls as he breathes, the soft vibrations of his voice ticking your skin as you listen to his heart beat. 

In these moments, the threat of Kira seems to disappear. Even as L details Kira's actions of the past days, having him close, feeling his little movements, hearing his voice, it keeps you grounded; appreciating the moment and not dwelling on the future.


Walking into L's hotel room, you shoot Wammy a warm smile. He looks up from his dusting and swiftly moves to greet you.

"Good afternoon Y/N. How was your rest?" Wammy asks in a welcoming voice.

"It was very good. How have you been this morning?" You ask.

"Very well. Just some light dusting today." Wammy replies.

"That's nice. Is there anything you need my help with?" You politely offer.

"Oh no, not today. You can get started on cakes and treats, I'll be done soon." Wammy says.

"Are you sure? I don't mind helping a bit, especially if it will get you to your break quicker." You ask once more, wanting to help in anyway possible.

"I'm sure Y/N. Today's chores are easy, go have fun in the kitchen." Wammy reassures you of his answer. Nodding in understanding, you smile at Wammy, say a goodbye, and walk away towards the kitchen. 

Entering the kitchen, you skip over to the cookbooks you have by the fridge. Flipping through the pages, you try and find a dessert recipe L may enjoy. He has his usual strawberry shortcake in the fridge, and a macarons are always a good option for L, but you wanted to make a different dessert today. 

The cream colored pages fall onto the previous ones, revealing the next cute and colorful desserts on the next page. You look for a shorter recipe, one that fit your later day start. Your eyes are drawn to the rich colors in the picture of the red velvet cake. A nice cake that was perfect for your time constraints, but a simple layered cake seemed too easy and plain. Putting your hand on the page as a bookmark, you continue to flip through the pages. 

The following recipes while interesting in their test of your skill, were a bit too time consuming for your midday start. It seemed as though you would have to do a simple layer cake today but then a compelling swirl caught your eye. A recipe for a chocolate cake roll. You briefly gloss over the details and decide to combine the two recipes together, grabbing some butter knifes out of the drawer and using them as bookmarks.

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