(V2) Chapter 65

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"You want to destroy Forever Smp?" DreamXD asked me, confused.

"Look it, it's the only way to defeat Graystillslays and the server raiders. I just was to end all of this madness and live a nice, calm life away from it all. Sure we named it Forever Smp, but it's the people that really matter, and frankly, right now they're about to become an endangered species."

"Where would we even go Y/n? This place has been our home for years now, and we've built everything up from the ground! I don't want to do all of this again, because after all, immortality comes with the cost of there always being a new problem right around the corner. Something is always bound to happen! And what about Dream? Right now he's dead, but if we can find a way to revive him-"

My face grew grave, "Him and Techno aren't coming back XD. I did some research and... they're just too far gone at this point. We need to focus on escaping and stopping Gray. We HAVE to destroy the server! Delete it! Erase it!" I begged and pleaded, "There are other servers we can go to!"

"Well I'm staying," He said, "So if you want to delete it, you're not just going to be deleting Gray. Final decision."

"I'm not leaving you here," I snapped at him, "If that's how you want to be, so be it. We die together."




242 Words, but this book is coming to a close in the next chapter or two. DON'T WORRY! I am going to be making a sequel, maybe even two sequels. 

"Entanglement" ~A DreamXD x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now