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Oh, gods,"Annabeth muttered right before she threw up on Percy's sneakers.

"What the-" Percy had little time to react as they'd just arrived at Camp Half-Blood via shadow travel with Nico. Nico had been visiting Hazel and offered to help the couple out with their travel needs. As much as the two loved spending time together, they weren't really interested in a cross country road trip. Flying was definitely not an option...still.

Nico turned even paler than usual as Annabeth tried to right herself and he skittered off mumbling about something Percy couldn't quite make out. Percy watched him go, kind of wishing he could trade places with the kid. But, noooo, Annabeth was his wife now. He was in it in health and in sickness he supposed. Not that they hadn't been through a ton of stuff together. Bodily fluids still kind of grossed him out, though.

Percy sighed as he shouldered his and Annabeth's bags and then took Annabeth's hand. She looked a little green and also a little embarrassed. His heart kind of hurt for her. That's love, he thought.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, wiping her mouth with the back of her free hand and looking around the hill to see if anyone else was around. "Shadow travel's never made me feel like that before."

He shrugged and gave her a small smile, squeezing her hand. "No worries. I'm sure I left a fresh pair of shoes in Cabin Three. Let's see if someone can take care of you in the Big House first."

They made their way to the Big House, through the crowds of teenagers enjoying everyday camp activities. Some of them gawked as Percy and Annabeth went by, but most of the campers had seen them before. The two of them were on winter break from college in New Rome and were coming to spend time with Percy's family for the holidays. It was their first Christmas since they'd gotten married over the summer and Percy couldn't think of a better way to spend it than crammed in his parent's little Manhattan apartment with his younger half-sister, Estelle.

The wedding that summer had been small and intimate. Many people were still in shock that 1) Annabeth still wanted to marry Percy 2) they were still alive and 3) they were getting married before they finished school.

They didn't care, though. After Jason, after was right. Their godly parents had even made a brief appearance, though Athena simply glared at Percy the whole time and hadn't actually spoken to him.

Annabeth didn't care. She just wanted to be with Percy.

Her hand shook in Percy's so he gripped it tighter, trying to calm her. Chiron greeted them at the Big House, but Mr. D forbade him to come in before he changed his shoes.

"I'll be back," he told Annabeth, who gave him a weak smile and a little wave.

Percy greeted his friends, old campers who were now counselors and trainers, as he made his way to the cabin built in his father's name. It was nice to see that they were all still around...still alive. He stood and watched them for a moment, feeling nostalgic. Before he made it to his own cabin, he stopped at the first of the row, however. He said a silent prayer for his fallen friend...his brother in arms, then he stepped away with a lump in his throat.

His breath caught as he finally entered Cabin Three, astounded by the change. In place of the bunks was a bed, like, a real adult bed. Percy blushed and looked around, running his hand over his face. Sure, he was married, but still. Did Poseidon do this? Were the campers playing a trick on him? What were the sleeping rules for married demigods?

In New Rome he and Annabeth shared a little apartment in a building where a lot of young families lived. It was a comfortable two bedroom place with a view of some of Annabeth's favorite structures. The couple had planned on spending most of the time with his family and hadn't really thought about if, or where they would sleep while at camp.

"Uh...thanks?" He muttered to no one in particular, hoping it would suffice. Then, he turned around and bolted back to the Big House.

A Drop Of The Ocean - ( Percy Jackson Fanfiction)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now