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Nico looked at Sally who shook her head at his unspoken question.

"It never happened to me," she answered.

"Maybe because you're not, you know..."

"Not a powerful demigod?" Sally smiled in her daughter-in-law's direction. Annabeth's cheeks reddened but Percy beamed with pride for his wife.

"Right," Nico agreed, ignoring Percy's stupid smile. "I've never heard of anything like it."

They all exchanged glances, except for Estelle and Paul who were sitting expectantly, waiting for an answer and clearly not knowing what anyone else was talking about.

"I'm sure it's possible," Will said after a moment. "Have you done any research?"

Annabeth shook her head. "No. It's so new...I- we- haven't had time to process it yet. The water stuff, well, that just happened."

"Yeah, it was so cool! I spilled the cup and it went flying but the water was just stuck there in the air!" Estelle said excited, bouncing on her father's knee.

Paul looked from Sally to Percy with a raised eyebrow. Sally sighed and gave a small nod to the hallway. Paul lifted Estelle from his lap and the three of them filed out of the kitchen.

"Sally, I think it's time," Paul insisted quietly once they were out of earshot. Sally wrung her hands and looked at Percy.

"Mom, it's up to you." Percy shrugged. "She's young. She might not even remember or take it seriously."

"I know it sounds crazy, but I think she can handle it," Paul told them. "Estelle is smart. She loves you. She knows something is different about you and your friends."

Percy sighed and stuck his hands on his hips, staring at the floor for a long moment. He always knew that he wanted Estelle to be a part of all aspects of his life. Percy just wasn't sure if the time was right yet. But, then again, would the time ever be right to tell a little girl that her older brother is a powerful demigod that is- was- usually about to die?

"If you want me to...I will. I want her to know everything about me. Truly."

His parents were quiet as they exchanged a long look. Percy started to feel anxious and wished he could read minds rather than control water. He cleared his throat and they looked at him. Paul smiled.

"We've talked about it a little already, to be honest. We want you to tell her. Obviously we didn't want it to be so soon, but this isn't something she's going to forget," his stepfather explained.

"She also thinks that Annabeth can control water," Percy pointed out.

"That does complicate things," Paul mused.

"I'll talk to her after lunch. If she starts asking about the birds and the bees, though..." Percy trailed off and his mother covered her face with her hands.

"Don't even think about it, Perseus Jackson," she muttered and he laughed.

"Don't worry."

A Drop Of The Ocean - ( Percy Jackson Fanfiction)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now