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Confused, Percy turned to see Annabeth with her palms out in front of her as if shielding herself from the spill that never came. No, not as if, she was shielding herself. It was her. Slowly, he began to understand.

"Annabeth? Are you doing this?" Percy took a step back from her. "How? What..."

She looked up at him with wide, almost frightened eyes and he opened and closed his mouth, like a fish gulping for air. As her hands fell, so did the water, splashing over Percy's shoes and onto the hem of his jeans. Annabeth stood up slowly and her hands clasped over her stomach.

"How did you...?" He asked again, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Annabeth's grey eyes looked down at her hands and then up at her husband searchingly as something like recognition crossed his face.

"Percy..." she said his name quietly, imploringly.

"Oh, gods," he whispered as their eyes locked. His cheeks turned pink and he tugged at the color of his shirt. "Oh, man."

Annabeth took a step toward him, but he held up a hand and shook his head. She froze, right in the middle of the puddle, the water seeping through her reindeer socks. Tears stung in her eyes as he continued to stare at her. Annabeth suddenly felt scared and embarrassed and Percy seemed so...angry.

"I need some air," he muttered, breaking their eye contact. Then, he turned on his heel, left the kitchen, and walked out the front door.

The door slammed and Annabeth flinched. Estelle stooped next to her and poked at the puddle of water warily.

"Did you do that?" She looked up at Annabeth with huge, wondering eyes.

Annabeth looked from Estelle to Sally as her tears started to fall. Her hands shook as Sally pulled her into a tight hug. She pulled away and took Annabeth's face in her hands.

"I guess you really do know now, don't you?" Sally laughed quietly. "Must be something strong in there."

"I should go," Annabeth said after a deep breath.

"Put your shoes on. And take Percy his coat." Sally squeezed Annabeth's shoulder as she walked by. "Come on, Daughter of Paul, let's get your mess cleaned up," Annabeth heard Sally as she walked out of the kitchen.

She quickly slipped on her boots and coat, grabbed Percy's and made her way down the five flights of stairs. Her hand hovered in front of the door before she cursed herself and pushed it open, ready to face whatever was out there.

A Drop Of The Ocean - ( Percy Jackson Fanfiction)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now