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Everything okay? Are we missing something?" Will asked once they'd reached the fifth floor. Annabeth and Percy turned to him, glancing between themselves and then back at their friends.

Just as Annabeth opened her mouth to speak, as the door opened behind her. Estelle grinned from the doorway, her lips a bright red from frosted Christmas cookies.

"You're having a baby?!" Estelle cried as she threw her arms around Annabeth's waist. Percy's cheeks turned red as Will's and Nico's eyes widened.

"Looks like it, princess," Annabeth laughed. "Are you ready to be an aunt?"

"Oh, yes!" Estelle cried as she took Annabeth's hand and pulled her into the apartment. Annabeth gave the boys a smile and a shrug as she followed her, her hand slipping from Percy's.

"So..." Percy ran a hand through his hair and grinned sheepishly.

"Percy Jackson is going to be a dad," Will muttered with an approving nod. "I can dig it."

"This is so weird," Nico said as the three of them stepped into the apartment.

"You're telling me," Percy agreed, clapping him on the shoulder.

"How long have you known?" Will asked as they took off their coats.

Percy scratched his chin and blew out a sigh. "Oh, about twenty minutes."

Will laughed again and Nico cracked a smile. "You doing okay?" Nico asked quietly.

Percy caught his friend's worried gaze and nodded. "Yeah, actually. I'm...great. Really."

"Well, then...congrats." Nico smiled again, a genuine smile and held out his hand. Percy took it between both of his.

"Thanks, Nico. It means a lot. Come on, I'm sure my mom is waiting to tell you how thin you are or something."

Nico just chuckled softly and followed Percy, too used to Sally's concern to pretend to be upset. Everyone had gathered in the kitchen for more coffee and hot chocolate. Will and Nico greeted Paul with handshakes and Sally with a hug. Sally handed Will a cup of coffee and Nico hot chocolate with extra marshmallows.

"Okay, but how did Annabeth make the water move?" Estelle's voice broke the idle chatter of holidays and weather. The kitchen went silent and Nico nearly choked on a marshmallow. Will grabbed his arms like he was ready to the Heimlich maneuver on him.

"Is that even possible?" Will asked, glancing at Percy and Annabeth after he made sure Nico was okay. Nico was gently pushing Will's hands away and rolling his eyes at his boyfriend.

Percy's arm tightened around Annabeth's waist, feeling her discomfort at the attention, and he shrugged. "It happened."

A Drop Of The Ocean - ( Percy Jackson Fanfiction)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now