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Breakfast was uneventful, though Annabeth didn't have much of an appetite and Chiron kept looking at her with the slightest hint of a smile. They were joined at the Poseidon table by Nico and his boyfriend Will Solace, both of whom had stayed on at camp as counselors. Annabeth was glad that Nico had finally found his place here, and that he'd found a home in Will. There was a time when Annabeth though Nico had hated her for being with Percy, but they were all past that now.

Percy participated in a lively conversation with the two, though he still gripped Annabeth's hand under the table. He thumbed her wedding band, a simple gold circle, but the act seemed to keep him calm. She turned her palm and laced their fingers together, assuring him that she was still there. Percy hadn't elaborated on his dream, but she got the feeling it was about them.

She pushed her food around her plate and tried to keep up with the conversation, but the three guys were all so different that the topic kept changing and Annabeth was finding it hard to concentrate on it. Thankfully, they were interrupted and she didn't have to try much longer.

"Uh, excuse me? Mr. Jackson?" A nervous camper appeared at Percy's shoulder. Percy's ears turned red at being called Mr. Jackson. Nico snorted into his coffee. "I think your ride is here?"

"Thanks, dude." Percy patted the kid on the shoulder before the boy scampered away. "See you guys in a few days?" he asked Nico and Will.

They nodded, though Nico's was a little reluctant and he side-eyed Will like nobody's business. None of them were really sure what Sally was thinking when she invited them for Christmas dinner. But they'd agreed because sometimes Sally could be as scary as Percy.

"Great!" Annabeth said brightly as Percy clapped Nico and Will on the shoulder. "We'll see you!"

With that, they left, first stopping at the cabin for their bags and then heading up the hill where Percy's mom and sister would be waiting. Chiron escorted them and when Percy realized he'd left a gift for Estelle in the cabin, Annabeth was alone with her mentor once again.

"You worry too much, child," Chiron said quietly.

Annabeth watched as Percy happily trotted back to the cabin, his good mood returned. She did worry. About him, their family...all of their family.

"He may just surprise you," Chiron told her. Annabeth nodded and drew in a shaky breath. She plastered a smile on her face as Percy drew near. "I hope we see you again before you leave," he said as Percy and Annabeth crossed the border of camp.

Percy dropped their bags almost immediately. It was good that he did, because Estelle had practically thrown herself at him, screeching his name. He caught her, their twin smiles almost blinding, and threw her up in the air.

"Hey there, Stella," he kissed her cheek as she wrapped her little arms around his neck. Annabeth smiled at them, tears glistening in her eyes. "I got this for you," Annabeth heard him say.

"Annabeth?" Sally's hand was gentle on Annabeth's shoulder. When she turned to face her mother-in-law, her smile wavered. The corners of Sally's mouth turned up slowly as she took Annabeth's face in her hands. "Oh, my." She cast a glance at Percy and then raised her eyebrows at Annabeth.

Annabeth shook her head and looked down. A silent no. When she looked back up, she was surprised to see that Sally's eyes had also filled with tears. She wrapped an arm around Annabeth's shoulders and kissed her head as they watched Percy toss Estelle in the air one more time. The little girl giggled uncontrollably, and pushed her way out of Percy's arms. Once she was down she ran to Annabeth and hugged her tightly around the waist. Annabeth set her hand on the top of the little girl's head and smiled down at her.

"Hey, beautiful," she whispered. Estelle just grinned and pressed her face to Annabeth's stomach.

"Okay, load up!" Sally called. "We've got a tree to decorate and presents to wrap and food to cook..."

A Drop Of The Ocean - ( Percy Jackson Fanfiction)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now