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Christmas Eve was quiet with the Jackson-Blofis (and now Chase) family crammed into the living room watching movies, eating popcorn and cookies, and waiting for Estelle to fall asleep. She fought it for a long time, snuggled up between Percy and Annabeth on a chair really meant for one person, but none of them minded. When she was finally in a deep sleep, Percy gently picked her up and carried her down the hall to her bedroom. Annabeth followed, watching as her husband tucked his little sister into bed. Sometimes it was easy to think of themselves as still so young but then she remembered everything they'd be through. Everyone they'd lost.

She watched him, his tall frame bent down to kiss Estelle, his strong hands pulling the blankets up over her. He wasn't a boy anymore. Well, maybe he was still her boy, but he had definitely changed. Grown. In so many ways.

"Goodnight, little mermaid," Percy whispered.

"'Night, Seaweed Brain," Estelle yawned.

Annabeth stifled a giggle when Percy rolled his eyes and closed the door to his sister's room. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close.

"I can't believe you taught her that," he muttered with his lips to her temple.

"And let you have all the fun?" She smiled and kissed her cheek.

Percy chuckled and pulled back, brushing away a strand of hair that had fallen into her face. Annabeth felt her chest tighten at the way he looked at her and she took a deep breath.

"Percy, I-" she started, but Paul cleared his throat from behind her.

Percy's cheeks reddened as he pulled away, but left one arm around Annabeth's wait.

"Your mom's got the living room all set up for you two," he explained and the two of them nodded mutely.

It was the first time they'd slept at Percy's parent's house since they'd been married. Considering Percy's reaction to the bed in Cabin Three, Annabeth couldn't imagine that Percy would even want to sleep in the same room with her, let alone on the sofa bed that Sally had made up for them. The thought of his embarrassment made her smile.

He gave her an odd look as they moved back to the living to help Sally and to put out cookies and milk. Well, Sally and Annabeth put out cookies and milk, Percy ate them.

When Sally bid them goodnight, they stared at each other across the sofa bed, waiting for the other to move.

"You're being ridiculous," Annabeth laughed.

"I'm being...respectful."

"We're adults."

"And?" He huffed.

"We're married."


"We're wearing matching flannel pajamas, for Zeus' sake, Percy."

"Do not bring him into this," Percy grumbled as he pulled down the sheet and climbed onto the creaky bed.

Annabeth just shook her head and slid in next to him, resting her head on his shoulder and her arm across his chest.

"Goodnight, Seaweed Brain," she whispered. She bit her lip to keep from laughing, then thought about how close she'd come to telling her secret just moments ago.

A Drop Of The Ocean - ( Percy Jackson Fanfiction)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now