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Okay, so you can move water?" Estelle glared at Percy with her arms crossed in front of her chest. They were sitting on a bench at a park not far from their apartment. Paul, Will, and Nico stood close by.

"Yep," he answered and waited.

"That's it?"

"" Percy felt a little offended at her question. How was controlling water not good enough for her?

"What else can you do?"

"I can talk to horses. And sea animals. Once I made an earthquake. Oh! And a hurricane."

Estelle's eyes widened and her arms dropped to her sides. "Whoa."

Percy grinned. That was more like it.

"What about Annabeth? I saw her holding the water. It was her, wasn't it?"

He shifted on the bench and cast a glance at Paul. "Well, we think that was because of the baby."

"Because it's part you? Like I have Daddy's eyes, but I look like you and Mommy too?"

"Yeah, kind of." Percy smiled with relief. He was really not interested in ever having to give that talk to a kid. He'd let Annabeth do that.

"Does Annabeth have special powers?" Estelle asked.

"Annabeth? Of course: she's clever and creative and she's a really good fighter," Percy explained as Estelle crawled into his lap like she was ready for a story. "She's also a really, really good friend. That's important when you're like us."

"What about them?" Estelle looked at Nico and Will. Percy smiled.

"Yeah, they're pretty special too."

"I wish I had powers," she grumbled and leaned against his chest.

"You, my little mermaid, are so special. You are kind and smart, wow are you smart," Percy told her as the others joined them.

"Daddy? Do you have powers?" Estelle looked up at him.

Paul thought for a minute before giving Percy a sly smile. "Well, I did survive your brother's high school years. So, yes."

"Hey!" Percy protested as Estelle giggled and slipped from his lap. He stood up as the others started to walk away, laughing. "It was not my fault that Kronos was rising, if anyone cares!"

They continued to laugh and walk, almost leaving Percy seething at the park. He caught up quickly though and Estelle's little hand reached for his.

"Did you really make a hurricane?" She looked up at him, the wonder in her eyes returned.

"He did," Will said. "It was terrifying."

"Cool," she whispered and, somehow, Percy knew that his secret would be safe with her.

A Drop Of The Ocean - ( Percy Jackson Fanfiction)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now