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You drool when you sleep," Percy muttered to the baby asleep in the crib below him. He smiled and kissed Jason's forehead before gently brushing a hand over the baby's full head of hair. It was after midnight and Jason had no doubt been asleep for a few hours, but Percy hated the time that he was away from his family.

"He drools when he's awake, too," Annabeth's voice was thick with sleep somewhere behind him.

"Too true," Percy replied with a grin. "Did I wake you? I'm sorry."

His wife shrugged and held out her hand, so he took it and let her pull him close in the doorway of their son's room. She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek, then pulled away with her nose wrinkled.

"You, Seaweed Brain, reek," she told him as she pushed herself away.

Percy chuckled quietly and closed the bedroom door, so as not to wake Jason up. He'd just gotten in from a late shift at the marine research facility where he'd been working after he finished school.

"I was cleaning the tanks," he answered her unspoken question. Annabeth raised an eyebrow at him.

"You don't clean tanks," she challenged.

Percy sighed. "Fine, I was getting up close and personal with my charges."

"Percy..." Annabeth trailed off, no doubt worried about what would happen if a coworker were to walk in and see Percy swimming around with the sea animals they'd rescued.

"No one was there and there are no cameras." He held his hands up in defense. "Promise."

Percy grinned at his wife's glare and pulled his shirt over his head. He made his way down the hall to their bedroom with Annabeth behind him.

"I'm going to shower. Want to join me?" He raised his eyebrows a few times at her.

Annabeth pretended to gag and fell onto their bed, giggling. "Pass."

"Your loss," he called as the bathroom door shut.

A Drop Of The Ocean - ( Percy Jackson Fanfiction)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now