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He didn't get a chance to ask her or even talk to her, because once they were done with presents Sally whisked them all into action getting the apartment ready for guests later. They cooked and cleaned, listening to Christmas carols loud enough that Percy was sure the neighbors would start complaining. It felt weird and also wonderful to have everyone bustling around the house in good spirits. He passed Annabeth a few times in the kitchen and they shared a smile or kiss, but no conversation...yet.

When they were all dressed and the table was set, Percy thought he might have a chance to speak to her. Annabeth was sitting at the little kitchen table looking at one of her new books, wearing a dark jeans and a deep green sweater. Her hair was pulled over her shoulder and tied with a red ribbon. On her feet were a pair of red socks with reindeer on them.

"Hey," Percy said as he slid into the chair across from her. The sleeves on his plaid shirt were rolled up and his tattoo was just barely visible under the fold.

Annabeth closed her book and smiled. "Hey, you."

"I feel like we haven't talked all day. You okay?"

She nodded and reached across the table to take his hand. He let her turn his hand over, palm facing up, and trace the lines in his hand.

"You going to read my palm?" He teased.

"No," Annabeth laughed quietly. "I know your future."



"Care to enlighten me?" Percy nudged her foot gently and Annabeth looked down at the table.

"Well, actually-"

"Percy, can you help me," Estelle entered the kitchen with a glass of water in her hand. She stumbled as she got closer, the glass tipping in her hands, "Whoops!"

Percy watched, as if in slow motion, as his sister tripped over her own feet and the glass slipped from her hands. As it gained momentum, the water left the cup and seemed to sail slowly through the air. Instinctively, Percy stood and his hands reached out to stop it. As he thrust them forward the water froze in midair, a liquid blob floating between Estelle and her big brother.

Estelle's eyes widened at the liquid swirling in front of her face, but something felt off to Percy. He didn't feel that familiar tug he usually felt when he controlled water. He didn't even really feel anything. He dropped his hands, but the water stayed.

"What..." Percy muttered looking at his hands and then at the water. He'd been known to do some weird things with his abilities, but he wasn't even thinking about water at the moment. Yet, there it was, literally floating in front of him.

"Cool," Estelle whispered, reaching out a finger to touch it.

As Percy opened his mouth to stop her, Sally entered the kitchen and glanced sharply at him. She looked ready to scold him for having used his powers in front of Estelle. It was an unspoken rule that everyone wanted Estelle's life to be as normal as possible. Percy opened his mouth again to protest, but his mother wasn't looking at him anymore. She was looking behind him.

A Drop Of The Ocean - ( Percy Jackson Fanfiction)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now