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That is sooo not what Triton looks like," Percy muttered from his spot on the couch where he was sitting with Estelle snuggled up to his side watching The Little Mermaid. "He's definitely more green...and fishy."

"Shh," Estelle shushed him by putting her little fingers over his lips. Percy growled and pretended to bite her fingers, which caused her to dissolve into giggles for about the hundredth time that day.

Percy grinned, obviously satisfied, and let Estelle watch her movie in peace after a pointed glare from Sally. It was a miracle Sally even let him watch the movie with his sister. Annabeth could still hear Percy's angry yells when Estelle wanted to watch Hercules last summer when the family visited them in California.

"Always causing trouble," Sally sighed, though she was smiling at the scene in her living room.

"He loves her so much," Annabeth murmured. She was transfixed, like she usually was when it came to Percy. It wasn't a lovesick feeling, just...feeling. Sometimes it didn't even make sense to her that she could feel so much for one person. That she'd felt that for so many years and it only intensified.

"I don't think Percy knows how to do things small," Percy's mom said with a quiet laugh. She tied a bow around a package addressed to Paul and held it out to inspect her work.

Annabeth sighed and looked at the ribbon in her hands. She was supposed to be helping Sally wrap presents but she kept getting distracted. At least the distraction was her husband and not something silly. Oh, never mind,she thought as she tossed the ribbon down and rested her chin in her hand.

"Do you want to take a break? Go for a walk?" Sally asked quietly.

"Yes." Annabeth nodded and stood up quickly, casting a glance at Percy and heading to the door. "Please."

Sally gave her a small smile and followed Annabeth, both of them grabbing their coats. "We'll be back soon," she told Percy and Estelle. "Try not to blow up any toilets, okay?"

Percy rolled his eyes. "You're no fun," he replied. Percy winked at Annabeth and she forced a smile, mouthing love you before following his mom out the door.

They were nearly two blocks away from the apartment when Sally finally spoke.

"How long have you known?" She asked. Her voice was quiet, but the question was loaded.

Annabeth took a deep breath, not really knowing how to answer. How long had she known her life was about to change in a huge way? Was she even ready for it to happen? Would she ever be?

"For sure?" Annabeth took a deep breath and then let out a little laugh "Like, a day? I didn't feel well when we got to camp and I was talking to Chiron and...I guess it all just started to make sense. I've been feeling off for a while, but I just thought it was finals. I haven't, you know, taken a test or anything."

"Well, do you want to?" Sally chuckled and gestured to the store they were now stopped outside of. Annabeth's eyes traveled from the sign to the door, but she shook her head.

"I don't need to." She shrugged and smiled. "I know. It sounds weird, but..." Her words trailed off and Sally offered her a gloved hand. Annabeth took it and let herself be comforted for a moment. She'd never really had comfort from her own mother. Finding Percy and Sally had been the greatest blessing of her life.

A Drop Of The Ocean - ( Percy Jackson Fanfiction)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now