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Annabeth stood and handed Jason off to his father, who pressed another kiss to his head before placing him back in the crib. They left again, both of them knowing it would only be a couple of hours before he was awake once more.

"I'm going to work on some things, if you want to go to bed," Annabeth turned toward the kitchen. Percy followed, watching her prepare to make a pot of coffee.

He reached into the cabinet and pulled down two mugs.

"I'll watch, if that's okay with you," he said quietly. She rewarded him with a small smile.

"Piper stopped by today," Annabeth told him as the coffee brewed. Percy sighed and leaned against the counter next to her. She rested her head on his shoulder. "She seemed good. Jason was happy to see her."

"Yeah, but he also loves Nico, so..." Percy teased, though his chest felt tight with emotion. He remembered all too well telling Piper that they were expecting and explaining their plans for a name. But Piper was a good friend. And she was Jason's godmother. She was there every step of the way with Annabeth's pregnancy. Piper even went to doctor's appointment when Percy was called away to New York or had emergencies at work.

"He's a good judge of character," Annabeth laughed. "I think Piper is seeing someone."

"Oh?" Percy's eyes widened and Annabeth looked up at him seriously. "Good. I want her to be happy. She deserves to be happy. He- Jason- he'd want her to move on. It's been..."

"Almost six years," she said quietly. Percy reached down and took her hand in his. He lifted it to his mouth and gently kissed her knuckles.

"It feels cruel sometimes. That we get all of this."

Annabeth nodded and turned into him, her arms going around his neck and her lips pressed to his jaw. Percy allowed himself to get lost in the feel of her for a moment before setting his hands on her hips, kissing her forehead, and gently pushing her away.

"Don't you have work to do, Wise Girl?"

"But you've been gone all day," Annabeth pouted.

"Which is when you should have done the work because I wasn't here to distract you," Percy laughed.

"Yeah, but your baby is so cute. But also very needy," she sighed.

Percy placed his hands on his wife's shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "Okay. You get to work, I'll bring you coffee. And if my very cute, your words not mine, kid wakes up in the meantime I'll take care of it."

"With what equipment? You can do a lot of things Percy Jackson, but breastfeeding isn't one of them." Annabeth smirked and he rolled his eyes, knowing full well that she stockpiled milk for long nights or when Percy is at home with Jason.

"Get to work." He turned her around, smacked her butt, and pushed her toward the dining room turned office they'd created.

A Drop Of The Ocean - ( Percy Jackson Fanfiction)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now