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Oh, gods," Percy said suddenly, causing Annabeth to lift her head from his shoulder and glance at him curiously.

"What?" Her eyebrows furrowed. She looked past him, then turned around to glance behind her for monsters.

"I just realized that there's a chance I could have," he gulped and shuddered, "a daughter."

Annabeth laughed and shoved his shoulder before resting her chin there and looking up at him. "Yeah, Seaweed Brain. You could."

"That's a little scary," Percy mused, his eyes on the street in front of them, looking misty.

Beside him, Annabeth scoffed. "Are you kidding me? You are amazing with Estelle."

"It's different," he said softly.

"I don't think so. I know it's not. You love her. You protect her...the way you love people, Percy..."

He turned to her, his green eyes glinting with the hint of a smile. She sighed and leaned into him to kiss his cheek.

"I guess I can be pretty intense, huh?"

"You're perfect." Annabeth reached up and tucked Percy's hair behind his ear. She rested her hand on the side of his neck and allowed herself a moment to get lost in his smile.

" this a bad time?" Will's voice interrupted their quiet moment and they both turned to see him and Nico standing below them on the steps. Percy reached up to take Annabeth's hand from his neck and laced their fingers together, grinning widely.

"Nope," Percy replied.

"We brought dessert," Nico shifted awkwardly on his feet and held out a covered dish. "I mean, we didn't cook it. The nymphs gave it to us."

Percy smiled and stood, pulling Annabeth with him. "Great, let's get it to my mom so she can spend twenty minutes on where to arrange it just right on the table."

Will laughed as he and Nico followed them up the stairs and into the building, his eyes on Percy and Annabeth's intertwined hands and the way Percy's body was curved protectively toward her.

A Drop Of The Ocean - ( Percy Jackson Fanfiction)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now